StarscreamxM!ReaderxKnockout ~ Clingy



Dull grey eyes stared outside the window of the nemesis, the once vibrant and bright blue were now dulled to a misty grey as they stared out the window, black hair drooped down and covered the left eye, lips somewhat parted in awe at the mountains they were passing over. He pulled the blanket over his shoulders comfortably as he sighed at the view, the nemesis had it's perks.

"Pet.." lips firmly pressed into the man's shoulder as the blanket exposed it and softly popped when they lifted up earning a groan from the human as his eyes looked over, his eyes narrowed in a displeased manner as the holoform chuckled gently, the slim fingers slowly pulled back the blanket from his neck as he watched as he leaned in and slowly landed butterfly kisses before gently nibbling as a throaty groan escaped, his hand came up and clasped over his mouth as the holoform bit down harshly but gently sucked the skin earning another moan. "Y/n..."

He looked back his eyes half-lidded "Starscream.."

His devious smirk laid on his lips as the man somewhat gulped at what he had in mind. He gently licked his lips hungrily as y/n groaned at the sight, he was planning something and something told him he probably wouldn't like it.

The slim fingers ghostly slid down his shoulders and did circles on his arm muscles as he frowned

"I'm not going to like this, am i?" He asked aloud.

Starscream cocked a brow "don't be so quick to judge, love.. besides, you know I don't like you antsy.."

Y/N grunted when Starscream's nails dug into his arm making him growl

"Now that I know I've got your attention.." He purred

Y/n hated when he teased, it was more torture. But he didn't get to know this side of him without knowing torture but he had gotten so used to the loving side he partially forgot his sadistic side beyond their room.

"You have something on your mind, y/n?"

"Plenty, Star.. but I want to know what you have going on in yours."

"I have to leave." Starscream deadpanned with a sigh

"What?" Y/N frowned

"Only a few days, y/n. Don't worry, don't think I didn't forget to leave you a parting gift.." He smirked "But i have to leave you in the medics servos until I get back.." He said as his fingers caressed his chin and pulled his face towards him as his fingers traced his jaw line carefully until his finger reached his lips as it gently pressed into it "Open." Starscream said as he frowned "You have morning breath.."

His mouth clamped shut as he looked away and he growled as his face turned red

"Now, now.." Starscream moved infront of him as he wrapped his arm around his torso before slowly sliding his hands up his midsection that was exposed to him, y/n looked down at him when he lowered himself and his lips slowly kissed up his stomach as it slightly caved in sensitive to the gentle kiss of his lips. Y/N shuddered at the touch as Starscream raised himself and leaned down gently pressing himself into his bare chest with his own. His tongue shot out and locked on his nipple as he watched him tease "Don't start what you don't intend to finish, starscream.." y/n growled

"Oh it'll get finished.." He said with a smirk as he bit down on the soft sensitive piece of skin earning a low unpleasant growl

He came up and pressed his lips into his mates, wrapping his arms around his torso and pressing closer as y/n wrapped his arms around his neck, gently playing with his silver hair, Starscream aggressively pressed further. No matter how bad his morning breath was Starscream was somehow attracted to it, he said it was oddly satisfying.. lips locked as he dipped him back slowly with his firm grasp around his waist as 1 hand moved up to his back to support him.

During the heated kiss Starscream paused as y/n looked to see his eyes had dimmed, he was getting a comm signal. He stopped as he reeled back and allowed y/n to stand on his own "I have to go. Now.."

Y/N glared daggers at him as Starscream smirked "I'll wake you up earlier next time.. you present is on the berth, don't be late to the medbay." he whispered before pecking his lips and disappearing into a flutter of sparks.

Y/n glanced away as he scowled, the bulge in his trousers had been growing and now he was left alone with it with 10 minutes to get to the medbay, even if he hurried and didn't take care of himself he would still be late, the medbay wasn't that far, for a cybertronian but to a human it was very far and without cybertronian transportation it appears he would need to run.

He threw on new clothes quickly before scrambling out of Starscreams quarters and running down the hall. He was panting as he reached the medbay and walked in. "I'm here!"

Knockout turned to him and frowned "And you're late."

"Dont start with me, just help me up." He growled as he tried to compose himself

Knockout scoffed as he let his servo down as he stepped on and raised him up to the counter. His frown deadpanned into a confused look before his optics raised "uh, y/n?"


His servo came up to his lip plates as he gently chuckled

"What??" He growled

"I can see why.. you're excused." He said waving his servo

'Shit.' Y/N glanced down as the tight jeans he threw on showed somewhat of the bulge that remained as his face turned red

"Personally, I helped pick out your present." He smirked

"I didn't even get to see it, I got dressed and ran down here, blame Starscream.."

His optics somewhat widened "Now that is unacceptable."

Y/n rolled his eyes "Yeah, well I didn't have much time to get here."

He smirked "I'll take you."

"Its fine, I'll find out after the shift." Y/n said waving his hands dismissively

"Are you sure?"


Knockout hummed but went on his way with a datapad as he did inventory in the other room with the tools.

Y/N stood there doing patients check seeing who needed check ups and who didn't as he scrolled through the human sized datapad that knockout managed to scrap together.

"Hey, KO." Y/N called as he paused at 1 of the patients

"Hm?" He walked in

"It appears Breakdown is overdue for a check up."

"I gave him 1 the other day, he's fine."

"Why isn't it on file then?"

"Because it wasn't recorded." Knockout said with a hint of his smirk

Y/N rolled his eyes before continuing to scroll through, hours went by as y/n and knockout seen patients in and out, some were scheduled, others weren't. Drones were clumsy.

The shift went fairly quick but the question of what Screamer got him was buzzing around in the back of his head.

