Percy was walking around with her sword in her hand, and a strange mask on her face, looking for something. She heard some voices that sounded familiar to her.

She found four people dressed in strange costumes trying to get out of chains.

"We need to get out of here, Nightwing," the youngest said.

Percy recognized that voice. It was Damian. She quickly named all of them as Dick, Tim, and Jason, and quickly moved into the shadows.

She sensed people coming, and stayed where she was.

She saw the guy in the red helmet tense, she figured Jason had some thing in common with the creepy clown.

"We are just waiting for one more guest tonight," the clown said.

"Batman will save us," the voice, Percy recognized at Tim, said.

The clown simply laughed, "I don't care about the Bat," he said, and walked out of the room, not noticing Percy.

However, Percy saw a glint of yellow, before he walked out.

Percy made her way to behind each of them, and broke the restraints.

"Who are you?" Nightwing asked.

"The other guest," the clown said, walking back inside. The grin on his face made Percy shiver a little. It was familiar.

Percy woke up with a gasp. She looked at herself and relaxed a little, no injuries.

She looked around the room, and saw that everyone was looking at her.

"I'm good. I woke up before anything happened," Percy said, before forcing herself to relax, and eat popcorn and drink water.

"You sure?" Nico asked.

"Yeah. It's not a big deal right now," Percy said.

"You sure?" Will asked, again, which made everyone look between the blonde and Percy.

"Yes. We can discuss it at a different time," Percy said, knowing Will felt something off about her original statement. But it wasn't a lie, it is important, but not at that moment.

Will nodded, "alright."

Everyone relaxed as the last five minutes of the movie played, and Nemo saved all of the tuna that were being caught in the fisher net.

As the credits rolled, Alfred came in and said lunch was ready.

Everyone got up and went to the table, as Alfred led the way.

They sat down and enjoyed a quiet lunch, though everyone kept glancing at Percy.

She was aware of the glances, as she ate her food. She quickly finished and grabbed her plate and brought it to the kitchen.

Once she was out of the room, Nico and Jason looked at Will.

"She wasn't lying about her dream. But she's not being completely honest either. I think she wants to not focus on that stuff for the rest of the day. She did get forced to reveal a lot today," Will said.

The two nodded, and let the matter rest.

Percy came back with a plate of cookies, and a new water bottle.

She ate a few cookies, then left the rest for the others.

"So what are we going to do now?" Jason asked.

"There's the pool, and the training room. It has a rock wall," Percy said.

Will and Nico shared a looks, then looked at Percy and Jason, "training room." The pair spoke in unison.

Jason snorted, and got up to show them the way.

When they got there, the two demigods looked around with wide eyes.

"It's not bad," Will said.

Jason looked at them like they were insane.

Percy laughed at the expression, then explained, "you can't beat camp."

Jason nodded at the explanation.

Jason watched as the three took to the rock wall, scaling it in record times, and back down.

The two cousins were sparing when Tim and Damian got back home. Will had joined Jason with a friendly bet on who was going to win.

Damian and Tim joined them in the training room, glad that it was Friday.

"Damian, Tim, this is Nico, my cousin, and his boyfriend, Will," Percy said, pausing the soaring match between her and Nico.

"They know how to fight too?" Tim asked.

"Yeah. Better chance of living if we can defend ourselves," Will said.

Tim and Damian looked at the three with concerned, and narrow eyes.

But Nico and Percy went back to sparing.

Jason and Will were watching the pair with similar expressions.

Damian looked from the two watching, to the two sparing. Tim could practically see when Damian figured something out, as his eyes widened, and he started to gape at them. However, his expression was quickly cooled, and more neutral. As if he didn't figure out anything.

Tim dragged Damian away, and waited for him to explain what just happened.

"Jason cares for Percy," Damian said, still not able to completely believe it.

Tim was much the same, "you're sure?" he asked.

"Yes," Damian said.

Tim blew out a puff of air, "alright. But we leave it be. We have enough on our plate, right now," he said.

"Right. Let's go get changed and train with them," Damian said, "maybe they can use a sword too."

The two quickly changed, and rejoined the group in the training room.

