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OK, time for me to get on with talking about a few more important characters in my story. The first one that I will talk about is Riley Daring. If you remember the Replacements, then you should know who Riley is. She is a young girl who brags about being slightly above average (although, I think she may be smarter than that). She and her brother, Todd, were orphans living in an orphanage until they saw an ad for a company called Fleemco, a company that can replace anyone that their clients dislike for someone who may be better. They sent away a $1.98 and received unlimited free service from Fleemco and the first thing they asked from them was to replace their deceased parents. They received a British super-spy named Agent K for a mom and a dare-devil airhead named Dick Daring for a dad. They live in an unknown town where Todd and Riley began having average lives, with the exception of having phones with the Fleemco buttons that enable them to call up Fleemco and replace anyone that they didn't like, make their lives miserable or are just stupid and never do anything right for them with people that would make things better for them. (I'm beginning to understand why I like this show so much; because it also has a lot of ridiculous ideas)

The show, itself is ridiculous and it's a bit of botched comedy, but I added it to the story because I like Riley Daring. She reminds me so much of a few characters in my story that I like very much, such as Lisa. In my story, Fox crashed near her town where she found him injured. She tried to take him to the hospital but they refused to help him because they hate Cornerians and, wouldn't you know it, so does the entire town that she lives in. Also, they're part of a HAAC area. So she had the entire hospital staff of said hospital replaced with an entire staff of doctors, nurses and physicians who not only know how to treat Cornerians but would also love to help them recover. (Oh, perfect, how fitting for a ridiculous idea to be part of such a ridiculous show) Sure enough, after a brief stay at the hospital full of the newly replaced staff, Fox made a full recovery and contacted his friends to find him and retrieve him, so until then, he decided to stay with Riley and her family until they come for him.

During their time together, Fox became fast friends with Riley as she reminded him so much of a few of his other friends. Riley was very much happy to befriend him. Agent K and Dick Daring were also very pleased to meet him, but Todd hated Cornerians and was immediately insulting and unfriendly towards Fox.

So, yadda, yadda, yadda, blah, blah, blah, after a brief visit at Riley's home town, he was able to find out that there is a corruption within the town in which the SHAACL had a lot of the people brainwashed into being under the influence of the SHAACL. With the help of Riley Daring and eventually, his friends as they came to his aid, Fox was able to defeat an evil witch who was a loyal subordinate of the SHAACL and free the entire town from his influence, thereby making the people of the town members of the ECA. Fox was able to return home to his friends but he and Riley continued to maintain their friendship and would look forward to seeing each other again.

However....there were a few things that Fox found unusual about her and that was where the start of one of the most important parts of the story begin.

Riley does play a few important roles in the story. I will share them sometime soon.
