The Membrane Mithridate

Professor Membrane collapsed, a knife in his side, blood pooled from the wound. Dib yelled and crouched down next to his father. "SIZZ-LORR, COME QUICK." Brokenpelt turned around and was ready to fight off Membrane's husband but he instead made himself an alternate exit through one of the walls. Sizz-Lorr's eyes welled up as he saw the state of Professor Membrane. He ran off and crouched down with Dib and clutched Membrane's hand. Brokenpelt took a step forward as Dib and Sizz-Lorr glared at her, she smiled and spun the knife in her hands. "I was an experiment all my life, and seeing you, Dib, being tampered with and changed for someone else's sick TWISTED GOALS... Gave me no choice but to do what I did, you should be thanking me..." Dib sat up and balled his fists up. Before he could approach his Dad's murderer he was called by him, a hand grabbing his. He looked back at his father, who spoke to him. "Son, revenge isn't very scientific... Grow, in your own way, I was a fool to tamper with the natural way a person grows..." He looked over to Sizz-Lorr and gripped his hand tightly. "Look after him, and Gaz too..." He lied back and looked towards the sky. Dib wasn't ready to give up on his dad yet, as Brokenpelt watched the family grief he shook his dad. "Dad, I can get you help! I can patch you up and... I don't know how too... I bet I knew if I was smart like before! I'm more of a disappointment now more than ever!" Dib hit the ground with his fist, he shut his eyes tightly a a tear rolled down his cheek. He opened them as Membrane put a hand on his shoulder. "Son, I was never disappointed in you..." Membrane's hand slid off of his shoulder and hit the ground as Dib looked down upon his father. Sizz-Lorr lost in emotion, cried into his husband's chest. Dib stood up and looked down at his hands and trembled. He had always thought of some way, some scheme to get out of any situation. Now his brain drew blanks, he fell to his knees and yelled into the sky. His screaming turned into crying as he lost himself in grief, he quickly snapped to attention as his pupils shrunk. "The beans..." Brokenpelt tilted her head and looked at him. "The what?' Dib turned towards the house. "The Coffee Beans." He began stomping towards the front door, Brokenpelt was getting ready to attack him too before she was pushed aside into the bushes by the determined boy. By the time she had recovered and was climbing out he was standing in the doorway again with an armful of scientific equipment. Brokenpelt got up and prepraed to lunge at him but was grabbed in the arm by a mighty hand, Sizz-Lorr called out to Dib. "I don't know what you're doing, but do it now!" Dib took a breath and went over to his Father and began hooking up iv tubes to him, after popping open a tub of coffee beans he poured it into a sort of funnel at the top of a machine and turned it on. It hummed and rumbled as brown liquid entered the ivs, and into Membrane's veins. Brokenpelt struggled in Sizz-Lorr's grip, but he and Dib watched Membrane's body. Dib began to tear up again, out of pure joy, as he saw his Father's color come back, a heart beat blaring out on the machine, brain waves appearing as well. Eventually Membrane's hair scythe, which was becoming droopy and deformed, formed back into it's lightning bolt shape. He sat up slowly, Sizz-Lorr throwing Brokenpelt away as he and helped him up. Membrane was dazed, but he looked down at Dib. "You...Saved me..." He looked over the machine and the IV tubes leaking brown liquid on the ground. "Yeah, with my stupid coffee bean idea!" He hugged his father's leg, and both of them were met with the embrace of Sizz-Lorr. As Membrane pieced together the events he looked over at Brokenpelt, who was making her way around the corner of the house after being thrown. He exited the family hug and began walking towards her, she took the memo and began towards him too. "You snuck into my home, led me to believe you were some lost child..." Dib and Sizz-Lorr backed up. "You worked right under my nose to hurt me, and more importantly, my family..." Once they were close to each other Brokenpelt swung her blade, which was countered by Membrane striking her arm with his, her arm flew back a bit and left her wide open. Membrane drew back a hand and clenched a fist. "and I'm not letting you do it ANYMORE!" He struck her in the chest and blew the girl into a fire hydrant. Water spewed out and began raining down on them. Brokenpelt stumbled up, clutching her shoulder. "It's you who's in the wrong, you changed your son because you're not proud of who he is!" Membrane looked back at Dib before glaring back at his opponent. "I was ALWAYS proud of him!" He ran towards her and spun around into a flying kick. She tried to block with her arms but was flung. As she flew away her tail was grabbed to stop her. Membrane then grabbed her arm too. He whispered to her in a low, angry voice. "If I ever see you again, I'll beat you atom by atom, until your dust." The Professor dug his heel into the dirt and took a breath in before spinning. Dib and Sizz-Lorr watched the spectacle as Brokenpelt began yelling. Membrane built up speed, the world becoming a blur around him, all he could see clearly was Brokenpelt's face, painted with fear. After a few more seconds he got ready, he looked at Brokenpelt and she knew he was winking at her under those goggles. He yelled out as he threw the girl into the sky, watching her fly out of view into the clouds. He rested his body as the water from the hydrant made a rainbow form above him, his hair blowing in the wind. Dib and Sizz-Lorr sat, amazed. Membrane put a hand to his side and slipped slightly, Sizz-Lorr went to his side and helped him stay up, Dib ran to his feet. "Dad... Did you really change me because you weren't proud of me, and you didn't like the way I was?..." Membrane looked down and ruffled his son's hair. "I'll admit, even the most genius minds can make mistakes... My mistake was not letting you follow your own path, I'm... Sorry, son..." Dib shook his head. "No, Dad, it's okay." Sizz-Lorr hugged them both again, planting a big fat smooch on the side of Membrane's head. Dib heard a familiar tune play from the living room TV, the intro to Mysterious Mysteries of Strange Mystery. He began to walk back inside before looking back at his parents. Professor Membrane stood there for a moment before going with him, silently agreeing to watch with him. Dib sat down on the couch, followed by Professor Membrane on his right, Sizz-Lorr moved the front door back to its place again before squeezing in to Dib's left. Sizz-Lorr pulled a slice of pizza out from his apron as the episode played, the Membrane family has changed, and this time, for the absolute better. Outside, a flaming ball slammed into the ground nearby. Brokenpelt emerged, extremely wounded, but enough to get away. She declared "I'll be back..." under her breath before limping away, stopping and looking back as she heard Dib and his dads sharing a laugh.

