A Sinister Sisterly Scheme

A day had passed since the inclusion of an odd wolf-child creature had rumbled the Membrane house to it's core, but all was fine now. Professor Membrane and his darling son Dib were in their personal lab, the previously filled garage was now pristine, clean, and full of scientific gadgets and machinery. Dib looked at some calculations and twisted some knobs. Membrane was looking over some beakers of bubbling fluids before Dib called him. "Dad, I've been thinking up a theory for a bit now, would you like to hear it?" Membrane looked over at him. "I'd like nothing more, son!" Dib tilted the monitor he was in front of towards his father and motioned to the screen. "I've been theorizing about replacing human blood, with tiny coffee beans! How's that sound?" Dib motioned at the illustrations and notes on the screen with a wide smile and sparkling eyes. Membrane looked them over before being blunt with the boy. "That's the worst idea I've ever heard, son." Dib's smile deflated like a balloon, with the sound to accompany it, he quickly rebound and went back to work. Science isn't without its failures! Meanwhile, Sizz-Lorr and Brokenpelt were in the living room watching TV. Brokenpelt had taken her time to rummage around the house and had taken boxes of stuff from whatever corner she could find, Sizz-Lorr was put in charge of keeping an eye on the girl, but he wasn't very good at it. She stumbled upon odd equipment in one of the boxes, Ectoplasm-Detecting Goggles, Mothman scented deodorant, and a pair of Alien Capturing Handcuffs... In another she found journals and photo albums of supposed creatures, a name in marker being written on the corners of the pages. After a lengthy period of pictures of a small green man running away from whoever had the camera a single picture was left at the end of the album, Dib and his father. Brokenpelt closed the boxes and hopped off of the couch and began walking away. "I'm gonna go get a...drink or something!" Sizz-Lorr nodded as he watched a nature documentary about Blue Footed Boobies. Brokenpelt entered the lab, the scientific father son duo looked back. Dib was still unsure of their new house member, but his father had welcomed her with open arms. "Hello there! I don't see you in here often!" Membrane motioned her over. She walked over and was picked up by the head and placed on Membrane's lap. "Me and the boy we're just working on some stuff you wouldn't understand, science and the such!" Brokenpelt looked over at Dib, who went back to work. "Hi there." Dib squinted and peered over. "Hello?..." She pointed at Dib's computer and tilted her head. "What are you working on?" Dib was dragging a file over to the trash bin, but stopped to answer her question. "If you MUST know I'm getting ready to begin experimenting the eventual outcome of a War on Easter." Brokenpelt nodded. "Cool, cool..." Dib grit his teeth and sat back in his chair. "Is there something you want!?" Brokenpelt shrugged. "I'm just breaking the ice a bit, you've been pretty hostile to me since I got here..." Dib was about to respond before Membrane intervened. "I agree! Son, I know she made quite the abrasive entrance but she's been nothing but well mannered in her time here!" Dib looked around and squinted. "She's been here a day or something!" Brokenpelt smugly looked at him. "A day and I'm super well behaved..." Dib almost grabbed his Earth stress-ball to use as a weapon before he coughed into his fist and nodded. "I suppose so, yes. Now if you'll excuse me..." Before he could turn back to his work Brokenpelt gave him a friendly punch to the arm. "How about instead of being grumpy at me we hang out? Your dad said he'll let me stay here!" Dib looked up at his father who was too busy to look back and back to Brokenpelt. "Only for a bit, Science never sleeps!" He slid off of his chair and was followed by Brokenpelt. The two began to exit the garage lab before Membrane turned around and stop both of them. "You two have fun! Dib, play nice with your new sister!" Both of them quickly turned back to him, Dib's face looking mortified and Brokenpelt's looking cheery. Dib almost went into one of his insane freakouts before composing himself, he was a more mature man now. He put on his best smile and yelled out "Okay, Dad!"
