Curtis Sister Imagine

Requested: Anonymous

Imagine: Write an imagine about when it's the Curtis sister sweet 16 when they have those dances with their dads she gets upset bc she doesn't have a dad and dally volunteers to do it aw bc she looks up to him

You run upstairs and sit on your bed, you grab your phone and look at the text that your friend texted you.

''I am so excited for your sweet 16!! It's going to be so sweet! ''Pun intended'' I can't wait to meet your dad too! He's probably going to be as amazing as you are!'' Your friend texts.

You stare at your phone for a while. Then you look up, there was a picture of you and your family sitting right on the wall. You sigh and reply to your friend telling her that you don't have a father, he died in a car crash. Your friend texts back apologizing over and over about bringing it up. You say it's fine. As you put down your phone, you head downstairs to eat. When you sit down, Dallas was at the table. You start to eat.

''So, what are you going to do for your sweet 16?'' Sodapop asks.

''I don't know... I know I'm going to have fun an all, but I don't have a father to dance with, and I don't know who to dance with'' You say while playing with your food. Dallas looks up.

''I'll go with you'' Dallas says.

You look up at him.


''Yeah, I mean, you've done so much for me. You've helped me through a lot of stuff. Why not?'' Dallas smiles.

''Well... I have looked up to you a whole lot'' You smile.

So you decide Dallas is going to dance with you. As the party comes, you start with the dance at first. They present you and your dad. But you take the microphone.

''My dad couldn't make it today so... I'm going to dance with'' You take a big deep breathe.

''Dallas Winston''

Everyone gasps. As Dallas steps out of the darkness, all the girls look over at him, they start to whisper. As Dallas holds your hand, he leads you down the aisle with a smile. There was a group of girls and there fathers behind you

After the dance, everyone started cheering. You thanked Dallas for dancing with you. You then continued with your sweet 16 party and had so much fun.
