Dib's Dire Desire to Die (Part 2)

Dib was picked up by his new greasy father before being placed back on his feet. He stumbled a bit but caught his balance when his head smacked against a street lamp. "Now son, lets try this again! This is your new father, Sizz-Lorr! My respect for him grew 12 times! 2 "Respect" levels for each bullet lodged in my body!" Membrane pointed at the 5 holes in his coat, before looking at Sizz-Lorr and kissing him. "Well if I knew that's how we were doing it I would've fired more!" The couple shared another laugh, hugging and touching foreheads as Membrane lifted up one of his legs. The two giggled quietly at each other as Dib was still mortified, almost frothing at the mouth at the sight. He ran into the building again, The husbands continued their public display of emotion as Dib jumped again, slamming into the ground trying to escape this world for the second time. He stood up again and rolled into a bush and began crying loudly. Membrane held out a hand, inviting his lover on a day on the town. "Shall we?' Said the Professor. Sizz-Lorr took his hand sternly. "Of course, darling." The two frolicked off into the town, as happy as can be. Dib forced himself to his feet, remembering his job. "I'm not some cry baby! I'm Earth's hero! and I'm not gonna let some Alien freak slither into my life and-" Dib caught a glance at Sizz-Lorr wriggled his fingers as he moved towards Membrane's scientific trunk, he gave it a little bitty honk and was met with a playful punch in the arm. Dib knew that was a sign of true love and there was no fixing it. He ran into the street and was hit by a truck, flying into a pile of trashcans near his fathers. He looked at the beautiful morning sky, still alive. Membrane and Sizz-Lorr went inside of McMembrane's and ordered themselves a milkshake, the kind with 2 straws! Dib pressed his face into the window and slid down it, his face squeaking as he went out of sight. Membrane raised his brows at his husband as he slurped the milkshake from the swirly straw stuck in it. Sizz-Lorr was a much heftier man, the strength of an Olympian radiated off of him like the sun's rays. The truth was in the pudding, and Membrane needed some damn pudding. Meanwhile Dib had gotten hit by a car again. Membrane and Sizz-Lorr eventually made it to the park, sitting down and watching a flock of birds pass by. Dib stumbled near them, his body felt like it needed to shut down and die, like when you need sleep but just can't. He looked over at a figure approaching, it was his sister, Gaz. The Professor audibly gasped and hopped up, clapping as he approached the pint sized gamer. "Hello, daughter! I'd like to introduce you to your wonderful new father! and my new "Experiment" " as he said that he trailed his finger up Sizz-Lorr's chest, holding his cheek with his giant gloved hand. Gaz nodded and continued playing her video game. "Cool, Dad." Membrane looked over at Dib, raising one brow. "Why can't you be as accepting as your sister, Dib?" Dib held up a finger and wanted to make a retort but he knew it would be in vain. He stumbled, having to drag one leg, up to his sister. "Gaz! You gotta believe me! Dad's lover is an Irken just like Zim! He came from outer space and then they shot guns at each other and-" Gaz looked up from her game. "Dib if you don't shut up this very second I'm gonna eat you. Literally just eat you." Dib blinked. "What." At that very moment Gaz unhinged her jaw like an Anaconda and lunged towards the boy. Dib yelled and began running from his sister, flailing his arms about like a dying Octopus. He eventually smacked into a tree and scurried up it, continuing to yell. Gaz gripped the tree with the force of a truck and began shaking it, Dib held on for dear life but like fate chose for him he eventualyl fell and was devoured by Gaz whole. After being devoured he was sent to a nightmare void where no light would reach it. Suddenly a fireball smashed into the Earth near Gaz and her parents and a shadowy familiar silhouette came rushing out of it. It was Invader Tak! She lunged at Membrane and Sizz-Lorr at incredible speeds, the human eye could barely track it. Gaz's jaw unhinged again though and caught Tak in her mouth, sending her to the nightmare void as well. Sizz-Lorr held his husband in his arms, staring. Membrane clapped, chuckling. "Good work Gaz, I can always rely on you!"
