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There was another about my story that I have been waiting to mention for quite some time. This part of my story was introduced to US2. I was waiting to get my second US2 story, The Stay on Dinosaur Planet, to mention it.

Within my story, the main characters of my story, Fox, Misty, Krystal and Falco, each have their own weapons. Fox, of course, has the magical staff that was originally Krystal's, but she decided to let him keep it. She gets her own weapons, but I will save that for later.

Misty obtains a very unique set of weapons, a pair of aqua blue magical fairy katanas. They are magical swords that were built by Slippy. They were another gift that he made for her. The magical weapons have a few settings to them. They have a dormant setting, to which they take on the appearance of small, oval-shaped objects that attach themselves to the straps of her magical pouch. However, they morph into the magical swords with the use of her own magical powers. The swords themselves will only work from the magical energy that she channels into them, just as Slippy had made them to be, so the weapons will only work for her.

Krystal obtains a pair of magical cuff-links. They were also built by Slippy from studying the magical staff. The cuff-links have very different functions from the staff as they can morph into whatever Krystal wants them to be. She can morph them into a pair iron-fisted gloves, which she likes to call fists of iron, she can also morph them into hand guards and a few other things that I can't think of at the moment. All of this is to increase her strength in fighting since she is not so much of a strong fighter and always require weapons for fighting.

Falco is one idea that I fell in love with and I really, really wanted in my story. He has a pair of nun-chucks that he received during his trip away from the Starfox team for the time that he had spent away from him. He is a capable fighter with the weapon, however, the weapon, itself, consists of compartments that contained tiny bombs that are more lethal than they look. Oh, they were very, very destructive, making them incredibly dangerous to have. Slippy, however, removed the lethal bombs and replaced them with far less lethal bombs that are very helpful, such as smoke bombs and shock pellets, which can unleash electrical energy that can stunt his opponents. There are also explosives, but none that are extremely destructive.

These are the characters standard weapons that they use for fighting. They have other methods, but whenever they need to hold back, they would just use these as well as they more subtle abilities.

There!! I finally mentioned them!! There will be more about my story soon.
