Bumblebeexchild!reader ~ whatever it takes

I remember getting my first notebook, not even a coloring book just a regular spiral notebook with a pen that had a fuzzy feathered thing at the top though i pulled the feathers out.

I remember going to my first signing class. My first speech therapy session. I thought i was a weirdo.. because that's what all the other kids called me.

Why couldnt i speak? Why must i only make weird, quiet screeching noises? When i did speak... why was it so broken and soft?

Is that why momma left me? Daddy too? Because I wasnt normal?

Y/n sat quiet, the young child sitting alone at the playground while the other children screamed and laughed, running along or spinning on the merry-go-round.

Some would look at her before only laughing harder, no one really liked her as she sat there just watching sadly.

She watched at a mother, father and son approached "mommy, i wanna swing!" The boy cried out, excitedly running for the swing right beside her.

Y/n stared at him a moment as the father walked over to start pushing him as the mom cried out to hold on so she could pull out her camera

She looked at y/n and smiled "sweetie, can you take a picture of us together?"

Y/n stared, a lump forming in her throat as she started trembling before beginning to cry and took off, running away from them and crawling up into a slide to cry her heart out. It wasnt without reason. All she ever asked was to be loved, to have someone to smile at her and pat her head saying things would be ok, things a normal parent would do...

She got none of it.

She cried so hard she fell asleep, by time she woke up she realized she had slid down to the bottom of the slide and shivered at a sudden breeze. The moon was out and only very few people were around, a couple teens but nothing unusual.

She looked around but snuck off, running out of the park just so she wasnt stopped by the teens and bullied by them too.

She rushed off to the diner, running inside though was met by a lone man sitting at the counter and no employees at the front, she looked up at him curiously. He was an older gentleman, a cane leaned into the counter. He sipped on a cup of coffee as he sighed staring into it "ah.. there you are. You had me worried.."

Y/n made a soft squeak as she walked over and clambered up onto the seat next to him.

"He just about kicked me out for not ordering but I said I was waiting for a friend..'" his eyes were empty as his hand slid out across the counter "I heard the sadness in that squeak, speak to me, child.." he said gently

She frowned and looked down, reaching over to touch his hand as he didnt move, she reached in and signed into his hand as his mouth formed a small 'o'. "Dont you worry, dear. I bet you're adorable, someone is bound to pick you up sometime.."

'If you were to see me after getting new eyes Edgar, you would lose your sight immediately, I'm so ugly to look at' she signed into his palm as tears flowed from her cheeks

His brows bunched "Now dont you say such things.. you are beautiful... even if not on the outside then on the inside.."

'But they judge the outside..'

"Sweetheart..." he heaved a heavy sigh as he reached out, she saw what he was doing and helped place his hand on her cheek "Dont you dare let the words of these bullies get to you, you're strong.. you're absolutely stunning, look, you're communicating with an old timer such as myself.. an old.. blind.. going deaf oldtimer.." he said

'Dont say that!' She lightly punched into his other palm making him chuckle softly

"But it's true... no one else will listen to me or give me a second thought but yet you among all the others listen. It takes a wonderful human being to do that.."

She gave a tiny smile as they just communicated and spoke for another hour, though he offered her food at the end of the night, something she snatched immediately.

"One day, little one you will find someone who loves you.. A house and family.. you know I wish I could take you but I'm afraid an elders home is no place for children.." he said with a gentle pat. "Goodnight, y/n.." he said before paying and leaving.

Y/n sighed quietly though left with a full belly as she quietly went out back to search for scraps before heading out to the farthest park out of town and plopping on the bench sadly. She didnt want to relocate but those teenagers and other kids rarely came here, infact hardly anyone comes here.. it was perfect for her to hide out at.


Suddenly she was awoke in the middle of the night as something came crashing down nearby, she jerked up from the bench though quickly went over to see a robot. She blinked up at it, it was yellow and black..

She tilted her head at it, a gesture that it mimicked before looking up as a gunshot rang out, he snatched her up and ran. She could only manage a squeak but panicked when the firing kept going until it was faint.

He stopped and set her down as she fell back but stared up at him with mixed emotions. Did he just save me?

She stared off in the direction where the first shots even came from before looking up at him and giving a thumbs up.

A cracked 'Yeah!' Came from him, it sounded like it came from the radio..

