5 | It's Over (steve randle)

Request: Imagine where the reader gets upset with Steve for flirting with his ex, and he says she's getting clingy, and they fight and he says something like "Well I doubt my ex would say that!"and you break up with him? Thanks!


None = (Y/N)


This request is from Tumblr and they did not put their name with their imagine idea, which means you can put your name in the (Y/N) spot!! I hope you enjoy

''What the hell!?'' You shout.

Steve turns around with a shocked face. You walk up to him and slap him in the face. His ex looks at you, then runs off. You look at Steve with tears in your eyes.

''Why would you do this to me?'' You ask while a tear falls from your eye.

You wipe it away. Steve holds your hand, but you pull away.

''Y/N I can explain, I promise'' Steve says.

''That was your ex! You chose me remember? Me! And now I see you flirting with your ex?! Your ex is the one your supposed to be over, someone you should never crawl back to!'' You shout.

''Babe, your getting a little clingy'' Steve says.

''Clingy? Me? Are you kidding me?! At least I'm not the one who told you that went off, flirting with my ex! I'm not the one who said 'I will love you forever, and nobody could ever come between us'' You shout. Tears running down your face.

''Well, I doubt my ex would say that!'' Steve shouts.

''Wh- That's it! Steve, we are done! Done!'' You tear off the necklace that he gave you, and threw it on the ground, it shattered into pieces. Just like your heart.


''No, no more chances! You want your ex back? That's who your going to get! There's no more Y/N! There's just you and your ex!'' You storm off with tears in your eyes.


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Have fun reading my imagines,

- LilyHemsworth
