Soundwavexreader ~ easy on the eyes

soundwave stood there while his tentacles went to work tapping into the data base and files pulled out left and right on the screen as y/n sat there, her knees to her chest with her (h/l) (H/c) in her face covering her eyes as she closed them tiredly.

It almost seemed like a joke, the thought of Soundwave having a human as a pet but Megatron allowed it

"Soundwave, I'm bored and tired.. Can't we go somewhere? Do something?" She said boredly

"Important business. Needs attention." Was all he said.

"Yeah well humans need a lot of attention too." She grumbled softly

"what would be the outcome if said attention is not met?" He asked

"Then i might just die of boredom." She said dramatically flopping back looking up at him as he paused and looked over at her

His tentacles unhooked from the computer as she sat up, he scooped up the human into his servo as she blinked at the sudden action, did he think she was serious?

A groundbridge opened up infront of him as he stepped though, she looked around to see they were on a beach of some sort as he sat her down and walking into the forest area with trees galore and he didn't return, but a man with dark purple hair, pale skin, with a dark purple and black outfit on while a decepticon symbol was tattooed on his arm but he eyes remained covered behind a pair of dark sunglasses almost like his visor.

She grinned a little "Whoa, well hello handsome stranger." She chuckled

The slightest of a smirk curled up on his lips as he walked over and sat down in the sand

"Come on, Soundwave, swim out in the sea!" She pointed towards the water as he looked up at her but shook his head, waving a hand in a dismissive manner

She crouched down and grabbed his arms trying to pull him up with minimum effort "Come oonnn~"

He stood up on his own as she stood with him and grinned but it was only there for a second as he picked her up "wait- Soundwave what are you doing?"

He walked towards the water while carrying her as she squirmed "Soundwave, Soundwave- DONT YOU DARE-!"

He tossed her in once he was close enough as she splashed into the water and a wave crashed over her as she sat there, the water was up to her neck so she didn't get tossed too far, she glared at him as he smirked a little but she glanced down before a smirk appeared upon her own face, she splashed water up on him and laughed a little as his smirk disappeared but he crouched down close to the water before dipping his hand in a moment before standing and walking into the water as she smiled a little

"I got you off dry land." She said triumphantly before standing and walking further out, it soon became a challenge of who could make it out farther. Soundwave of course won as he floated around for awhile after beating some waves but they swam back so their feet could touch the floor, they messed around in the water, splashing back and forth, and trying to dunk each other under, after about an hour (y/n) walked up to shore and flopped onto her back into the sand the small waves had barely touched her feet she smiled contently and sighed, closing her eyes

But it seemed to have gotten darker as she opened one eye but the other snapped open as Soundwave was hovering above her, she smiled and reached up brushing his Ruffled hair back, gently combing it back into place

"You look better with it combed back." She said looking at him, he didn't move, she could just tell he was staring her down even if she didn't see his eyes, she didn't have to.

Her face darkened a little when he leaned closer

But curiousity got the best of her after she realized something. She's never seen his eyes. Ever. Were they red like all the other cons or could they be blue like the autobots..?

She reached up and grabbed his glasses but pulled away quickly and turned his head, his eyes closed

"Why are you afraid of showing your eyes?" She frowned a little to his reaction

He opened them slightly but she still couldn't see the color as she blinked but reached up and gently grabbed the side of his face and turned it towards her.

She heard what sounded like a soft sigh from his lips as he opened them more, staring at her

Her eyes widen a little to see his eye color. It wasn't a bloody red or even baby blue but rather... A vibrant purple.

She stared up at them, her mouth slightly agape

"you're not afraid."

She blinked as she was snapped out of her daydream to hear his voice, she heard his voice a few times, his voice was deep and gravelly. He seemed somewhat surprised in his statement

"no.." She said "Why would I be? You're eyes are... Beautiful." she said staring at him, his eyes were so soft and calm

She couldn't help it and leaned up, cupping his cheek and pressing their lips together.

He didn't pull away but rather slowly leaned down, until they laid there kissing sweetly, Soundwave's tongue had explored her mouth as she gave a gentle muffled moan, one thing led to another and their makeout session lasted for a few minutes, when Soundwave pulled away (y/n) laid there softly panting "wow.." She breathed staring up at the sky.

Soundwave knew he had rattled (y/n) as a deep chuckle slowly brewed in his chest. For one that didn't really use his mouth for much he knew just how to tongue like a pro.

She looked at him when she heard him chuckle and chuckled a little herself, she was lost for words having no idea her actions would lead to that amazing session.

"You know... I wasn't literal about the whole dying without attention thing."

"I know." He said with a smile "I was bored myself."

She chuckled a little "Understandable. But what about the stuff you were reading?"

He shuffled his shoulder "Doesn't matter right now." He said before leaning down to another kiss

She giggled a little and wrapped her arms around his neck. The day at the beach with Soundwave was the best thing to ever happen in their quest to boost their relationship.

She was even more happy now that he didn't really wear his mask except around others, she loved to see his beautiful purple optics.
