An Absurd Appearance

Dib approached the Alien Ship with his Sister's bat in hand, he took a hardy swing and even though he wasn't a strong young fellow, he felt a rush of euphoria and adrenaline as the window on the ship cracked. He felt overflowed with bloodlust, a bloodlust only to destroy the wrongs of his past. He felt his brain devolve as he went ballistic with the bat. He slammed it against the ship all over, making sure no bit of it was left undented or smashed, he destroyed levers, smashed thrusters, ripped out wires with his bare teeth. All the while his fathers were watching, holding each other longingly and watching this wonderful memory that would last a lifetime. Dib took his fist back and slammed it into the side of ship, his fist penetrated the hull and dug deep into the ships body. He ripped out some sort of engine, holding it up in the air like his enemies heart. He let out a gut wrenching scream and threw it to the ground like a Football player after a touchdown. It shattered and sparked, the parts scattering over the garage floor. He decided as a memory of his foolishness he'd take a tiny chunk of what was left, a bit of metal with a bit of an odd insignia on it. He threw it onto one of the many tables to inspect it later. Dib wiped his forehead and dropped the bat, exhausted after the destruction. He suddenly shot back to looking fine and walked to his dads. "Well, all that destroyin' made me real hungry! Isn't McMembrane's gonna open soon?" Professor Membrane nodded. "I was just going to open up shop now, would you care to join me for a Scientific Meal?" Dib's eyes glew with excitement, rushing ahead of his dad even though he'd have to get there to unlock the door. "Would I!"Sizz-Lorr sat on the couch and continued to watch Bill Nye the Science Guy as the Father Son duo made their way to the Professor's fast food establishment. There were some odd individuals outside making Pizza miraculously appear from nowhere. Membrane took the opportunity and picked up a box as he made his way to the doors and unlocked them. Membrane looked around for his loyal fry cook, but he was nowhere to be found! He was sitting a few tables down doing nothing. Dib was the first in line as Membrane got behind the counter. Professor Membrane looked down at his son and said "Welcome to McMembranes, how may I take your order?" Dib responded "I'd like a Science Burger!" Membrane nodded. "An excellent choice, Son!" Without his fry cook the Professor would have to get his hands dirty, he'd have to put all of his energy into this McMembrane Burger for it was for his son! He got behind the grill and prepared his son's Science Burger. He stepped out of the kitchen and placed it on the counter. He rung the bell and called out Dib's order number. He skipped up happily to the counter and took it. "Thanks, Dad!" he hopped to a booth and began eating his Very Scientific Burger. Membrane only took orders for a bit before thinking he should close up shop early, he wanted to spend more time for his family now. After chasing the patrons out with his Membrane Brand Broom he walked over to Dib's booth and took his plate, placing it on the dish conveyor belt. "How about we go home, and do some Science?" Dib got up and nodded. "Sure, that sounds good right about now. A full stomach does the mind wonders!" The two left, Membrane locking the door behind him. As they walked away Zim woke up from his nap underneath the table and tried to leave the dark restaurant. He noticed the doors were locked and slammed his fists against the glass as the Scientific Duo headed for home. Once they were home and comfortable Membrane told Dib to get comfortable while he changes into his Science uniform, which was clothes he wore every other day of the year. Dib sat down beside Sizz-Lorr, offering the box of room temperature pizza Membrane had picked up from the street. Sizz-Lorr took it and ruffled his hair. "Thanks kiddo! I owe ya one." Dib and Sizz-Lorr leaned back and watched Bill Nye the Science Guy. Membrane came back down the stairs, tightening one of his gloves. "Alright! It's time for Science!-" At that moment the TV flickered, then the houses power. All three of them spotted a shadowy ominous figure in the corner. Once they all did a double take to make sure they weren't going crazy Membrane took a slight step towards it. Whatever it was hissed at all of them, Dib hiding the arm of his gigantic fry cook father. Membrane stood his ground, but dared not to approach. He watched the lights and electronics in the room flicker. Eventually he had an epiphone and pointed at the figure. "This could only be one thing! A Science Rat!" Sizz-Lorr and Dib gasped, and both said at the same time "A Science Rat!?!?" The "Science Rat" began to leave it's corner as the family eyed it, all of them yelling out as it jumped at them from the shadows.
