McMembrane's Musty Menace

The sun peeked over the horizon, baking the town in a warm glow, dew dripped from the grass and birds sang as a gloved hand turned a key in a lock and opened the double doors. He took a few steps into the building and took a long breath in. He flipped a switch, turning on the lights. He put the keys into his pocket and triumphantly stepped behind the cash register, waiting for business to boom as usual. The entire town was shocked at the fact the world renowned scientist would open up a fast food joint but he knew what had to be done, the people had to be fed good scientific food! His fry cook, his son's green foreign friend, marched into the establishment, not even in uniform. Professor Membrane didn't care though, he was obviously so excited to work the grill he didn't get dressed. Tailing behind him was a large crowd, hungry for whatever Membrane had cookin'. Soon the orders came flooding in, with sweat beading down his face he poked his head into the kitchen, banging on the walls with his fist. He shouted to the small green man on the grill. "WE NEED DOUBLE PEPPERONI, EXTRA CHEESE." He ran back to the register to take more orders. The ordering line was a sea of screams for all different kinds of food, the Professor could barely keep up, he didn't even bother with the door anymore. He slapped the wall yelling things like "WE NEED MORE PEPPERONI" or "DOUBLE DEEP FRIED" meanwhile his employee was moving at a snails pace, most of the food going up in flames and turning into a crisp black pile of ash. Suddenly the crowd went silent, a large metallic thud was heard from outside as the whole place shook. Everyone dared not speak a word as booming footsteps got closer and closer. The crowd was pushed apart by a Goliath of a man, he stood tall, he looked as wide as an Elephant. Everyone else was cowering, but Membrane stood his ground and stared the man dead in the eye. The large figure stepped closer, stopping at the register.

"Hey BUDDY." He put a finger in Membrane's face. "I'm kicking you STRAIGHT OUTTA HERE, this is MY restaurant now, and i'm SURE you've got nothin' to say about it." Membrane stood there before placing a large, gentle but firm hand, on the other. he slowly pushed it down and glared at the other man through his goggles. "Over my cold dead hands." The large fella reached into his apron and pulled out a sawed off double barreled shotgun, he quickly shoved two shells into it before flipping it closed, the barrels right in Membrane's face. Membrane stood unphased by the weapon, he huffed and spoke in his deep alluring voice. "We'll settle this like real men, in a duel. Right in the middle of the street." The other man chuckled, turning away and stomping towards the door. "I'll be right outside, labcoat." The crowd stayed quiet as the Professor slid over the counter and followed him, the only sound being his boots echoing through the place.

As the two made it outside the crowd had followed, they stood back to back in the center of the street and not a soul would speak out. The much larger, green man said to his rival. "The names Sizz-Lorr, remember it when you've got a bullet in your head. 3 steps, that'll decide who's the bigger man." Membrane gave a slight nod and the two took a step, then another, once both of their feet hit the ground a they both spun around. Professor Membrane reached into his lab coat and pulled out a revolver, spinning the cylinder and firing blankly at Sizz-Lorr. Sizz-Lorr had done the same, firing his shotgun. Both took multiple shots, one falling to their knees and the latter falling onto their bottom. Before Sizz-Lorr got the energy to stand up Membrane had already begun slowly stepping towards him, his walk was slower as he stumbled, blood running down his coat. Eventually he stood ove Sizz-Lorr, the sunlight glistening in his goggles. Sizz-Lorr prepared for the worst, he was gonna finish him off. Suddenly the Professor dropped to his knee, dropping his pistol on the ground. He took Sizz-Lorr's hand with his gloved one and looked up at him. "With this event you've shown me your determined heart for Fast Food. I want you to take my hand in Marriage." A few gasps were heard from the crowd as the two stood there locked into each others gaze. Sizz-Lorr was speechless but eventually he gave Membrane a slight smirk and nodded "Yes, I would love nothing more." 
