Percy landed in front of the building that she had been studying for the past week.
She had just finished the details over the past three days.

She nodded at Blackjack, and the loyal Pegasus took off.

She took Riptide out and ran into the shadows of the building.

She stopped when she saw her uncle fighting the Joker, and get knocked out.

The Joker's eyes flashed a deep red, black, and gold before her uncle fell.

She went over to her uncle carefully, to not get caught, and knelt by him.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Bruce, but I won't let them kill you too," Percy said. She vapor traveled him home quickly, before getting back. She tucked behind a stack of boxes in the room that she had remembered seeing in a dream, and watched the scene in front of her

Her cousins were a bit beat up, chained up. The dagger she gave Jason was thrown across the room.

"Where did you get that dagger, anyway, Red Hood?" Dick asked.

"Why was that the only thing hurting those things?" Tim asked.

"He probably got it from a certain demigoddess, am I right?" Joker asked, walking back in the room.

Jason didn't say anything.

"What do you mean demigoddess?" Dick asked.

"You already know what I'm talking about. But we're just waiting for a guest, then we can get this started," Joker said, then he walked out of the room laughing hysterically.

Percy moved over to the dagger and picked it up. Then she made her way to her hiding spot again.

The four boys were busy arguing about how to get out, when they heard a shout.


He stormed back into the room and looked at the four still tied up, "where is she?"

"Who?" Dick asked.

"Persephone Jackson, where is she. She's bound to be here by now, if I can't find her mortal uncle," Joker said.

"Tch, and you aren't mortal?" Damian asked.

Joker grinned at the boy, and his eyes flashed that red, black, and gold color, "you tell me."

He stormed out of the room, leaving the group alone again.

"What's going on here?" Tim asked.

"Hey, Hood. Where's your knife?" Tim asked, looking at the area the knife had laid.

Percy made her way over and tucked the knife back in Jason's hand, before removing all of their bindings.

"Let's move," Percy said, after they were all stable on their feet.

"What are you doing here?" Dick asked.

"Keeping you guys alive. Now, move it," Percy said, motioning to the door.

Jason nodded, and started to walk quickly and quietly.

"What's the plan?" Tim asked, as they all started walking.

"Get you guys out of here. Mortals don't deal with this stuff, and I'm not going to have the added concern of keeping you guys alive while I fight a primordial," Percy said.

"And the other monsters?" Dick asked.

It was just their luck that the Minotaur found them at that moment.

"I've been fighting these things since I was twelve," Percy said, as she charged at the creature.

Jason kept looking around, as Percy fought the beast. He held his dagger out and watched for other monsters.

Percy quickly dispatched the Minotaur into gold dust and the group continued to move.

"PERSEPHONE JACKSON?!" Joker's scream sounded throughout the entire building.

"Styx, run," Percy said, staying behind them.

Percy only then noticed they were all holding their ribs.

"Broken ribs. Okay, run now, pain later," Percy said, dragging them along.

"Perce, we're here," Will said running in.

"Great. Broken ribs, and probably a concussion or two. Not sure what else there may be. Get them out of here," Percy said, looking at her cousins with relief.

"And what about you?" Dick asked.

"I'll be fine. Will has everything he needs to heal you. And got in contact with Alfred earlier today," Percy said.

Nico looked around, "Percy, incoming." He said, holding out his sword.

"Will, medical attention, get them back to their cave. They know where it's at," Percy said.

"Wait, where is Bruce?" Dick asked.

"I found him unconscious when I got here. He's already back at the cave, with Alfred," Percy said.

"Alright, let's go. Those two got this. And I need to be on standby when Percy's done with everything," Will said, ushering then along.

"No, we should stay and help," Tim said.

"You have broken ribs, a slightly twisted ankle, and might be concussed. You're not going to last long, and these creatures are told to kill you," Will said.

"Why?" Jason asked.

"To get to Percy. She needs you safe in order to focus, so we will be helping her by getting out of here," Will said.

Dick sighed, "he's right. Let's go. We can always come back after we're healed up a bit."

Jason didn't say anything, but nodded along in agreement.

"How are we getting out of here?" Damian asked.

"We brought some rides," Will said.

Nico joined them shortly after, "move it."

His tone booked no room for argument, and the group started to move.

They got outside, and saw five Pegasi waiting for them.

"Holy shit," Jason and Duck muttered.

"Get on one, each of you," Nico said.

"Dick, you're going to provide instructions to get us back to the cave," Will said.

