A Frightening Familial Foray

As Dib and his apparent new sibling, Brokenpelt, were exiting the kitchen Professor Membrane peeked out of the garage door and called out. "Wait! I'd feel bad not spending quality time with my son and newly-adopted-mysterious-entity!" He caught up with them and crouched down. "Why don't we all go out on the town for a bit?" Dib shot his arms into the air and yelled. "DAD! Can you please explain all this stuff your talking about, "adopt" this and "sister" that!?" Membrane laughed, patting his sons shoulder. "I may be the smartest man on the planet, but I'm also the best dad on the planet! Brokenpelt here was obviously a lonely soul, and so happened to have wandered into our home! It was only natural to take her under my wing, Sizz-Lorr even agreed!" Brokenpelt hugged Membranes arm as Dib stood there in disbelief, the Membrane family is growing, but he knew acceptance would come eventually. Membrane stood up and took his children with him, placing one on each shoulder. "Lets hit the streets!" He rushed towards the door before stopping and looking at the couch. "Sizz-Lorr my wonderful husband, are you going to come with us?" Sizz-Lorr had been in a food induced coma since the other day, it was the pizza. "He's such an angel when he's sleeping, now! Let's go have some FUN!" Membrane exited his house and hit the streets. While walking down the sidewalk they saw a small man enter his house after crawling out of a massive hole in his yard. Membrane looked down at Dib. "It's your little green friend! Why don't you go say hi?" Dib's brain didn't know what to really do for a moment. It took him a second to agree and begin walking up to the house with Brokenpelt trailing behind. He knocked on the door, on second glance there was a slight groove in the wood, like his fist had been there hundreds of times before. The door opened up and Dib's green friend stood before him, looking exhausted with a spoon in hand. "WHAT DO YOU WANT NOW, DIB?" Dib stepped forwad. "ZIM! I'M HERE TO- apologize." Zim scrunched his face slowly and winked. "ʷʰᵃᵗ" Dib smiled and held out a hand. "I apologize for harrassing and bullying you all these years, I-...I was a fool! I should've realized you were just some poor soul with a skin condition, and for all I've done i'm truly, truly sorry..." Zim slowly lifted up a hand and shook his slowly. "Is this a joke? Is this a trick? Are you making fun of me? I've just spent the last 9 hours digging a tunnel to escape from my human earth-job and-" Dib shook his head. "No, Zim. I'm not joking, this is a humble apology, from the bottom of my heart!" Zim let go of his hand and slammed the door in his face with all his might. Dib smiled and began walking back to his dad. Brokenpelt recognized Zim, from all the pictures and other stuff she'd found while snooping... The rest of their outing was full of good times, Membrane took his family out for milkshakes at McMembrane's, almost falling into a big hole in the kitchen. The family had returned home and night had fallen. Dib was brushing his teeth and reciting the periodic table of elements to himself in the mirror for each tooth he scrubbed, Membrane was tucking his husband who was still in a pizza related coma in on the couch. Brokenpelt had snuck her way into the garage and peered over the equipment littering it, holding a picture of Dib yelling and pointing at Zim in her hand she sat it down and adjusted the chair so that she could reach. She wasn't a fan of being experimented on herself, and would make anyone who would do the same rue the day. 
