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And now for 9 OC's that I have added to my story. They could either be spectacular additions to the story, or they could be as annoying as Mary Sues or even worse than that. Well, it's my story but I'll try not to make them overwhelming.

OK, so here are the 9 characters; The Pixies:

Aura, Pixie of Sensitivity
Spunky, Pixie of Action
Bella, Pixie of the Muse
Reema, Pixie of Healing
Brawn, Pixie of Strength
Gourmet, Pixie of Delicacies
Miriam, Pixie of Art
Maylee, Pixie of Combat
Valor, Pixie of Bravery

That's all for now. This have been a lot of fun, though. But what will come next? I will reveal that eventually.
