TFP Optimusxartist!reader ~ You're killing me, Prime

The base was silent as the team was out with their human companions, Smokescreen out on a drive, and Ratchet tinkering with his tools, so (y/n) sat there shading in some of her pictures and coloring when she heard soft thumps of peds walked her way till they stopped as her thumb gently rubbed in a shadow she paused and looked up to see Optimus standing there

"Oh. Hey, Optimus." She said unexpecting him

"Hello, (y/n).. I was wondering if you were busy."

"Not really, just adding color. Why?" She asked curiously, the Prime always seemed off doing something important making her wonder why he was still at base. Maybe he needed her help?

"I was wondering if you still needed a model.."

The statement made her blink, did she not hear correctly? Optimus must of seen this and gave a small smile

"You did want to draw me, did you not?" He asked calmly as she stared at him, mouth agape a little surprised

"Yeah- I, uh, wow." She softly chuckled "I just didn't expect you to be so open about it."

He looked at her, a hint of curiousity in his optics but they glanced away "So what should I.."

"Anything. You can do a pose or something or just.. be casual." she shrugged a little

Optimus nodded in understanding but crouched down onto one knee as (y/n) trotted down the stairs with her sketch book and pencil in tow. As she sat on the floor, starting to sketch his frame he stayed in his position the whole time. Optimus didn't mind as he watched how (y/n) worked, her (e/c) eyes grazing his frame absorbing his details and parts before sketching them down. He was so lost in thought he didn't realize she was calling his name

"Optimus.. Optiiimuuss... Prime." She got up and started knocking on his armor "Uh oh.. I hope he didn't glitch.." He heard her mutter but he looked down as she sighed "Ah. There you are. All finished.." She said turning the drawing towards him as his optics grazed the page, she even colored it..

He smiled a little "Its very nice.." He looked at her "How well are you at drawing humans?"

"I'm offended you even had to ask." She said with her head turned away and hand on her chest but in a playful manner as she looked back at him "Please. Drawing humans is much easier than you and I'm very good at them.. Why?" She asked looking up at him as he smiled

"Perhaps I use my holoform."

Her eyes widen a little, he was just full of surprises today.. "Seriously?"

"If you would like a human model." He said

"Come to think of it... I've never really seen your holoform before." (Y/n) blinked

"Very well." He said as he sat back but a male walked over after appearing by the hall, he had blue slicked hair, bright blue eyes, he looked about his mid 30's. He had on a plaid white and red shirt with a flaming jacket on and red pants with black shoes.

"Wow." She smiled a little "You look a lot like your bot form. Color scheme wise.." She said but slightly tilted her head with a soft hum as she admired him

"Something wrong?" He asked glancing down at himself to spot a flaw

"No, not at all.." She said walking over and standing beside him as he was about 6'3 before walking around "I'm doing measurements.." She explained as she looked over his backside before returning infront of him "Your holoforms are always flawless, you should know that by now." She smirked a little as Optimus slightly nodded and walked upstairs as (y/n) followed.

He sat there on the couch as (y/n) stood there drawing him in his holoform.

"How come you're being all open to this now?" (Y/n) asked curiously as she continued sketching

"You were interest in drawing us, who am I to stop you?" He said as she looked up at him a moment "You are very talented, (y/n).. I just hope you be careful of our drawings, the outside world may never know our presence."

She looked up and slightly nodded "Thanks Optimus... And I never let anybody look in these." She said patting the page as she looked back at it "Hardly take it out of the base actually.. So your secret is safe." She smiled a little


A few days after, Optimus was curious to how the other drawings came out as he found the sketch pad under the couch, out of Miko's sight. He stood there in holoform and flipped through while the children were still in school. They'd be getting out soon.

Optimus flipped through the pages, seeing a lot of the Autobots in bot form, and then only a few in their holoform like him, Bumblebee, Arcee and Smokescreen.

Then he stumbled upon a pose he never did for (y/n), sitting on the couch, eyes averted and leg crossed over the other and a hand resting on his knee.

