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So, as you know, each fighter was given a Keyblade so that they can fight against the Heartless. Each one is design and made based on their unique qualities. It wasn't hard to find some that I thought really worked out for each one. These are some that I am able to reveal for now:

Virgil-Shock Absorber

Robin-The Flying Grayson
Starfire-Green Star
Raven-Dark Claw
Beastboy-The Beast Shifter

Katara-Tides of Hope
Toph-The Blind One Sees All
Zuko-True Honor
Aang-Freedom Glider
Sokka-The Warrior's Club
Suki-The Kyoshi Crest
(Suki joined the team during the second part of US3)

Falco-The Blue Phoenix
Krystal-The Air Vixen
Misty-The Sea Maiden
Fox-Legendary Strength

I will reveal more about my story very soon.
