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Oh! There is something else that I forgot to mention. I have been meaning to talk about this. It involves some ideas that I have for Krystal, everyone's favorite blue vixen.

Now, I did mention in my story that I have her as Fox's sister because he...already has another love interest. Yeah, I know that can be appalling, (believe me, I tried resisting that idea. I hate shipping like you wouldn't believe!!!)

Now then, a lot of people are disappointed that she didn't really receive a lot of character development or even attention by the creators of the game. I believe it was because she was originally supposed to be a character in a game separate from Starfox, with Dinosaur Planet being it's own thing but was forced to incorporating Starfox into it. I feel bad for the original ideas not being used,'s hard for me to feel any resentment towards that since the game helped me out through the worst school year of my life. Well, fortunately, you should not see any of that in my story as I will try to really put a lot of character development the best I can and really make her a memorable character.

Let's start with her powers. I did notice that she was telepathic, however...I didn't find out about that until Starfox Assault. Also, I have put a lot effort into making Misty a telepath of the team, which would have knocked out something about Krystal that would make her unique. Also, I didn't find anything in Starfox Adventures that revealed that she is a telepath. However, I did give her something else I should make her unique.

In my story, there is a very advanced fairy technique in which fairies can read people's hearts and really go deep into what or how they're feeling about particular things, events and people and so on and so forth. This technique is said to be more accurate than reading people's minds. A lot of fairies know how to read mind, but reading hearts is a very, very difficult technique to learn and only a few fairies know how to use this. Misty was taught this technique by Lisa after she went through a very heartbreaking experience.

In the story, Krystal can carry out this very advanced technique. Let me remind you once again that it is a very, very advance technique that only a few fairies are able to learn. However, Krystal is not a magical being of any kind, but rather, a fairy descendant. Also, she is the only known non-magical being that can read people's hearts, with makes her very, very unique. Both she and Misty are able to utilize this power and work as a team.

Another thing about Krystal should always involve character development and specific traits that would make her very memorable. One such example would be when the team was preparing themselves to fight the Shaman Emperor. A few times, Krystal could hear someone cry for help. She was the only one who could hear them. It was eventually reveal that the "someone" crying for help was Nikko, their ancestor who became the Shaman Emperor. She seemed certain that even though they had to fight him, there was a way in which they could save him. Fox, on the other hand, was convinced that Nikko was lost to the Shaman Emperor forever and they had to destroy him. This created a conflict of interest. Don't get me wrong, Fox would have wanted to rescue their ancestor if he knew that there was a way, but he was more so realistic and was willing to accept when something is hopeless whether he wanted to or not. Krystal, however, is very compassionate and is always willing to save others regardless of whether or not it seemed impossible. She would risk everything if it meant that person could be saved. Misty was somewhat caught in the middle. She was also willing to accept that someone couldn't be saved if it was true, but if there was a way to save them, she would help out however she could. This was what brought the 2 girls closer together and Fox couldn't have had it any other way. During the final battle against the Shaman Emperor, they were able to find a way to rescue Nikko and Misty remained true to her word with helping out Krystal in rescuing him.

I know that this isn't everything that all you Krystal fans would have wanted, but at least I tried to make her a better character than the creators ever did. I will talk more about the story whenever I can. So, until then, see ya!
