Megatronxsmol!reader ~ FUN SIZE IS BEST

Yes I made reader fun-size. Is this gonna be hilarious? You bet your kidney. I love fun-size bots like tailgate and rewind from IDW ♡•♡


I sat on Megatron's lap, more like his thigh as my legs spread across his as he was working his glossa into my mouth, roughly might i add.. My frame was small enough, i was..what do the humans call it? A lap dog? I was Megatron's little lap dog..

He roughly grabbed at my hips to which I groaned, Megs was my lover.. ive known him for a very long time, longer before he was even named Megatron.. back when he was a miner, he met his petite security guard and he learned not to mess with me the hard way. Unauthorized to leave he left only to get a severe aft kicking.. by me. Oh yeah, make all of the fun-size jokes all you want but I was trained and had the right alt that's all that the council cared about.. until I was betrayed by the council. I ended up employed and had to quickly search for anew. I traveled halfway cross cybertron to find work and I did. Only to hear a century later a mech named Megatron had created a rebellion.. it sounded awfully familiar until I realized it was him. It took me a very long time to get to him until 1 fateful day. He found me and he asked if I wanted to rule with him. I told him I was rogue but he didn't care, he's never forced the decepticon symbol upon me but everyone trusts me, I've been with Megatron for so long they were hardly footnotes.. the conversation comes up every once and awhile he'll ask if i want to become 'official' and I recline the offer.. my post may be with the decepticons but I don't support either side, I do believe in their cause but I also see the reason behind the autobots fighting back.

I pulled away as I seen his smirk. I made his spark content, I was his little joy I always took away his deep concerns. And he did the same for me, dont misunderstand me either.. we're bonded, it'll be forever that I am with Megatron, we're not.. how you say 'one night and done'.. it sadly did used to be that way until we got closer and closer until we made it official.

One of his favorite activities is the authority game. I was the cop, he was the robber.. I punish him until I get my point across. He enjoys it, he found it silly the first few times just because I was fun-sized..

I pulled back as I stared up at his content red optics and smirked "You have a guest..." I said as I stroked his face plates

He glanced at the doors and then me, he wasn't too conflicted about it but he set me in his throne as I sat back and crossed my legs and he stood up "enter."

In walked Starscream and Knockout, knockout was all scratched up

I frowned at him "Knockout, come here.." I gestured him forth as I uncrossed my legs and leaned forward

"F-forgive me for presenting myself to you in this way, my queen.." he said as he stiffly walked over

I looked at him and made a spinning motion "turn around.."

"Uh okay.." he said as turned away

I looked at him and sighed "you were fighting with those wretched insecticons weren't you?"

"how did you know?"

"Hold still. Megsy... look at this.."

Knockout went stiff again as Megatron walked over and I pointed out the shard in his back armor

"What is it?" He asked as he looked over it

"Insecticon horn.." I said "Doctor, you may want to brace yourself."

"For whAHH!!" He cried as I pulled the horn from his back armor and showed it to megatron

"I will speak to hardshell personally.." he said

"It is a deep wound, when will Breakdown be back?"

"Not for another few hours." Knockout winced

"I'll tend to it myself, come, you're leaking already." I said as I hopped off the throne and trotted in front of him as we took off to the medbay

"I'm going to need to remove your back plating, doctor."

"Please, do as you must."

I started to unlatch his armor and expose the wound as a gash was in his protoform, it wasn't life threatening but enough to cause alarm to his leaking.

"Bandages , please."

I stood there on the med berth as he sat there and allowed me to work. I wasn't just a security officer, had any of the miners got injured I had to tend to their wounds at my best ability until medics arrived. I know the basics of a patch up.

"Thank you, y/n"

I simply nodded in reply while I focused on putting his armor back.

I clicked it in place as he stood up and stretched out

"Ah ah ah!" I hissed "don't stretch. You'll break the patch up. Wait until Breakdown gets back."

"Thank you, my queen." He turned to me with a loyal bow.

I know I got along well with Knockout and Breakdown, a lot more than Megatron. In fact.. I wouldn't say it would be an understatement that I treat them better than Megatron. He enforces the rules, I was the one to help in the aftermath, funny how roles have changed..

"Would you like help getting down?" He asked as he extended his servo

I smiled and took it as he helped me down "You may return to your duties, doctor."

He simply nodded with his head tilted down in a bow

With that, I left the room and went back to the throne room. Megatron was speaking with Starscream about that blasted predacon.. I didn't like it one bit. It was a threat, 1 that Megatron was quick to realize.

I walked over and stood next to him as Starscream looked at me, his gaze averted and stammered "m-my queen.."

"Starscream.." I softly raised an optic ridge. He was just about as scared of me than he was of Megatron, he knew too well that I hated him. Megatron reached down and scooped me up into his lap as I looked at him before looking back at Starscream

"Continue.." he growled impatiently

"I just believe it would be in our best interest to keep more guards around the mines, my lord.. perhaps that predacon.. I'm requesting to personally go down there with him."

Megatron didn't seem amused "Granted, just get out of my sight. You have upset y/n.." he grumbled, feeling the tension I gave off as I glared down Starscream.

Starscream nodded before leaving quickly.

"Now... where were we my little queen?" He smirked at me

"I was hoping somewhere a little more private.." I said as I sat infront of him, my digits slowly climbed down his chassis as I purred contently

I reached down as my digit gently brushed his panel as he smirked

"Ah.. I'll see to it then.."

"After.." I said pressing my digit against his lip plates as he frowned in confusion

"After what, my delicate little flower?" He asked

"After you talk to those awful insecticons.. there was no need to cause such harm to Knockout. You must keep your word, go snuff em out, megs.." I growled

He nodded as I climbed off "I'll be waiting in our quarters.. I'll speak to Soundwave personally about getting an hour to ourselves." I smirked as he nodded and walked off out of the room as I walked out to find the surveillance room and found Soundwave.

The vehicons stood at attention when I walked in

"You may return to your duties." I announced as they nodded and resumed their work only Soundwave didn't move, he was completely emerged in the data files as things came and went on his visor and the screen he was connected to

"Soundwave.." I said gaining his attention

He looked down at me as he unplugged himself from the ship "My queen..." he said

"Soundwave, Megatron and I will be unavailable for an earth hour, and Starscream is out playing with the predacon.."

"Objective: secured"

I smiled at him "You were always my favorite, Soundwave." I said placing my servo on his arm

He didn't say anything as he bowed his helm as I walked away he turned back and started looking over security cameras.

I walked down to our quarters and patiently waited for Megatron to come, a few minutes went by as Megatron walked in and looked at me as I looked over at him from the berth.

Being the queen had it's perks. One of them was knowing that Megatron had one mate and one mate only, me. Unlike some mechs and femmes who had open relationship. We already made our intentions clear, if we ever believe one would be cheating on a specific individual that bot would be snuffed out. I never had to worry bout Megatron and he never had to worry about me. I was the 1 mech type of femme.
