Two-Bit Mathews Imagine

It's been 7 days ever since you and Two-Bit have practically got 'together'. He asked to be yours at school, and you accepted it because you really liked him. And when you were at home all alone, you got a call from Two-Bit and he asked you on a date. You were so happy that he asked you, and now your two friends were over at your house, helping you on what to wear and what to do.

''What do you think I should wear?'' You ask your friends.

''I don't know Shay, you look beautiful in whatever.'' Your friend shrugs.

''Stop it, I'm serious.'' You smile.

''And I'm serious as well.'' your friend smirks.

You look through your closet and finally see something that pleased your eyes, you knew that it was the outfit. You grab it and tell your friends to leave so you can get dressed. You put on the dress and look at yourself through the mirror, you thought you looked amazing. You invite your friends back in and they walk in and both of their mouths were wide open when they saw you.

''Two-Bit's going to love it.'' Your friend squeals.

''You really think so?'' You ask.

Before your friend answered your doorbell rang and you flew down the stairs with your friends. You get to the door and let out a big sigh, you fixed your dress and put your hand on the door knob. You opened it and Two-Bit was in a tuxedo which you made you start to blush.

''You look beautiful Shay.'' Two-Bit smiles.

''You don't look to bad yourself.'' You wink.

Two-Bit chuckles and puts his hand out. You take it and you say goodbye to friends, they say goodbye and you were off. You two decided to go walk to the park for your date. And as you walked there, your hands were connected and you two were talking about lots of things. There were laughs here and there, most of the time, he flirted with you, and you enjoyed it. You finally reached the park and he covered your eyes and lead you somewhere. You followed his steps and he removed his hands and you saw one of the most romantic things ever.

''It's beautiful Two-Bit.'' You gasp.

''Not as beautiful as you.'' He smiles, sitting you down.

You sit down on the blanket that was placed upon the floor and look at the sun. It was setting right as you saw it, you sat really close to Two-Bit and he put his arm around you. He looks at the sunset with you and you lay your head on his shoulder. He kisses you on the head and sighs.

''I love you Shay.'' He smiles.

''I love you to Keith.'' You smile back.
