RID15 Terror twinsxsibling!reader~ got ya

Warning: physical sibling abuse


It was a desperate cry. A question that had many answers and outcomes but this one in particular only had one outcome.

Tears were running down y/n's face as she stared into the dark room, only her glowing optics gave some light but it was hardly nothing.

A grunt came from across the room. Followed by another and pedes dragging across the floor. It was an awful sound. But one that y/n's audios strained to hear

"Hello?? Whose there??" Y/n backed up against the door she was just pushed through blindly. She only knew it was a door because of the whooshing sound it made. There was a soft metal groaning noise in the room, on the opposite side of where the pede dragging were coming from

"HELP! LET ME OUT!!" She turned and banged on the door. "HEEEELLLP!" She screamed


The metal groaned a bit more with the sound of hinges squeaking

"WHOSE THERE?!" She yelled,

A faint giggle echoed in the room but it made y/n tremble as she proceeded to bang on the door "HELP HELP HELP! OPEN UP THE DOOR! AHAHAHAA" She jumped up and down a bit before she slammed herself into the door to get it open, getting so upset her words started tumbling together for a moment "PLEEEASE!"

She screamed bloody murder when someone brushed along her back

The Door finally whooshed open to reveal Jazz "what in primus name-"

Y/n literally flung herself onto him and clung to his chassis sobbing "HELP!"

"What the-" he stumbled back a bit in a slight panic but realized it was y/n and wrapped his arms around the young cybertronian "Y/n??" He looked back and sighed "you two!" He scolded making the twins jump a bit "what have ya done now??"

Y/n continued sobbing into his chassis, Jazz watched the terror twins run but immediately get cut off by Bumblebee, he frowned at them and managed to scoop up Sideswipe but sunstreaker made a bolt, Strongarm finally caught him after bumblebee ordered them to search for him. Y/n had managed to calm down in that time span, especially after Jazz walked off the ship and into the daylight.

After a project with fixit went haywire his experiement turned the twins and y/n into kids.

"Let me go!" Sunstreaker shouted at Strongarm

Once the twins were back outside y/n ran right back to jazz and he held her

"Ya two are in big trouble, why are you scaring your sister so much?" Bumblebee folded his arms

"Because she's dumb and a crybaby!" Sunstreaker scowled, Sideswipe giggled and high fived him.

Y/n shuffled a bit moving further into Jazz's neck while looking at her older bullying brothers.

"Help help waahhh!'" Sunstreaker mocked

Y/n's face plates darkened and looked away slumping against jazz

"That isnt nice, apologize to her." Bumblebee said

"Why? It's true, she is dumb and a crybaby" sunstreaker folded his arms

"Wow those two were really mean when they were younger.." russell mumbled as denny sighed

"I think a good old fashioned time out will do these two some good."

"Agreed, strongarm lets get these two troublemakers into a holding cell, they wont be going anywhere for awhile."

Strongarm nodded and took Sunstreaker to the ship with bumblebee following with Sideswipe.

Jazz settled y/n down as she looked away sadly

"Hey, kiddo dont listen to them!" Denny walked over and leaned against her a bit since she was still larger than them "they're just being bullies."

"They hate me.." y/n mumbled

Jazz crouched down a bit "That is not true. They just dont know how to express their love so they tease you."

Y/n wasn't biting, she brushed away denny and walked off with a sigh.

Y/n managed to climb the diner and sat up on the roof staring off into the distance of junk. She stayed there for quite awhile, Jazz came and checked up every once and awhile until they were called to a mission but left Grimlock in charge of the trio.

Eventually he let the twins out of solitude, y/n glanced down when she heard the two giggling and holding paint cans

"Hmm what if we paint grimlock?"

"Yes!" Sideswipe grinned

Y/n scrambled to get down and trotted up behind them "can i help??"

They both turned and looked at her, Sunstreaker glared and scowled, Sideswipe frowned at her

"No." They said in unison

"Why not?" She frowned a bit

Sunstreaker's expression somewhat lightened after a moment before he smirked "know what.. actually yeah, you can help."

"Really?" She brightened a bit

"Sure." Sideswipe smiled after getting wiff of his brother's idea

"What do i do?" She smiled

"Climb back up ontop of that building where you were before."

Y/n nodded and quickly rushed to get back uptop

"Ok, now what?"

"Do you see grimlock?"

She glanced around and spotted him a ways away

"Yeah." She jumped and waved to grimlock getting his attention "hi, grim!!" Grimlock started making his way over as y/n glanced down at the twins on the ground

"Now jump down, we'll catch you." He said extending his arms

She had no reason to doubt them as she prepared to jump and hopped off the edge.

She flailed when they only stepped back and smirked. "WAIT-"

She ultimately faceplanted the ground and slit out a bit of the dirt, weakly looking up at her brothers hurt as they started to laugh

"So dumb!" Sunstreaker bellowed, high fiving sideswipe

Y/n looked away as lubricants leaked from her optics

"Aww baby gonna cry??" Sideswipe smirked a bit

Y/n trembled as she tried to get up, she was in obvious pain but that didnt stop the twins.

She sniffled a bit "wh-why are you so mean?"

