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Uh, yeah, so Ultimate Story 2 begins with the events that take place during Starfox Adventures. I thought of this idea almost immediately after I received the game. I have fallen in love with it as I was playing it and I was formulating a story for it at the time. Around that time, my dad gave me 2 notebooks for story writing as opposed to school because he knew just how much I loved writing stories. I was writing the story in one of those notebooks during my second gameplay through it. That story took me 3 to 4 months to write and it was the first ever story that I have finished. After that, I began to revise the story on the computer with the use of a Microsoft Word program. It was the first time that I have ever revised one of my stories on the computer and let me tell you, it was a lot of fun. I have been enjoying it ever since.

As for the story itself. I did mention something that might anger a lot of Pokeshippers and Krystal lovers. Unfortunately for both, Fox and Misty fall in love with each other. I know all of those fans are gung ho about Misty being with Ash and Fox being with Krystal and believe me, I wanted to go with the original ideas, but sometimes, my imagination would have plans of its own. Also, my brother came up with the idea and thought it worked out a lot better than the original ideas. At first, I was very resistant towards the idea, but overtime, I grew into it and incorporated it into my story. As for Krystal? Don't worry, Krystal fans, she is NOT dead. In fact, she becomes a very, very important character to the story. Her personality is also a lot more well-defined in the story than in the games. She becomes like a mediator of sorts and a caring motherly character to the members in the story. She also has a few unique abilities that I have spent a lot of time brain storming and trying to figure out.

Her relationship with Fox is also very different. In fact, in the story, they are brother and sister. Sorry, I know you're all for them being a couple, but I just couldn't do it. I felt guilty for not having them be together and I wanted to make her an important person to Fox, so I decided to make her his long lost older sister just to deal with the guilt. ( Why older sister? Because I said so!) It's just an ongoing conflict that I have been dealing with for a very, very long time. My ideas tend to take on a life of their own and having to live with them constantly bothering me can be a huge hassle, so I did what I had to do. This is just how I am. You can disagree with me all you like; I will stay by my decisions regardless of what anyone says. You don't have to follow my work if you don't like my ideas. It is what it is and I can't change it for anyone.
