Dib's Dire Desire to Die

The newly weds had gotten off the ground and held each other's hands, making out all the while. The crowd had begun to scream and cheer, throwing hats and McMembrane's club soda into the air. One person in the crowd as acting differently, his eyes widened, his mouth agape. Funnily enough he was the first person that Membrane looked at. For once in his life Dib backed away as his father approached, his husband's hand in his. Dib eventually hit the wall of McMembrane's, his thoughts were rushing at a thousand miles per hour. He had one solid one though, his fathers husband, his new dad, was the same thing Zim was. An Alien. The new spouses stood over Dib, their gargantuan shadow drowning the boy in complete darkness. Their forms blocking out the sun. 

Dib looked around, avoiding eye contact for as long as possible. Eventually his father spoke out. "Hello, Son! I'm sure you saw all that just happened there, but lets be formal about this! Meet your new father, Sizz-Lorr!" Dib held up a pointed finger, mumbling and stumbling over his words. Sizz-Lorr took this as a greeting, taking his tiny little hand in his massive one and shaking it. By the fact the bones in his hands weren't dust Sizz-Lorr seemed to be a gentle giant. Sizz-Lorr took his hand away and scratched the back of his neck, grinning down at the big headed boy. Professor Membrane put an arm around his husbands shoulder, Sizz-Lorr did the same. They both opened their free arms, crouching down, inviting Dib to a family hug. Dib took deep sharp breaths, tearing up. He scurried to his feet and ran off, pushing through the crowd. The married men looked at him as he ran, the only thing they could see was his hair scythe poking above the crowd like a Shark's fin breaking the surface of the sea. They looked at each other with worry as they chased after him. Dib tripped and rolled onto the sidewalk, burying his head in his hands and trying his best not to cry. How could this have happened so fast, it had to be some sort of punishment but for what? Why out of all things his father had to marry the one thing he swore to defeat. He punched the pavement, stopping when a pair of footsteps approached him. "Son-" Dib swung around, sweating profusely. He scooted away as he was basked in darkness yet again by the shadows of his parents. Sizz-Lorr stepped forward, a big grin on his fat green face. "C'mere, Son! Give your new dad a big ol' hug!" He opened his arms and crouched to the boys level. Dib looked at his dad, who he never saw as the emotional type. But through the goggles he knew he was saddened by the reaction. He wish he could tell him that it wasn't for any reason other than the fact he had married an alien in the middle of the road. Did he know Sizz-Lorr was an Irken? He wasn't even in a disguise. Dib didn't care though. He balled up his fists and grunted, his face going red and sweat flooding from his head. Sizz-Lorr took a step back, tilting his head in question. "Is your kid s'posed to do that, Hubby?" Professor Membrane did his trademarked gut laugh. "Oh son I know just what your doing! I removed the mini darkmatter bomb from your liver years ago! I didn't want another incident happening like the last time, so I thought-" At the sound of that Dib had ran into a nearby house, his Father stopping another long speech about how some scientific experiment went wrong. Dib heard his father shout "Wait, Son!" as he chased after him. Sizz-Lorr followed, he couldn't fit through the door so he ran into the wall and left a....Sizz-Lorr shaped hole in it. The two got to the roof to see Dib standing on the edge, his arms out and his head towards the sky. Dib didn't dare to look back at his Father and the sick green creature he had given his heart too. He leaned forward and fell off the roof. Professor Membrane gave a terrified scream as he ran forward and reached out for his Son, Sizz-Lorr grabbed him and held him back. They both winced and shut their eyes as they heard a thud and a loud crack from the ground below. They knew they had to face what was down there. Dib lied face down in the grass, but he heard his heart beating, his own thoughts too. Was this the afterlife? Had he thrown himself into the void? The darkness was erased though as the Professor grabbed the back of his head and lifted his face from the dirt. "Hello, Son!" his father said, happily. Dib didn't know what was going on, he felt his bones that weren't even broken, his cuts and bruises seemed gone too. "B-b-b-b-but..." Professor Membrane put a finger on his face. "I couldn't have you dying on me anytime soon! A few months ago I had a device implanted into your brain that would jumpstart it in the event of your untimely passing. You're virtually immortal!" Sizz-Lorr and Membrane shared a laugh as he let go of Dib's head, his face falling back into the cold dirt.