"Oh, Nico, Damian knows how to fight with katanas," Percy said, seeing her younger cousins rejoin them.

"Really?" Nico asked.

"Yeah, he's good, too," Percy said.

"Yeah, he almost beat Percy," Tim said.

"No, I didn't. She was going easy," Damian said.

"There was one guy who would be able to beat her, and he taught her," Will said.

Percy sighed, "yeah. He still died a hero." Then she shook her head to get rid of the memories that were trying to flood her brain, and looked around the room.

"Percy, you good?" Will asked, him and Jason stood up.

"Yeah. I think I'm going to go swim," Percy said, then she left the room. They heard a splash, as she jumped into the pool.

The group shared a look.

"Something isn't right, obviously," Nico said, pursing his lips.

"Yeah. Ever since she fell asleep, she's been off. But this is a bit different than that," Jason said.

"How so?" Will asked.

"She was cautious, like she was prepared for an attack, or something like that. Now, she's just tense, like she's trying to stop herself from doing something," Jason said.

"I think she's fighting a flashback," Nico said.

"She has flashbacks?" Tim asked.

"Yeah, she's been through a lot," Nico said, looking in the direction his cousin went, with a frown on his face.

"She did go and tell people their kid was dead," Damian said.

"How do you know that?" Nico asked, narrowing his eyes.

"One of them was where Bruce was at, so he knows, and the way she acted was a giveaway," Damian said, rolling his eyes.

"I'm going to go check on her," Nico said, his jaw was clenched as he walked out of the room.

"Why's he angry?" Jason asked.

"He didn't think Percy should have been telling the parents their kids died, it should have been Chiron, or the child's other parent," Will said.

Jason nodded, "he's not wrong. She's already grieving, why make it worse, as she sees the parents' reactions? She already blames herself, that would just make it worse."

"Yeah, and they chose to ignore that logic," Will said.

Tim and Damian felt a bit like they were intruding, though it was clear to both of them that Jason knew more than they thought.

Nico and Percy came back to the training room, both of them holding their swords.

Everyone tensed, as Percy ran at Nico.

Will went to help, as did Jason, and Damian. Damian grabbed his katana, and Jason just went to try to restrain her.

Tim went to get Alfred, since Bruce wasn't back yet.

"What's going on?" Jason asked.

"She's having a flashback. I think she's been trying to fight it for a while," Nico said.

"The evaluations probably didn't help," Will said, followed by a grunt, as he got kicked away from them.

"She was so holding back when she spared with me," Damian said, as he blocked a strike.

"She's taught younger, she's pretty good at it," Nico said.

"How young?" Damian asked.

"I think six," Will said, as he moved the kid out of the way, as Percy ran at him.

Tim came back with Alfred, who looked at the entire scene.

"Miss Percy, you need to stop," Alfred said.

Percy looked around and blinked, before collapsing from lack of sleep and physical strain.

"Why are you wet?" Jason asked.

"She was originally in the pool," Nico said, looking down at his drenched clothes.

Jason, Will, and Alfred nod in understanding, all aware of the demigoddess's water abilities.

Tim brought him a towel from the cupboard in the room with the pool.

"Where should we bring her?" Tim asked.

"The pool," Nico, and Will said.

Jason picked up the unconscious girl, and carried her to the pool room.

"Just drop her in the water," Will said.

"What?! Why?" Tim asked, since everyone followed.

"It will wake her up," Nico said.

Jason looked at the two demigods, who both nodded, he sighed, and dropped her in the pool.

Percy's eyes snapped open as soon as she hit the water.

She swam up, and looked at everyone, "what happened?"

"Flashback, Perce," Will said, kneeling next to the water.

"At least I went longer without one, this time," Percy said, as she dragged herself out of the pool.

"That's good," Will said, nodding his head.

"How was school?" Percy asked the two younger members of the family.

"Boring. But not bad," Tim said.

"Not bad, but it sucks knowing more than almost everyone there," Damian said.

Percy nodded, "sounds about right," she said with a smile.

"I'll have a snack brought out for you all, give me a minute or two," Alfred said, leaving the room.