She began signing to him as his big blue optics seemed to widen in curiosity and watched her as she asked if he knew sign.

He seemed confused though did a web search on this combination before it clicked and he signed back something similar.

Her eyes lit up as she asked about him, what he was, his name, where he came from

He had to explain they had to do that later, they were currently on a course of a battlefield. He snatched her up but this time only gave her a small startle as he ran off toward safety. He went to meet up with the other autobots who were just as much fascinated by her as Bumblebee was, which come to find out was his name.

Y/n waved to them all as some awed in fascination and just in general, since she was a child..

"Look at er she's so cute!" A silver mech exclaimed gleefully making her shyly look away as he went to reach for her but Bumblebee slapped his servo away "Cant touch this~" his radio played

Jazz huffed softly at him though watched as she smiled, she would have been giggling like a maniac if not for her voice being gone, these guys were silly..

Ratchet ran scans over her as he came across the conclusion of a 'broken voice modulator' making her tilt her head, something jazz awed to immediately

"Your vocal chords.. something is wrong with them." Ratchet said dumbing it down for the small child.

She glanced down, lightly wrapping her hands around her throat sadly before signing to him that is why she does sign language, she can't speak.

"Ah the poor kid.." the black one muttered gruffly

Her hands felt back to her sides with a small shrug and folded her arms feeling pretty closed off at the moment

Bee ever so gently rubbed his face against her little body, almost like a cat as he clicked softly "I wont let em hurt ya!" His radio cried

Y/n smiled down at him and held him to that.

From that moment on he took her wherever he went, it didn't matter where, he didnt let her get hurt and it stayed that way until the military found out, they tried to take her away, to put her in foster but Bumblebee threw one of the hugest fits. He even threatened the men who dared to lay one more finger on the child as she ran up to him crying, hugging his ankle as he glared down anyone who came near them.

Finally, after 2 whole days his team convinced bumblebee to give her up, to be taken in under witness protection by a nest member and he would have full custody of her. He could see her whenever he wanted and he agreed, trying to get y/n to leave his side was a huge challenge. Bee had to keep reminding himself this was for her own good though growled whenever she was handled wrongly, being thrown in the back of an suv. Now that pissed him off as he tailed them to their destination.

His holoform jumped out once they arrived and practically ripped the man out from the truck and threw him down onto the ground, looking into the truck to see y/n curled up on the seat with teary eyes, she quickly scooted over toward him as he quickly took her into his arms, cradling the child as the other men went up to the door.

He signed to her, asking if she was alright but she sniffled softly and shook her head, showing him the bruise on her arm and the skinned knees from the man dragging her.

Bee was absolutely pissed as the man had went to stand but bee kicked him back down with a very salty glare before walking up to the house. The man welcomed him in but he walked in even without it as he quickly looked around for the kitchen, he was tailed by the nest member and 2 men who were curious as to what he was doing.

Bee settled her down on the counter and scrounged up a new dish towel, running it under some cold water to dampen it as she rolled up her pant legs revealing the bloody scratches.

Bee frowned when he turned to her, one was worse than the other as he leaned in and gently began wiping up the blood and held the towel to get it to stop, in that time he gently kissed her bruised arm, no doubt from the man handling her not-so-gently

"You said this is one of the autobots, aye?" The member asked quietly

Bee didnt look at them as he heard them speak

"Yea, that's bumblebee, he's been her guardian ever since he found her, he's almost like a foster dad. He's the one we've granted full custody to."

The member made an amused sound "Wow, he seems very capable.. damn shame they wont let him keep her, then again.. how can he." He sighed "but alas, she will be fine here."

"Don't expect her to be here all the time like a normal child, bumblebee is very persistent on being with her. Something about it was vital to a child to have someone around during this time. She used to be a street rat.." even with a hushed tone bumblebee still heard that last statement as his head snapped up and looked over with a very mean glare. They dare call her a street rat? It wasnt her fault she was abandoned and had no one, it was outside her control! But now she had bee.. he swore to keep her safe and protect her since no one else would and he wasn't about to let some human try and take that away from him, she was too precious.

The 3 men somewhat flinched but watched him carefully as he turned back to y/n.

She still sniffled softly as he gave her cheek a soft kiss before lifting the towel seeing the bleeding had stopped on the more major one and moved to her other knee, carefully wiping up the blood.

