Jason looked at her, as she started swimming laps again, this time above water.

"So your camp taught archery?" Jason asked, as he just relaxed in the pool.

"Yep. Though, I was banned from it," Percy said, not bothering to hide the smirk.

"Why?" Jason asked, not sure if he should be impressed, or concerned.

"My first lesson, I was aiming at the target in front of me, down a few yards.  When I released the arrow, it ended up behind me, almost hitting the guy teaching me. I stuck with swords. Apparently, I took to sword fighting like a fish to water," Percy said, laughing at her pun.

"So don't let you near any bows and arrows, got it. But Damian knows his way around a katana, which he's been trained how to use since he could hold one," Jason said.

"I could tell. He has the callouses and scars from blades of some sort," Percy said.

"You're observant, too?" Jason asked.

"It's kept me alive this long, surprisingly," Percy said with a sigh, as she stopped swimming and sat on that one step at the deep end of the pool.

"Sounds rough," Jason said.

"Yeah, but can't change it, so I just adapt," Percy said.

"How'd you get the grey streak?" Jason asked.

Percy raised an eyebrow, "how'd you get yours?"

Jason looked at her, with a glare, and she held his gaze, not even flinching.

"Fine, you don't have to answer," Jason said.

Percy smirked, "that doesn't seem like a 'first time meeting you' type of question anyway."

Jason chuckled, "fair enough. Can I ask you something?"

"You already have," Percy couldn't help but respond.

"Hardy har har.  But seriously, why didn't you just stay with your dad, why your uncle, not that we mind," Jason asked.

"I've only met my father a handful of times. I can count all of the times on one hand, and the first time we met, he told me I was a mistake, his wrongdoing. He didn't want me. The second time, was to get my half brother, and let him stay at his place, wherever that is," Percy said, with a shrug. She'd come to terms that she'd never please her father, and she stopped caring.

"Needless to say, you don't get along," Jason said.

"Not at all," Percy said.

Percy looked over to the door, right before Alfred walked in, "Master Jason, do you want me to set up your old room for you?"

"Nah, I'll head out soon, Alfred. Just wanted to get to know Percy a little, before the others get in the way," Jason said.

Percy snorted, she figured he just wants to be able to say he knew it first.

Alfred smiled, and nodded, "alright. Get home safe, Master Jason. Miss Percy, will you need help getting back to your room?"

"No, Alfred. I know the way," Percy said.

"Good for you. Have a good night, as well. I'm going to get some sleep myself," Alfred said, then with a nod, he left the room.

Jason looked at Percy, "you already know your way around?"

"More or less. I memorized the way from my room to here, since I'll probably spend most of my time here, or the gym, which Alfred said he'd show me tomorrow," Percy said.

"Gym?" Jason asked.

"I'd like to keep my skills sharp, plus, it helps," Percy said with a shrug, not looking at him.

"Well, if it works, right?" Jason said, seeing her uncomfortable with this line of conversation.

"Right," Percy said, with a smile.

"So you're observant. What did you notice about all of us at dinner?" Jason asked, looking genuinely curious.

"Damian knows how to use blade, which you confirmed, a katana, and is trained in some way, if he finds it necessary to not show emotion. Tim is an insomniac, and constantly looking at some type of screen. And had an additional cup of coffee under the table, aside from the one on the table. You had a gun in your coat pocket, and have a black eye that's mostly healed. You've also experience something traumatic, if the grey streak is anything to go by, and what my other senses tell me. Dick is a police officer, and has bruised knuckles he was trying to hide, which means either he punched you in the face, or he does something outside of being a cop. However, because his bruised knuckles were newer than your healing black eye, it's most likely the latter. Bruce was wearing makeup when he picked me up, only around his nose, most likely it was broken and he's trying to hide it, along with some bruised or broken ribs, which is why he didn't swim around or anything while in the pool. This all tells me that you guys are trained at something, in some way," Percy said, looking straight at the man.

"What about Alfred?" he couldn't help but ask.