"I want to know how he just said for you to stop, and you did," Nico said.

"His voice was new, in a way," Percy said, remembering the butler's voice cutting through her flashback.

Will nodded. She hasn't been around him for a while, though, she had been around the three of them all day, and Damian didn't really talk much, just tried to keep her distracted.

"You guys are demigods," Damian said.

Four people tensed at the statement.

"How do you know about demigods?" Will asked.

"Bruce is friends with one of them, plus the League managed to find one or two, before," Damian said.

"Is it Dianne?" Percy asked.

"You know her?" Tim asked.

"She's our cousin, and we are pissed at her," Nico said.

"Why? She's pretty nice," Tim said.

"Nice people don't let twelve year olds fight in wars, or let teenagers lead them," Percy said, with gritted teeth.

"Wars?" Tim asked.

"Yes," Nico said, glaring at the two.

"If you tell Bruce, I'll make you regret it," Jason said, glaring at the two of them.

"Why can't we tell Bruce?" Tim asked.

"My mom was killed because of that part of my life, as was my step dad, and little sister, so do not tell Bruce. Or I will get someone to make you forget about it," Percy said.

"I swear it on the River Styx," Damian said, meeting Percy's eyes.

Percy relaxed, "thank you. I'll tell him in time. I don't even want to be talking about it right now."

"So, let's go watch another movie. I think we need a break from sparing," Will said, ever the doctor.

The group went to the kitchen on the way, Alfred gave them cookies to snack on, while he made dinner.

"Miss Percy, are your guests staying for dinner?" Alfred asked.

"We will stay, but we will probably leave shortly after. It's a long way back to camp," Will said, after looking at Nico.

Percy smiled, "thanks for coming out today."

"Always, Perce," Nico said, smirking at his cousin.

"What movie?" Tim asked.

After watching the movie Home, Alfred called the group to dinner, including Bruce.

"So how was everyone's day?" Bruce asked.

"It was good. We watched a few movies, spared in the gym, and then relaxed before dinner," Percy said, not giving anyone a chance to talk.

"And what are your names again?" Bruce asked, looking at the two guests.

"Nico, and I'm Will," Will said, smiling at Percy's uncle.

"Alfred tells me, you two will be leaving after dinner?" Bruce asked.

"Yes. We need to return to camp," Will said.

"It's a bit dangerous in Gotham, maybe leave in the morning?" Bruce asked.

"We only got permission to be here for the day. So after dinner, we will be leaving," Nico said, glaring at Bruce.

Bruce sighed, "just be safe."

"Don't worry, Mr. Wayne, we will be," Will said.

"Good. How was school, boys?" Bruce asked Tim and Damian.

"Boring, as usual," Damian said.

"Not too bad, today," Tim said.

"What about you, Dick?" Bruce asked.

"It was a slow day, which is good. A few muggings, but nothing too big," Dick said.

"That's good," Bruce said, with a nod.

Percy and Nico looked over at the door, as Alfred walked in, "boys, there's a Coach Hedge here for you?" he asked.

Percy raised an eyebrow, at her cousin.

"Will wouldn't let me do both trips," Nico said with a blush.

Percy chuckled, "stay safe, you two."

"We will. And I'll ask my dad about those nightmares you've been having," Nico said, switching to Ancient Greek.

"Don't look too hard. I think it will be remedied soon," Percy said, also in Ancient Greek.

"Your dream earlier?" Will asked, joining the conversation in Ancient Greek.

"Yeah. It doesn't involve demigods, which is good. But it was a demigod dream," Percy said, still conversing in Ancient Greek.

"We will help you," Nico said.

"No, if anyone from camp, or demigod related wise helps, I'll surrender," Percy said, glaring at her cousin.

Will puts a hand on Nico's shoulder, "if you need help, we will be there, okay?" he said, appeasing both sides, and stoping the about to be argument.

Percy nodded, "stay safe, guys."

"Have a good night, guys. See you all around," Will said, smiling at the very confused bunch that had watched them.

"See ya," Nico said, then he left the room. Will sighed, and followed after him.