He slightly tilted his head, curious as to why he was positioned that way when he never sat like that. But he finished after hitting blank pages and walked over setting the book down and sliding it under only to hear a soft metallic clank and blinked, he crouched down and looked under to see another small sketchbook and reached under, pulling it out as there was a lock on it but the little lock was unlocked but hung onto the small hooks on the front and back. He took it off and sat on the couch flipping it open to see Bumblebee and Smokescreen standing together in their holoforms, Smokescreen had Bumblebee in a headlock giving him a noogie as Bumblebee slightly leaned forward, hands grabbing at Smokescreen's arm. They were messing around but when did she ever do those? Why did this have a lock on it but the other didn't?

Optimus continued to flip through until he paused to find another picture he definitely never did either...

He sat there on the stairs, a cowboy hat in his hand as he stared at it almost in a questioning manner

But then he flipped to the next page to find what looked like a comic strip of herself and him, she sat there on the couch appearing to be drawing with him looking over her shoulder in his holoform with a small talk bubble near by that said

'You're very talent.'

In the bottom half it was her turned around looking at him with a small smile 'Thanks, Optimus.'

He tilted his head when there was more color around her face. It looked like blush almost..

He flipped the page to see a page had been torn out but stood there staring at the next page as it had faint indents and color marks. What he finally made out was 2 faces, 1 his own and the other was (y/n)'s as he had leaned down closer before the next panel was of them kissing.. Optimus stared at it.

Was that what she wished would happen..?

He closed the sketch book and looked over at Ratchet as he walked in from the hall


He looked over at him "Yes?"

"When the children arrive please inform (y/n) I want to see her."

Ratchet slightly nodded as he watched Optimus walked down the stairs and down the hall with the sketch book.


(Y/n) climbed out of Smokescreen as he transformed

"(Y/n)." Ratchet said as she looked over, showing he got her attention "Optimus wants to see you."

"Ok. Where is he?" She asked

"His room." He said as she nodded and went on her way down the hall, she trotted down to his room. Maybe he wanted more drawings..

As she reached his room she knocked and heard a clear "come in." From behind

She slightly jumped and activated the sensor and walked in with it closing behind her but blinked when she looked around but didn't see the big rig..

"Uh? Optimus..?"

His holoform appeared and approached her "Hello, (y/n).. How was school?"

"Hey.. Uh, it was ok for college.. Why?" She asked a little suspicious. He never questioned how school went.

"I wanted to ask you something."

"Okay.." She said

"It's about this.." He said pulling the sketch book from her line of vision but immediately after her eyes met the cover with the lock dangling from the hook she stared at it a little concerned

"Where did you find that?" She asked but looked at him as he looked right back at her

"I never posed in some of these." He stated

"Yeah well, I freestyle.. After I figure out your body image I can make you look like you're doing a lot of things so where'd you find it? Ive been looking for it." She went to grab it but he moved it from her grasp as she paused and looked at him

He stared at her as he noticed her face getting darker, she went to grab it again but he moved again as she frowned a little looking up at him "I noticed a page was missing. But some of it was on the next page.. Is that how you really feel about me, (y/n)?"

Her face was a bright red as she frowned at him but glanced away "Damn it, Optimus, just give it back!"

"Tell me, (y/n).." He said calmly

"Why would you even care?? I'm just a human.."

He grabbed her chin firmly and raised her head as her eyes watered with frustrated and embarrassed tears as she frowned looking up at him

"Don't assume you know what I think... You are not just a human to me, (y/n).." He said lightly tossing the sketch book to the side

She looked at him "what?"

"What if I told you I felt the same.." He almost whispered but her eyes widen a little as she stared at him, inside his blue eyes hinted something she never seen before.. Love.

He dipped down and gently pressed his lips against hers, his arm wrapped around right below her rear as he lifted her up into his arms wrapping her legs around his torso, she grabbed his shoulders and wrapped her arms around his neck before he pulled away, she stared at him as he looked back with a small smile. (Y/n) was shocked, she never figured Optimus would ever have the slightest feeling towards her.

"I love you, (y/n)."

"You're killing me, Prime..." She said running her fingers through his hair as he looked at her contently