"Alfred is like a grandfather to all of you, even if you don't get along with the others. He loves his job, even though he has enough knowledge and training, not the same as yours, to do something that pays more, but he doesn't. He wants to stay here," Percy said.

Jason stared at her with his jaw dropped, "all of that from a few hours?"

"Like I said, it's kept me alive," Percy said, again with a shrug.

"What do you mean you sense trauma in me? We've all experienced something traumatic in this house," Jason said.

"Do you honestly want me to answer that, and can you hear the answer without trying to harm me afterward?" Percy said, her eyes narrowed.

"Will you tell me about your streak?" Jason asked.

"I will, as long as you swear not to tell the others, unless I give you permission," Percy said, glaring slightly at him.

"Then yes, I can do as you ask. And I swear not to tell the others," Jason said.

"Swear it on the River Styx," Percy said.

"I swear not to tell the others what you tell me about the streak in your hair, and not to harm you for your answer, on the River Styx, unless given permission from you," Jason said.

Thunder rumbled in the distance.

"I can sense you've died before, I've had two friends who had as well," Percy said, "so I know how it feels to be near someone who's been resurrected before."

Jason stares at her.

"What?" he eventually asked, after staring at her for a good while.

"Yeah. I had a cousin who was killed, and we accidentally brought her back to life, while trying to fix the tree that grew over her. And another cousin of mine drowned, but her half brother showed up with her one day, alive," Percy said.

"Where are they now?" Jason asked, not sure how to honestly react.

"One was killed last week, no resurrection this time. But the other two cousins are both still alive," Percy said.

She released a small huff, it's hard trying explain things without giving names.

"So I'm not upset, confused, but not upset. However, I'm rather impressed too. But what was with the thunder after I swore that oath?" Jason asked.

"The thunder tells me it was accepted," Percy said.

"So what happens if I break it?" Jason asked.

"Well, breaking an oath on the River Styx are said to lead to a fate worse than death, so chose wisely," Percy said.

"That's one way to protect your secrets," Jason said with a scowl.

"Yes, yes it is," Percy said, with a smirk.

"So what about your streak?" Jason asked.

"Well, the human body doesn't like extreme strain. And I was doing something that should have honestly killed me, and it didn't. As it tried, my hair turned grey, as a result," Percy said.

"And when do I get the unabridged version?" Jason asked.

"When I haven't known you for less than a day," Percy said, "plus, I'm not asking for your life story, don't ask for mine."

"Fair enough. At least you didn't die. That was something Bruce worried about," Jason said, with a roll of his eyes.

"I didn't die to get the grey streak, that's correct. And you can tell Bruce how I got it, if he asks. But nothing else," Percy said.

Jason nodded, "it's not like he'd ask himself."

Percy snorted, "I know. That's why you're here. I'm not stupid. Even though your own curiosity is probably why you actually asked, considering it doesn't look like you get along all that well with Bruce."

"Fair enough. For all that I am angry at him, and Replacement," Jason said.

"Tim, right? Damian is Bruce's blood son, if I'm not mistaken," Percy said.

"Damn. You're way too observant for your own good," Jason said.

"No, I just like knowing what I'm walking into," Percy said, trying to hide a smirk.

Jason chuckled, "fair. And as interesting as this conversation has been, I do need to head to my apartment," he said, as he pulled himself out of the pool and grabbed a towel.

"Have a good night, Jason," Percy said, then returned to her laps.

Jason dried off, and also left, giving Percy one more glance before he left.

Percy didn't notice the glance, though she sensed him pause.

After swimming a few more laps, Percy looked at the door, then dove under the water, down to the bottom. She sighed, and just relaxed down there. Even though her mind started to wander, she enjoyed the comfort being in water gave her; not related to her father. Water was just soothing.

After a good hour, she came up, and got out. She willed her self dry, then made her way inside. Then she went to her bedroom and showered, making sure not to look at the mirror. Afterward, she went to bed.
