
My pedes dangled down from the berth of the cell as I stared at them. My sire glared down at me with such disgust as it brought me deep humiliation to be his offspring

"Defeated by an autobot... after all that training. To prepare you, I wasted my time. Only to learn you've been sneaking out and 'playing' with the young scout!" Megatron snarled his red optics narrowed down harshly

"I'm sorry."

"Obviously.." he growled

I glanced away as he sighed "You leave me no choice. I will not tolerate this disobence even after what I told you about your eldest.." he glared

My optics widen "Sire NO! Please, I'll do better I swear!!" I hopped off the berth

"I thought I seen potential in you, y/n.." he frowned as he released his blade

"Sire, please!" Y/n cringed away as he walked towards him

"Lord megatron."

He paused as his digit came up to his comlink "This better be important, Shockwave.. VERY important.."

"It is. It appears the next protoform I have created has been going through.. complications."

"What sort of complications?" He frowned

"The half offline and online complications. I would advise you keep this one online, at least until I fix my error."

Megatron stared at y/n As Shockwave spoke, he had shoved himself in the corner, cowering away from him.

"Noted.." Megatron glared and cut the link "Quit that cowering, you face me as a mech!" He snarled

Y/N stared up at him before slowly standing when Megatron started to leave

"You have one chance to redeem yourself.. you have 78 earth hours. If you do not prove to me of your worth.. I'll kill you. Do I make myself clear?"

"Uh-huh..." y/n nodded

He paused before walking out the door "oh.. and y/n?"

"Yes, sire?"

"If I catch you speaking to any of the autobots again I'll personally rip out your spark in front of your optics.."

Y/N shuttered at the thought before nodding as Megatron walked out of the cell and left the door open.

Y/N quickly ran out and back to his berthroom to figure out how to keep himself online he paced his room for hours thinking of a plan. He took 5 hours up in his room before running off to begin his plan. First, he helped out knockout and breakdown with patients for 10 hours, check. He didnt even bother to recharge, and immediately went to the computers trying to locate another cache of possible energon, he worked through the night. And by morning Megatron was in one of his raging moods, one that y/n unfortunately was in the way in when he tried to tell his sire what he was doing. He spent 6 hours trying to recover and patched himself up.

After those hours he went off to investigate a ping on the map, his body limped through the groundbridge and took the tracker with. He walked into the cave and flicked on his lights. He searched the caverns and paused when he heard sounds. Scuffles. Pede scuffles and movement "frag.." he grumbled and went out to face the con. But instead, it was rather a bot. Bumblebee to be exact. He whirled with surprise.

Y/n frowned a bit when he perked at his appearance, blowing it off like nothing. Bumblebee fussed over his appearance but y/n froze when he remembered his sires words. "I cant talk.. i have a mission.." he mumbled before scrambling away.

Bumblebee followed him making y/n groan a bit, he was nagging with questions, why he wouldnt talk or what happened

Y/n spun to meet the mech "bumblebee!" He seethed quietly "i cant talk to you or my sire will have my helm served on a silver plater!"

Bumblebee frowned at the example *Why wont you just leave them?*

"He is my sire.." y/n shrugged but sighed before running off looking for the energon he was searching for

*I thought you loved me..*

"Oh bee dont start with that..." He already felt guilt tug at him as he ignored his lover and searched for the energon

He was suddenly tackled making y/n yelp as they tumbled down a slope and ended up with bee crushing him as he pinned him down

Y/n grunted softly but looked up at those beautiful blue optics that looked sad *y/n...*

Y/n stared up at him, his own sadness showing As he turned his helm away "I love you... but I'm doing this to protect you.."

*why don't you just join the autobots? We can protect you and you'll be fighting against your sire*

"Either way, my sire is going to kill me, I have two days to prove my worth or else He's going to offline me. Bee.. just let me go and do what I need to before someone else comes.."

Bumblebee slowly let him up as y/n pushed himself back and away from Bumblebee, it hurt him to be so cold to Bumblebee, his sweet lover..

Y/n walked off and tracked down the cache, beginning to drill into the earth as Bumblebee watched him from behind

Y/n uncovered quite a lot , even an undiscovered cavern as his optics widened but rationed out, giving half to Bumblebee as Bumblebee looked at him happily and hugged him, his mouth piece sliding back to kiss his cheeks sweetly, his doorwings fluttering cutely.

Y/n looked up at him and smiled softly but thought deeply about the autobot option.

Bumblebee squeezed him gently in a hug before pulling him into a sweet and passionate kiss, y/n's optics widened but soon dimmed, his spark fluttering with happiness as he wrapped his arms around him and kissed back feeling the love and affection.

It was then he knew what he had to do as he clung onto Bumblebee.

It was better if he could be with his lover than risk another abusive beating from Megatron. Sire or not, he was a huge aft. He wasn't meant for sparklings, all he wanted them for was to turn them into war machines anyway. Something that y/n didn't want to be.

Bumblebee pulled away but Y/n held onto him in a hug "I want to join you..." He said softly, shuddering to think of another beating or worse.

Bumblebee let out a small shrieking sound, it was staticy but it sounded joyful as he jumped a bit out of pure happiness, y/n laughed softly at him as he watched his doorwings flutter more.

Though convincing Optimus was a different story, luckily Bumblebee spoke to him privately first and knew his weakness with Bumblebee wide optics trick making him think hard. Bumblebee didnt get back to him until a day later, telling him the wonderful news.

Y/n was excited, the first thing he did was bring huge chunks of energon from the huge cache he and Bee had found together and was immediately in their favor.

Megatron however was furious when he found out he switched sides but he was no long his concern.

That night after finishing up mining for the day the two mechs cuddled in berth.

Y/n couldn't see it but Bumblebee was smiling and his engine purred quietly as his optics were off, resting. Y/n stroked his helm affectionately and smiled feeling very lucky. Optimus took him in and away from pending doom and he found his bearings to disobey his sire big time. He could have won his favor with that huge energon cache but who was to say his life wasnt threatened again the next day over something dumb. He made the right call.

*I love you..* Bumblebee whirred quietly

"I love you too, Bee.. get some rest we got a whole day of mining to do tomorrow." He pecked his helm

Bumblebee nuzzled into his chassis using him as a pillow as he shook and vibrated gently, chuckling.
