Ponyboy Curtis Imagine

"I don't know about this Johnny." You sigh, standing on the front porch of the curtis household.

"Don't worry Y/N, i-it's going to be f-fine." Johnny pulls you into a side hug.

You sigh and Johnny knocks on the door, your hands started to sweat. You were really nervous, he was going to introduce you to the gang, and you didn't know if you were ready for it. The door opens and one of the most handsome people you've ever seen appears in front of you.

"Hey Soda, this i-is my little sis Y/N." Johnny introduces.

He smiles at you and you felt like you fell in love. He puts his hand out and you shake it, his name was Sodapop. He invites you inside of the house and you look around, it was a pretty nice house.

"Darry! Johnny's sis is here!" Sodapop yells.

You see a man come down the stairs and he looked big and muscular. He greets you and shakes his hand as well.

"Where's Ponyboy?" Sodapop asks, looking around.

A crash comes from the kitchen and you all rush into the kitchen. You see a really cute guy on the floor groaning in the pain. He looks up at you, and suddenly climbs to his feet. Darry goes over to him and puts him in a headlock.

"Here's our fourteen year old Ponyboy." Darry smiles, rubbing his head.

"Stop it Darry." Ponyboy says, pushing out of his headlock.

"Fourteen? I'm fourteen." You smile.

"Really?" Ponyboy turns really red.

Everyone stares at him and starts to see that Ponyboy was developing a crush on you. You decided to hang out with them, and you had a really good time with them. You and Ponyboy got really close, and he had a major crush on you by the end of the day.
