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OK, it's time to continue the story of Naruto.

So, here's the thing: there are 2 parts to US3. The first part involves rescuing some worlds from the Rifter along with seeking out the different members of the Descendants of Darkness and eradicating their leader [insert real name of DoD leader here]. The second part of the story involving a very...interesting plot.

It all started with the mystic beings sensed out an unusual Dark energy and the main characters were called out to find where it was coming from. They were able to receive intel that it was coming from a dimension that the characters knew all to well: the Dimension of the Jutsu Shinobi; Naruto's home world. The main characters decided gather the members of the Woofoo Alliance and fulfill a promise that they made to their friends within the dimension. They are also joined by Wolf and his cousins Vivian and Elyon. Both girls were more than interested in joining the alliance while Wolf...just wanting no part in it but was willing to fight alongside the heroes.

This is something that will most certainly further the plot in my story. Even more so, something happens to one of the characters; something, very, very important.