The nest member went off and grabbed some bandages for him, bringing them over as bee merely glimpsed at them a moment but focused on getting the blood to stop before wrapping it.

When all was said and done bee held her close to him as her legs wrapped around his torso, her arms around his neck and her face buried into his neck. She didnt want to be here either, not without bee.

Bee kept giving her gentle nuzzles and kisses to assure her.

They were given a whole house tour and it seems alright, her room was pretty decently sized, plenty of growing room, that's all bee cared for before begrudgingly agreed as he set her down to let her explore but she didnt leave his side, only seeing whatever he did for now.

Soon bee had to leave for a mission, it was a battle as y/n ran out after him when his holoform disappeared, she knew he had to leave but she didnt want to be left alone with these strangers as she ran off and hid in the house, managing to squeeze herself into the closet in a tight ball curled up, crying.

The nest member sighed gently when he found her though crouched down beside her, placing a hand on her head "y/n.. I'm not quite sure where you lived before but in the house we have a certain schedule.. I made one up for you.. right now if you'd like we can get a bath started, I have new clothes for you."

Y/n looked up at him with a small frown and shook her head, she wanted to be left alone.

He seemed to understand "Very well, then dinner will be done soon." He said giving her head a pat before leaving to get prepared.

Y/n sadly stared at the door before getting up and running down the stairs, as quiet as she could before slipping out the back door. She almost forgot Edgar.

Y/n went off to the diner though searched around, she recently found out he lost his home at the nursing home and was out on the streets, she felt terrible and would always find him as she ran off to the usual spot.

She looked around quietly, the sun was setting as it made an eery glow down the alleyway where he was located. She tilted her head as she walked around the dumpster knowing he would probably be there though her eyes widened and her mouth opened to scream but only managed a soft choking sound at what she saw. Edgar... he was killed.

Tears started flowing down her face as she dropped to her knees crying. She remained that way for a good hour before headlights suddenly illuminated the alleyway, she had curled up against his side, blood seeped onto her but she didnt care, she didnt want to leave him like this.

"Lil lady yer in trouble!" A familiar radio station played, Bee used it whenever he had to scold her

Y/n slowly sat up and stood, walking out infront of the headlights, sniffling and crying as she smacked a bloody hand on his dash, his holoform quickly jumped out from the driver side as she cried and tried to push him away when he went to look over her before covering his mouth as he saw edgar, he knew him since y/n talked so greatly about him and he met him a few times. He pulled her into a hug, letting her cry out whatever was left into him.

"I'm so sorry'' his radio said quietly

She ended up being able to give him a proper burial though was sad as she stood over his grave, staring at the stone. She will miss him dearly but lightly shivered as a wind gust blew in. Now that bee was around he would protect her.. edgar did his job now it was time for bumblebee to take his role as an elder.

Bee picked her up, gently wiping a few tears from her face as he carried her away to his alt so they could go home, a storm was blowing in and the last thing bee wanted was a sick child on his servos.

"Bye.." y/n uttered ever so quietly as bee took her home to care for her.

Y/n reached out and touched his face when she sat there in his lap, he coddled her like a baby.

Bee watched with his inhuman azure eyes, they looked over her before glancing at her hand, he gently nipped at her little hand, gently catching her thumb with his teeth. She squeaked softly though stared up at him as he let out a soft playful growl and gently pulled like a dog making y/n crack a smile.

Bee smiled himself as he let go of her hand and gently poked at her nose, his form of playing as she looked at his finger before biting it.

Bee grunted softly and frowned a little as he looked down at her and pulled his finger back and shook his head as he signed 'gentle'

She signed an apology and cuddled up to him

"They sure do many quite a pair, dont they?"

Lennox nodded as he watched the two sign to each other quietly, neither could speak and it almost seemed perfect as Lennox watched as bee stuck his tongue out at her making her smile and mimic him.

"I'd bet he would make a hell of a father one day.."

The man looked at him confused "what? But he already is.. he's managed to be a father to her, I dont think it matters the species, look at how well they bond.. it's almost like they were made for each other."

Lennox couldn't help the smile creeping on his face "you know... you're right. It doesn't matter."

"He'd do anything for that little girl.. that's a true father. But I think you already know that cap'.."

Lennox nodded and watched as the two silently laughed and played, bee tickled her stomach making her squirm and try to escape but he wouldn't allow it. It was such a lovely sight. A father and a daughter.
