BloodpeltxSoundwave ~ Camp fire

(A lovely request. Lets all gather around the camp fire and sing our camp fire song The C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song it'll help if you just sing along ~

Sorry. Not sorry.)

The duo for a terrifying night, Bloodpelt sat up on Soundwave's shoulder, her purrs vibrated the mech as he hooked himself up to do routinely maintenance that night. She laid there before sprawling herself out and yawning, the immense heat he gave off was quite soothing and was probably about the only thing that made her throw caution to the wind.

Laserbeak whirred as he flew into the room and landed on the monitor, silently watching down upon Bloodpelt as she looked back at him, her head cocked as her ears flattened and hissed

He flinched but flew down before attaching himself to Soundwave's chassis

Bloodpelt frowned at the winged creation

Suddenly 'Error' ran across the monitor as Soundwave unhooked himself. A quiet but audiable enough sigh vented from Soundwave as her ears perked at the distressed noise and curled herself by his neck and purred "what's wrong?" She asked rubbing her head against his visor

"Human virus." He muttered before starting to tap along the keyboard

She smirked to herself, she knew just how much he despised human virus' it wasn't too difficult to get rid of but it was just so annoying.

"When are we gonna get alone time?"

"This is -alone time."

"Away from this room. Your berth room maybe? Or we can go out.. I hear camping is nice this time of year."

He was silent for a few moments "I suppose we can - go- camping"

She smirked a little "I can share camp fire stories.." she said rubbing against the side of his helm and purring

"I must -speak - with megatron"

"Oh who cares about that dumb old rust bucket anyway it's not like he'll notice you're gone.. he never does when we sneak away to your berth room does he..?" Her claws gently walked his neck cables

"That 'dumb old rust bucket' is keeping you alive."

They looked up to see Megatron as he glared down at her

She rolled her unique eyes "yeah, sure. And you're sure its not because you're scared of me?"

"You are just a pain in my back strut i could dispose of you if I so wished.. what was this about taking time away?"

"We wanted to go camping. You know, spending the night outside staring at the stars, telling scary camp fire stories, eating Smores." She said

He looked at Soundwave "Did you decode the data I asked for?"

"Be done in -10 minutes"

"Excellent.. you're farther that i thought. Hmm.." he softly hummed "I suppose you can go on this 'camping' trip but if something is to occur I expect you to come straight back."

Soundwave nodded as Megatron walked off, he turned to the monitor before tapping around on the keyboard for another 10 minutes before finishing, he opened up a groundbridge to the nearest wooded area away from people as she grabbed her blanket and book from Soundwave's berth room before going through

It was quiet and secluded from everywhere else and it had a large area, enough for Soundwave to walk around.

She plopped down in the grass "ahh, outdoors.. first we need wood for the fire."

Soundwave walked off into the forest as she sat there waiting for him to come back but blinked when she seen him walk back with a few large logs and placed them down

"Great job, sounders! This is perfect." She said before inhaling sharply and exhaling fire and caught the logs on fire as it started to burn up as she sat there with her tail curled to her side as she extended her hands toward the fire only to be pulled back by Soundwave


"Don't worry I'm not gonna burn myself." She smirked before pulling the book out "Let's read some camp fire stories."

"Once upon a time there was a young man, he wasn't the most handsome or the most rich but he did know of an older man who was both, it seemed that what ever the man set his eyes to it turned to gold or fell madly in love with him, so the jealous poor man decided to take his eyes. Cursed by the eyes every person he looked at fell in love with him, ladies chased him begging to make babies, cops chased him to his home, men begged at his feet to be as good looking as him, everything he looked at He seemed to get himself, the house he was living in became much too crowded and after being haunted by everyone he ran to the other man's house and begged for forgiveness and returned him his eyes. The man set a curse on him, he and generations to come of his family would be forever poor and decent looking but the young man did not disagree and took the punishment, he went back to being poor but learned a valuable lesson in taking what was not his. The end. Well that was weird." Bloodpelt blinked

"He -was a -witch?"

"I guess so.."


Bloodpelt jumped up onto Soundwave as her claws dug into his armor, her fur raised as her eyes were wide "It's him!!"


Soundwave and Bloodpelt looked over at the source to see Starscream as he laughed "such a weakling.." he said while looking at her "how pathetic."

"I'll show you pathetic, come here!!" She roared as she breathed flames heavily at him as he shrieked and ran into the forest.

Soundwave smirked under his visor as he watched Bloodpelt run after him and burn his aft. He deserved it.