"Because we hate crybabies." Sunstreaker scoffed

Y/n lip quivered a bit as she started crying some more, rather loudly

"Shut up, youre gonna get us caught!" Sunstreaker hissed

Y/n didnt stop resulting in sunstreaker to kick her " i said shut up!"

"Sunny-" sideswipe frowned a bit

"Back off, this little brat is gonna get us in trouble again!" He said as he kicked her again

"Ow, stop!" She cried

Grimlock made his way over seeing them "what is going on?"

Sunstreaker grumbled before ripping off the lid from the paint can and dumping it all over y/n turning her f/c into lf/c

"Sunstreaker!" Grimlock ran over and knelt down to y/n's crying and painful form. He took her off to see fixit while the two troublemakers fled and she told him what happened through many sniffles and hiccups.

Y/n glanced over her armor while fixit looked over her "i hate this color.." she mumbled pulling her legs close to her chassis.

"Maybe a proper spanking will put them in shape..?" Denny shrugged

Grimlock shook his helm a bit "if they were bigger, yeah, but they're too small now."

Y/n looked up "dont hurt them."

"But they hurt you, don't you want revenge?" Russell looked confused but y/n shook her head a bit

"It wont solve anything.." she mumbled

Fixit finished up fixing her damaged armor and sighed "there you go and im close to finishing the experiment.. hopefully it'll turn them back."

Not long after that Bumblebee and the others came back. Drift let slipstream and jetstorm transform and run over to her

"Dont be sad, y/n!" Slipstream said trying to lighten the mood.

Bumblebee went on a mech hunt with Drift, Grimlock and Strongarm for the twins.

"My big brothers dont love me.." y/n murmured as a few tears slipped from her optics

Slipstream looked up at jetstorm for help, he obliged and came to her side

"There, there y/n, im sure thats not true."

"Yes it is! They said so themselves!" She cried and flopped onto her side shoving her face into the ground as she cried some more

The minicons proceeded to cuddle with her until their master came back with the juvenile delinquents.

When they found them yet again Bumblebee pushed them toward y/n.

Jetstorn and slipstream went up with hells blaze, ready to fight, sunstreaker glared and folded his arms but he didnt budge even with bumblebee nudging him.

Sideswipe eventually came around and walked up to y/n giving her a sidehug but it almost seemed forced before he walked away, being let off the hook. Even sideswipe wasnt as mean as sunstreaker he didnt like the physical damage.

When sunstreaker finally did come around, he pulled her into a really harsh hug and hit her back where it hurt making her wince, then he whispered in her audios making her frown before he pulled away and stomped off

Y/n still wasnt happy as jazz pulled her into a gentle embrace keeping in mind of her injured body

Jetstorm and slipstream tried to make her feel better along with Jazz but it just wasn't working out.

She kept thinking about what sunny said. "I still hate you and always will."

During the night fixit finally managed to fix the machine and the trio was brought together for the last time as kids

Fixit activated the machine and it took awhile before full grown cybertronians stood in their replacement, pained and confused groans came from them all, sideswipe fell forward groaning "whoa.. what happened...?"

"AH!" Y/n cried out in alarm "WHAT HAPPENED TO MY PAINT?!"

The twins glanced over at her

"And why am i in pain?" She muttered glancing over herself

Sunstreaker glanced down and grunted rubbing his helm a bit "thats one processorache.."

"Wait you dont remember what happened?" Jazz asked

They glanced at each other before shaking their helms

"Well.. you guys were turned into kids. Back when the twins were super mean to you and sunny dumped paint on you, and they let you jump off the diner building." Bumblebee explained pointing to y/n

"Sounds legit.. wait- oh no.." she groaned "i wasnt in that crying stage was i?"

"Oh yeah." Jazz chuckled "but it's cool. It felt nice to hold a little crying femme, reminded me of older times.."

"Oh primus.." y/n grumbled and covered her face

"Heh, you were a big baby back then werent you." Sunstreaker snickered a bit

Sideswipe chuckled softly

"Only because you two were the biggest aftholes in the universe.."

"Yet we somehow managed to convince you to jump off a building?" Sideswipe glanced at the others for confirmation and grimlock nodded

Y/n rolled her optics "shut up."

Sunstreaker smirked "i could see that happening, you did just about everything we asked back then."

"Oh shut it, like you never tried to suck up to someone you looked up to." Y/n folded her arms

Sunstreaker shrugged but nudged her with his elbow "you were still a crybaby"

"Thats it!" Y/n pounced on her brother and started to wrestle him to the ground 

Sideswipe laughed a bit watching them before he was pulled into the rough house

They all settled down after awhile

"You know... i wonder how they turned out to be so chummy when they used to be so mean to her when they were young." Jazz piped up watched the trio out in the distance, giving the occassional shove but then they'd laugh.

"Who knows.." bumblebee shrugged a bit "they never talk about the past.."


Y/n remembered back when they were nothing but mean to her but then she remembers the day it all changed when a bigger femme was picking on them and pushing them around, y/n jumped in and a scrap fight happened and the twins appreciated her more allowing her into their pranking gang.

She looked over when Sideswipe punched her arm "whatcha thinking about? it feels tingly.."

Y/n chuckled a little "just when i saved your afts from a femme.."

They huffed but sandwiched her into a hug

"We love you, y/n."

"Love you too, big bros.." y/n smiled a bit

[In the beginning reader is kevin at 1:18 😂]
