6 | Goo Goo Eyes (curtis sister)

Request: Can u write a Curtis sister imagine where the gang always teases her about her crush on dally bc she's too lil for him like 13


None = (Y/N)


This request is from Tumblr and they did not put their name with their imagine idea, which means you can put your name in the (Y/N) spot!! I hope you enjoy!

''You are so in love with him'' Darry says.

You roll your eyes with a smile. You head inside with the gang, you sit down. And you all fall asleep on each other. When the morning came, you were the first one up, you look at the clock, it was almost time for school.

''GUYS!'' You shout.

The gang shoots up from there sleep.

''It's almost time for school!'' You shout while heading upstairs.

''So what...'' Sodapop says tired.

''So, we need to go. And hurry don't Dilly Dally!'' You shout down the stairs.

The gang starts to giggle together. You get your clothes on and head downstairs, the gang was making you breakfast, you started to smile, after they made it, they gave it you.

''Thanks Pony'' You say while eating.

''Yeah, no problem. But remember don't Dilly ''Dally'' Hehe'' Ponyboy smiles.

You roll your eyes and stick the waffle in your mouth and start eating like a pig. When you finish you grab your backpack, and the gang starts walking you to school. On the way, they started talking about Dallas and how much you liked him. Normally, you would let it slip, but this time, you started feeling much more for Dallas.

''Guys! Would you stop teasing me?'' You ask.

''Look, were sorry Y/N, but your 13, and he's 17′' Steve says.

''Age doesn't matter, mostly when it comes to Dally'' You smile.

As you get to school, you kiss them on the cheek goodbye. When they leave, you start to think of Dallas throughout the whole school day. He was the only though that could keep you in school. Even though the gang teased you about him all the time, you liked it a lot. Just like you liked Dallas.


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Have fun reading my imagines,

- LilyHemsworth
