Curtis Sister Imagine

Requested: Anonymous

Imagine: Curtis sister imagine where she just wants a cat so Darry buys her one for her bday

''No means no Y/N'' Darry says.

''Okay... I understand... You don't love me enough to get me just a simple cat...'' You sigh.

''Y/N You know I love you, I'm just not looking forward to buying a cat'' Darry says while picking up his jacket.

''But Darry! I really want one! All of my friends have one, please Darry?!'' You shout.

''No, I need to go to work now, okay?'' Darry says while putting his jacket on.

You plop onto the couch with your arms crossed. Darry comes up and kisses you on the head.

''Love you Y/N'' Darry says while leaving.

''Yeah, yeah, I love you too Darry'' You mumble.

As the time passes, you start to watch your most favorite show that you used to watch as a little kid, when it was time to go to bed, you go to bed. Tomorrow was your birthday, and you couldn't believe you weren't getting what you wanted for your birthday. As you slept, you dreamed about getting a cat, someone suddenly shakes you. You shoot up from your sleep. It was your brothers, you look at the clock, at first the numbers were blurry, but when it cleared up, it said it was 2:43AM. You sigh. That was the time you were born, your brothers always wake you up at the exact time. Sodapop gives you some breakfast, you start eating while talking with them.

''Here's me and Pony's present'' Sodapop says while handing you two presents.

You open them, it was a pair of socks, and a pair of shoes. You smile and hug them both. You look at Darry, he gives you the box, you start shaking it.

''Y/N! Don't shake it! There's something fragile in it'' Darry shouts.

''Sorry...'' You start to open it.

When you open it, it was a cat! You gasp and take it out of the box, you hug the cat and swing it around. You look at Darry and smile, you put the cat down and hug Darry tight.

''Thank you thank you thank you!! I love you so much Darry!'' You shout.

''Anything for you sis, I love you too'' Darry smiles.