"Will, Percy told me to give this to you," Nico said, holding out a book.

"I'll need it," Will said, grabbing it. Nico and he got on the same Pegasus. Nico was guiding, while Will pulled out his bow and arrows.

"Where did those even come from?" Tim asked.

"Magic. Now let's go," Will said, as he knocked a bow and got ready to start shooting.

As they took off, they saw a flock of weird birds heading towards them.

"Anyone got anything to make a lot of noise?" Will asked, as he shot at the birds. They started to go down one by one, but were quickly catching up.

Dick pulled out some metal boomerangs he had and started banging them together.

"What are those?" Tim asked.

"Stymphalian Birds," Nico said.

"Man eating birds," Damian added.

Nico looked at him, "yes."

Will shot down the last three with one arrow, and continued to watch the skies for anymore attacks.

"He puts Green Arrow to shame," Jason said, with a whistle.

"Apollo's my dad. One of his domains is archery," Will said.

"Down that way," Dick said, pointing to the entrance of the cave.

"Great. Let's go," Nico said, diving down towards it. When they landed, Alfred was there, waiting.

"Mister Nico, Mister Will, glad to see you both again. Sorry it's under such circumstances," Alfred said.

"You and me both, Alfred," Nico said.

"Show me your set up. These four need some attention as well," Will said, getting off the Pegasus, and motioning everyone inside.

"Where is Miss Percy?" Alfred asked.

"Still there. Which is why I need to go, and to bring her back. Will, figure out why she needed to give you that book," Nico said.

"You know I will, Neeks. Don't die," Will said, before he went into full medic mode, and started working on everyone, with Alfred's help.

"Why did Percy stay there alone?" Alfred asked, after everyone was treated, and resting.

"Let's find out," Will said, pulling out the book. He opened it, and saw many detailed plans on how to deal with the pit.

"She's been writing in that all week. What is it?" Jason asked.

"Plans. There are multiple different plans here, to deal with what's been going on. Everything is written out, down to the consequences," Will said.

"What do you mean? How did you guys even get here?" Another voice asked.

"I led them here. They, and Percy, got us out," Dick said, looking at Bruce.

"Where is Percy?" Bruce asked.

No one said anything.

"Where is my niece," Bruce asked again.

"Fighting a possessed Joker," Tim said.

"The being possessing him is after her, this creates less losses, she already had that planned out," Will said, still looking at the book. He had found the plan she is using.

"I need to go help her," Bruce said, forcing himself to stand up.

"No, she brought you here, unconscious. You will stay and rest for a bit longer. Nico's with her," Alfred said.

"She's my niece. I can't let her be killed," Bruce said.

"And she won't let you be killed," Will said. Looking at the plan to keep them in the batcave.

"What do you mean?" Jason asked, looking over his shoulder. Even though he couldn't read any of it.

"She actually wrote a plan out to keep you guys here," Will said.

"She planned everything?" Bruce asked.

"She's been head of two wars, and several quests and battles. Her mind is similar to that of a child of Athena's," Will said.

"Look, we won't get involved, but can we go incase she needs the backup," Jason asked.

Will and Alfred shared a look, "fine. But if any of you move a muscle to go help her, I will knock all of you out." Will said.

"And I'll help," Alfred added.

The group stepped back a little, but quickly grabbed their stuff and went back to the Pegasi.

Bruce and Alfred took the Batmobile, that was called back to base earlier.

They arrived and saw Nico fighting a bunch of girls.

"Why's he fighting cheerleaders?" Bruce asked, getting ready to step in and stop him.

Will looked at them, and saw some were a bit confused. He raked three fingers over their chest, and watched as they tensed up at what they were seeing now.

"What are those things?" Bruce asked.

"Empousa. Don't engage with them, all of these monsters are set to kill you, to get to Percy. We are going to stay in the air on the Pegasi," Will said, knocking an arrow.

He shot it at an incoming Fury, and it blew into dust.

"Alright. It's safer to land now," Will said.

The group landed, and Nico walked over.

"Why aren't you going into help Percy?" Bruce asked.

"Because, her plans work. We don't mess with them," Will said, glaring at his boyfriend.

"He's right. She has this covered," Nico said.

Bruce relaxed slightly, but not by much. His niece was fighting a possessed madman.

"Alright. Back in the air, Nico, with me," Will said.

Just as they lifted off the ground, the entire ground shook, and the building collapsed.

"PERCY!?" Everyone shouted.
