Sodapop Curtis Imagine

Dating Sodapop Curits seems like a dream, and it is a dream, but not when his brother doesn't allow your love. Which is exactly what's happening between you and Sodapop right now. You love Sodapop and he loves you, but Darry doesn't love the whole idea about you two loving eachother. But the love you two had for eachother, nothing could get in the way. You were lying on the grass in your backyard, it was nighttime and you were looking at the stars.

''You know, I don't how I got so lucky to have you in my life Tionna.'' sodapop smiles.

Your hand was on the soft grass, you feel his hand slide over towards your hand. He lays his hand on top of your hand, making you blush. The compliment that he gave you made you blush even harder.

''You took the words right outta my mouth buddy.'' you smirk, looking over at him.

''I have to go home now, Darry's probably wonderin where I am. But you know the excuse, right Tionna?'' sodapop says, sitting up.

''Yup, just tell him you were helping me with my car.'' you giggle.

Sodapop kisses you, but he didn't want to stop right there, he climbs over on top of you and starts to kiss you even more.

''Okay Soda! Get off! Get! Darrel will probably kill ya if you ain't back soon.'' you chuckle, pushing him off of you.

Sodapop smiles and lays one last kiss on your forehead, he than races off back to his house. He just kept running, and when he ran he looked like a model, he was a hottie, and you were glad he was yours. Sodapop arrives back at the house and the lights were out, he opens the door gently and starts to tip toe inside the house.

''Soda! Where have you been?'' he hears Darry's voice call out.

''I was fixing Tionna's car.'' he lies, trying to make his way to the stairs.

''I already told ya boyo, I don't trust that Teonna-''

''Tionna.'' sodapop corrects.

''You better not be correcting me right now, you don't know how pissed I am at you. I already told you! That girl you're with all the time isn't that trustworthy, she's sketchy and weird. I can't let you-''

''Darrel! I love her! You can't make me not love her! Love like this is worth keeping! She's worth keeping! You can't tell me what to do!'' sodapop shouts, getting angry.

''Soda, I'm just tryin to protect-''

''Help yourself before you help me because I don't need your protection Darrel. I'm a grown man, I can take care of my own damn self.'' sodapop spat.

Sodapop stomped his way upstairs, he didn't even want to interact with Darry right now, he wanted to be cuddled up with you on the couch. So that's what he was going to do, when he went to his room, he lied on his bed and waited for the lights to all the way out and for Darry's door to close. When his door closed, that's when Sodapop opened up his door and snuck out of the house, he would return by the morning. He ran all the way back to your house and knocked on your door, it took a few knocks to get you up but you eventually got up and went towards the door. When you opened it, you gasped and saw that it was Sodapop and that you were in your PJ's.

''Soda! What are you doin here? It's 1 in the morning.'' you yawn, rubbing your eyes.

''Darry's being an asshole right now, I want to cuddle with you right now.'' sodapop begs, holding your hands.

''I dunno Soda, my parents-''

''I'll be extra quiet.'' sodapop winks.

You sigh and nod your head, Sodapop enters and you make your way upstairs. You had a couch in your room which you two crashed on. Sodapop shoved you onto the couch and started the whole climbing on you and kissing you thing. After what felt like five minutes of kissing, you hear your mom calling you down. You pause and look at Sodapop with fear crawling up your back.

''Do you think it's Darry?'' you ask a little scared.

''I don't know, we'll never know unless you go and see.'' sodapop says climbing off of you.

You stand up and head to the door, you look back at Sodapop and than open the door. You head downstairs and your theory was right, it was Darry, but he wasn't alone, he was with Soda's other brother, Ponyboy. Darry saw you coming downstairs and you wanted to go straight back upstairs but it was to late before he called you down.

''Tionna, come here please.'' darry says, making your heart jump.

Your parents move aside and you walk up to Darry who had his arms crossed, which was much more intimidating. You gave him a weak smile and opened your mouth, but before you could speak, he beat you and spake.

''I know Sodapop's here, now, where is he?'' darry asks.

''Soda's not here.'' you lie.

''Stop lying Tionna, tell me, where is Sodapop?'' darry repeats.

''Darry, I'm sorry but I can't let you keep taking Sodapop from me, do you know that we love eachother? I don't know if you know what love feels like, but it feels amazing. Sodapop makes me feel like most special girl in the whole wide world, and there are thousands of girls wanting Soda to even talk to them. But I've gotten the privilege to be dating Sodapop and all I'm ever asking is that you to approve our dating. I love Sodapop and I would never let anything happen to him, no matter what. I would even take a bullet for him.'' you say, hoping he'd get the message.

There was an awkward pause, you continued to stand there and stare deeply into Darry's eyes.

''Tionna,'' darry says, looking down.

''I approve.'' he finishes, looking up at you, smiling.

''Really?! Oh my- Thank you Darrel!'' you squeal.

You hug Darry, suddenly blushing like crazy, you didn't even realize you were going to do that. You let go of him and cough awkwardly, he sighs and rolls his eyes, smiling. Sodapop shows up and comes downstairs, holding your hand and looking at Darry.

''Darrel, I'm not letting you sepearate me and Tionna, I-''

''I already approve, please don't say all of this over again.'' darry groans, shaking his head.

''Oh, I.. I um, didn't know that.'' sodapop chuckles nervously.

You kiss Sodapop on the cheek and make your way to the kitchen, Sodapop looked at Darry.

''I'm sorry Darrel, I didn't know that-''

''I was trying to protect you, that's all. But Tionna actually is a very sweet girl.'' darry admits.

''Thanks Darrel, I love ya.'' sodapop smiles, punching Darry in the arm.

''Whatever, love you to.'' darry smirks, punching him harder back.

You and Sodapop have been approved and even though it meant spilling your feelings to somebody who scared you, it was all worth it.
