Matthews Sister Imagine

Requested: Anonymous

Imagine: Image were ur two-bits sister and the gang wakes u up and then Ponyboy takes u to the bookstore and you guys fall in love together thx!

''Ugh. Early. Bad'' You sigh.

The gang opened the blind, and the sun shown right in your eyes. You could've been blinded. You throw the pillow over your head and keep sleeping. You suddenly feel a tug on your leg, the gang starts dragging you out of bed. You groan as they pull you out, when you get pulled all the way out, your head hits the ground, but you felt nothing, you were still asleep.

''Darry made waffles'' Sodapop whispers.

You shoot up from your sleep. You stand up and start flying down the stairs.

''Waffles waffles waffles!'' You shout as you run towards the kitchen.

When you get to the kitchen, you smell the fantastic smell of the waffles. As you sit down, Ponyboy and Two-Bit sit next to you. Darry brings you your food, you start to eat, after you were done, you thanked him. Then you headed to the living room, Ponyboy came up and sat down with you.

''Wanna head to the bookstore with me Y/N?'' Ponyboy asks.

''Sure, let's go right now, cause later, I'm planning on eating tons. So...'' You smile and stand up.

You and Ponyboy start to walk to the bookstore, when you arrive, you sit down and start to whisper with him.

''What do you want to do here? There's only books here'' You whisper.

''Exactly, I love to read'' Ponyboy says.

You stand up and start to look through the books, as you look, Ponyboy follows you. When you finally get a book, you sit down and start reading, Ponyboy sit across from you. You put your hand on the table, Ponyboy lays his hand on top of yours, you look up at him and smile.

''Y/N... I just wanna say... I really like you, more like love'' Ponyboy smiles.

''I love you too Pony, I've never really had the ch-''

Ponyboy kisses you and you shut up. As you make out in the bookstore, the manager kicks you out for kissing. You both laugh and leave. From then, you both fell in love, then became boyfriend and girlfriend.
