Dib's Dire Determination to Remember

Brokenpelt, having snuck into the Membrane's garage lab, typed away. She researched for hours, mixing and matching chemicals into a single test tube. She put on a pair of gloves and reached into a box, she pulled out the ectoplasm-detecting goggles and flicked a clump of green goo into the mixture. She followed that up with a single strand of Dib's hair, making a tiny smoke cloud in the form of a neutral face, like the one on his shirt. She then pulled out a half eaten Membrane Brand Science-Burger in a plastic baggie, she used tongs to rip off a piece and dropped it in.  The liquid became bright green and slightly florescent. She let it settle before pulling a bee out of her pocket, it was squirming and trying to escape her grasp. Her pupils disappeared as she poked a finger into it and swiftly pulled it out, with her finger was the soul of the bee which was stuck to the tip of it. The Bee's physical body shriveled up and blew away into dust, it's soul was plopped into the test tube. The fumes coming out of the bottle resembled honey and sour milk now, good. As she finished her experiment Brokenpelt pulled out a syringe and sucked the mixture into it. She put a cap on the needle and hit in her sleeve, she'd only have one chance to pull off her plan, confident in her abilities she grinned and hopped out of the chair and snuck out of the lab. The house was silent, only the sound of the TV and snores from Sizz-Lorr. She retreated to the abandoned dog bed in the corner she'd have claimed as her bed and lied down slowly, silently snickering to herself. The night passed, and the sun peeked over the hills as the house began to wake up. Dib sat up in his bed and stretched, yawning. He hopped out of his bed and got dressed, hopping to put on his boot as he exited his room. He headed downstairs gleefully on this scientific morning. "Good morning dads - ohhh WOW!" On the table was a feast of scientificly fantastic breakfast, every item you could think of was sprawled out on the table, Membrane was wearing an apron over his clothes and holding a spatula. "Cooking is just like science, only you can eat it without exploding! Dig in, son! Your other father and sister are already eating!" Dib thought to himself "Wow, I have the coolest life and dads ever!" as he sat down and filled his plate up with food and poured himself a tall glass of lab-grown orange juice. Barely touching her food beside him, Brokenpelt slid the syringe from her sleeve and got ready, a quick jab to the leg and her plan would be in action. Before she could act he shoved an entire pancake in his mouth and began choking, he fell out of his chair before swallowing the hotcake and climbing back up. Brokenpelt decided to let him have this victory, and let her brother eat his delicious breakfast. Sizz-Lorr grabbed a handful of bacon and shoved it down his throat, he belched as Membrane laughed, putting the fork down his collar to eat. After the table was cleared and the Braniac Breakfast was finished the family got up and began their days. Sizz-Lorr leaned back. "Your cooking is the best in the world, hubby, it even woke me up from that terrible grease induced super coma!" Membrane gave a hearty chuckle. "Not to toot my own horn, but I did take advanced culinary!" The two shared a big laugh as Dib hopped up and walked towards the couch to catch the early morning episodes of How It's Made! He sat down and was disgusted at what was on his television, some show about odd occurrences and how their most likely related to Bigfoot's fungal infection or something... But then noticed it was about DISPROVING such things with science, which interested him. He got comfy and watched. Brokenpelt snuck behind the couch and retrieved her syringe of pure unfiltered "Paranormal Juice" from her sleeve again. She slides over the back and glares at him, her eyes flared up and she grabbed his wrist. Time slowed down for Dib as his arm was yanked up, and Brokenpelt raised the syringe up and drove it into his arm and pressed down to inject the fluid into him. Dib was confused and scared, but didn't really know what was going on. He pried his hand away as Brokenpelt began snickering to herself. His head pounded, his vision blurred. Suddenly his eyes rolled back and he fell backwards, as his vision faded he remembered. He remembered everything. Bigfeets, Ghosts, Nosferatu's, getting abducted as a toddler, his Irken ship, his garage of evidence...ZIM... He opened his eyes as the world continued in slow motion, Membrane was running into the room, Brokenpelt had hidden away her Syringe and had called for him like Dib was hurt, as his world, and brain, went back to normal he heard his father yell. "SON, ARE YOU OKAY!?" Dib blinked and sat up, rubbing his arm. "Yeah, dad..." Membrane placed a hand on his shoulder and held up a chart, he pointed at one of the squares on it. "What element is this!? What's it's atomic weight!?" Dib rubbed the side of his head. "That's Zirconium! Zirconium is a material I found in a crater one time, where I swore some alien ship tried to stop for gas!" Membrane felt a lump form in his throat, and his heart dropped like an anchor at port. "S-s....Son do you need some fresh air? Lets go outside!" Confused, Dib was dragged outside into the crisp morning air. Membrane took a long breath in "Ah! What a great day for some science!" He looked desperately down at Dib, who was picking his nose. He didn't know what was happening, what had gone wrong, his gift from the Government Man had worked flawlessly... What happened? Behind the confused Professor, Brokenpelt was approaching silently with a knife from breakfast. As his gigantic mind was racing over what happened to his son he felt a sharp pain in his side, he felt his head spin as he looked down and saw the blade in his side. He stumbled around and saw Brokenpelt's demented smile as he fell back onto the ground.       