"Here, I'll take you back to Starscream's quarters, you can open your present." He lowered his servo as y/n cocked a brow but hopped into his servo as he strolled down the hall.

He walked into Starscream's quarters and set y/n on the table as he walked over to the box before crouching down and opening it. His face turned a dark red "What the hell, knockout!?" He pulled out the flesh light from the box as he smirked

"What? It's for when Screamer goes away for long amounts of time. Do you not remember this morning? It's for incidents like those." He shrugged a shoulder as Y/N stuttered and choked on his words as his red shade of his face got darker

"BUT HOW did you get this??"

"Internet." He said simply "You know, we were thinking a 'vibrator' but Screamer had already got you one." He said

"Jeeez, he acts like I can't take a day without him!" Y/N croaked as he groaned and slid down to his knees

"You don't use the toys?" Knockout asked

"No! Well.. I used it once. But that was only because he went away for a whole month and I was bored but that's it!" He said "is that what I really seem like, am I really that clingy?" He glanced at knockout as he frowned

"No, you have your moments but you're not clingy, it's just Starscream who is clingy." Knockout folded his arms.

Y/N frowned a little but felt his stomach gurgle "Hey, can we go grab a bite? I'm starving.."

Knockout nodded as he plucked y/n from the berth and transformed speeding down the hallway to the surveillance room

"Hey, Soundwave we need a ground bridge." His head lights flashed at the 3rd in command as he opened a bridge to the ground below as knockout drove through and they drove around for 30 minutes until they arrived to a small town and went into a coffee shop as Knockout summoned his holoform and walked in with him.

They sat down at the counter as the lady grabbed y/n a cup of coffee but knockout refused.

"Hmmm I'll get the buttermilk pancakes." Y/N said as he glanced at the menu, the woman nodded and placed the order in the window

"Isn't that breakfast?" Knockout frowned

Y/N smirked "You can never go wrong with pancakes, it's an all time around food. Whenever, wherever."

He rolled his crimson eyes as his fingers ran through his bright red hair "I must admit I do love the way I look like this.."

"So do the ladies." Y/N said eyeing the booth of girls that sat on the other side of the diner as they looked at him

1 waved as he turned around

"Be right back.." He said confidently

Y/N rolled his eyes as he watched Knockout walk over smoothly and lean into the booth making the girls laugh and giggle.

Y/N scowled with jealousy, he never made the girls want him. He could hardly talk to a female let alone be as flirty as knockout but he has that natural charm in his personality so he did the flirting with ease. Y/N envied him for it. He always had his way with the girls.

He looked infront of him as the lady sat the plate of pancake down "enjoy." She said with a smile

"Thank you." He said before digging in as he sighed contently but glanced over to see knockout walking back

"How'd it go?"

"Too squeaky.." Knockout grumbled "here," He slapped a piece of paper to his chest as y/n grunted but looked down at the paper "it's their number, I don't want it.."

"Then why ask?"

"I didn't.." Knockout said

Y/N rolled his eyes but continued to eat as Knockout sat there lazily checking out the diner, he checked himself out in the mirror located in the corner of the diner as his finger ran through his hair, fixing it up.

Y/N pushed his plate forward afterward as he pulled out his wallet and left the money after getting the check and gave a tip as he walked to the door "come on, KO."

He turned and looked at him "coming." He walked over as he climbed into his own driver seat and drove himself as y/n sat in the passenger seat staring out the window.

They pulled into an empty parking lot and just sat there watching the sun slowly set until it was no longer in view and the moon had risen.

"Knockout here, requesting groundbridge." Knockout said

Y/N looked over at him but his holoform was gone and blue little flakes took his place as they fell.

He looked out the window unyil the swirling vortex came and he drove through and they found themselves on the nemesis again.

Even with all that had happened, y/n was content at the moment as he slowly drove through the halls until he came to the medbay and transformed as y/n sat in his hand when he finished, he slightly stretched before walking in. Breakdown stood there with a weld slowly going over his patched up armor

"Breakdown, what happened?" Knockout asked as he placed y/n down

"Autobots. I got it." He said as he focused on the weld

"You should have sent me a comm." He said

"I'm fine, I knew you went out with Y/N So I didn't wanna bother you guys, I'm getting it just fine now shoo!" He waved his free servo at knockout who scowled at the bulky mech "I'm trying to focus.." He said

Knockout barked a laugh before walking into the other room as y/n watched him work

"How was the drive?"

"It was alright. No autobots.. But I see you found them first." Y/N said looking over him

Breakdown nodded a moment before finishing up as he sighed and placed the weld by y/n before hoisting himself up on his peds, raising and lowering his leg joint to feel it out and when he felt comfortable sent a firm stomp down before smirking and then looking at y/n "I know screamer asked knockout and I to watch you for a couple of days but next time you wanna take em out on a joyride tell me, ok? There was a line out the door when I got back, some mine collapse or something.." He shrugged

Y/N nodded in understanding "But why didnt you just comm him?"

"Because I knew he was with you, you guys don't hangout that often anymore so I said why not." He said as he grabbed the welder and placed it where it belonged

"I appreciate that, Breakdown.." y/n smiled a little

"Alright, mechs time for recharge. Y/N, I'll take you back to your quarters." Knockout said as he picked up y/n and took him back to his quarters as he set him down "Y/N, it's your decision but if you decide to come to the medbay tomorrow come over at 9am sharp."

Y/N nodded "thanks, Knockout."

He simply nodded before leaving.

Y/N walked over to the window and sat there for a good while staring down at the landscape the passed by, all illuminating under the moon light. It was beautiful as his mind wandered to what Starscream was doing. Sometimes he wondered how he ever got stuck with that mech.
