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I have to say, there have been a number of things in my story that I have considered my favorites, even though I created the whole dang thing. Some of them were...more so my Showitious. It's...complicated. But, I have to say, one of my other favorites features involve the element wielders, you know, Earth, Water, Wind and Fire? It's why I made my main characters into element wielders. It's my story, so I don't see why not.

However, during US3, even though a number of the characters that teamed up with the main characters of story, they could not leave their dimension, since their worlds were new to the story and the Mystics were not sure about what to do with the people from those worlds or even if they could leave. But eventually, they were able to have some of them leave their realms and visit other worlds with the help of a few connections to some things outside their realm. One such example were the element wielders. There have been 2 groups that were introduced in US3: the Xiaolin Dragons and the Benders. The main characters were able to obtain special abilities to summon them from outside their realms through the connections established from their shared powers. It was a special little feature that very much became part of my story, but it was a temporary one. You'll find out later.
Obviously, the summoning were as follows:

Fox could summon Toph and Clay because of they're powers over the element Earth
Misty could summon Katara and Omi because of their powers over the element Water
Krystal could summon Aang and Raymundo because they can wield the powers of Wind/Air
Falco could summon Zuko and Kimiko because are their powers over the element Fire

I had to mention that much before I bring up at least one idea in my story that I really want to share. I will mention it soon.
