The Beginning, Of A New Beginning.

A/N: Sorry, I had too ^^✋😭

He looks up then, straight into Voldemort's crimson eyes with a look of pure rage " But you will, because you're wrong!" I see Voldemort's face light up in amusement " Harry's heart did beat for us, for all of us!"

" It's not over!" He shouts.

At this moment two things happen. Neville reaches into the hat and pulls from it the sword of Gryffindor. At the same time, Harry rolls from Hagrids arms, landing on the floor and getting up with and jolting upright.

" Confringo." He shouts, his wand pointed at Nagini. It bounces off of the snake, coming straight towards me. I duck down just in time, the death eaters behind me being knocked back.

I look up to Harry running and Voldemort sending curse after curse after him.

All around me death eaters are apparating, trying to escape while they can.

" Lucius come on!" I hear Narcissa shout. I turn to see Narcissa dragging Draco away by his hand, down the bridge. I look to Lucius as he stands looking out at the scene in utter confusion.

I walk swiftly towards him, grabbing his arm and dragging him towards his family. I shove him roughly towards them and he looks at me with furrowed brows.

" Go to Locke manor, you'll be safe there." I say quickly as he looks at me with concern " The manor is surrounded by enchantments, no one can get in unless they have me or Draco just go." I say, my tone rushed as I look back at the students fleeing into the castle.

Draco steps forward " I gave my wand to Potter I can-" I cut him off " You don't need it, just go I need to find Bella." I say quickly.

He frowns at me, glancing back at him parents. They look between the two of us before starting to walk down the bridge.

Draco turns to me and I smile gently " Be safe." I say calmly.

He reaches out his hand and I grab it, him pulling me closer the moment I do. His arms wrap around me " I'm not leaving you." he says, his tone worried.

I wrap my arms around his torso, my head resting on his chest " You have to." I say calmly. He shakes his head and I squeeze him tighter " Bring them to the manor so they'll be safe okay?" I say, looking up at him.

He nods " I will." he says firmly, his eyes gazing into mine filled with pain and fear. His brows furrow slightly " Then I'm coming back to help you." he says, his tone confident.

I let out a shaky breath " If you must, but be careful." I say sternly.

He nods, looking down at me with his forehead leaned against mine. I smile gently at him and he moves closer, his lips crashing into mine. I kiss him back passionately, allowing the taste of him to invade my mouth and his scent to well up in my nose where I hope it will stay.

I pull away after a minute, smiling at him before I turn to walk away " Be careful El." he says softly.

" I will." I say firmly, heading towards the castle. I hear the crack of apparition behind me and continue on my path.

I spot Bella off to the side, sticking to the back of the group of death eaters. I quickly walk over to her, trying to get there before she goes inside.

When I step up beside her she turns to me, I keep my face hard " Are you with me?" I ask firmly. Her eyes widen for a minute before she looks to the ground, thinking. I furrow my brows as I wait, she looks up to me and nods.

I continues into the castle " Stick with me." I say calmly. She follows closely behind me as I push through the crowd, into the hall.

I cast a protego at one of Kingsleys spells fly my way, frowning in his direction.

I watch as a death eater steps up behind Molly, aiming their wand at her.

Just as I go to lift my wand Bella shouts " Weasley look out!" sending a spell at the death eater behind Molly.

The Weasley family in it's entirety turn to us, Molly's face confused as she looks at Bellatrix and I. I shoot her a small smile as I go walk past her, Bella on my heels.

I spot Hermione and Ron and rush over to them " Hermione! Ron!" I call as I approach. They stop and I see a spell come their way " Look out!" I shout, pointing my wand at the death eater who had casted the spell.

Rons eyes widen " Ellie duck!" he says, pointing his wand at me. The spell shoots out of the end and I cast a protego to block it, making him frown " Bellatrix Lestrange is behind you!" he says with his wand still pointed.

I roll my eyes, not in the mood for this " I'm aware of that Weasley, don't worry about her she's with me." I say calmly.

His mouth drops open and he looks between us " But she's- wha- I don't- what do you mean? She's a death eater!" he shouts, his tone confused.

I shake my head " Not anymore." I say in a calm tone. He furrows my brows and I turn to Bella " Give me your arm." I say calmly.

Her brows furrow and she reluctantly holds her arm out to me. I pull back her sleeve and press my wand to the mark on her arm " Ad removendum." I whisper.

The mark on her arm starts to move around under her skin. The black ink bubbling up at the surface of her skin before starting to seep through. The ink spills out, running down the sides of her arm and dripping to the floor.

Her eyes widen and a small smile appears on her lips. I look up at her and she stares at me in disbelief " My Father." I say and she looks confused " It was my Fathers spell, it's why I never saw his mark." I say calmly.

I look up to Hermione and Ron as they stare at her arm in shock " Where's Harry?" I ask.

Hermione looks up " I don't know." she says quietly.

I furrow my brows " What do yo-" I'm interrupted by someone grabbing my shoulder, making me jump.

I turn to see Draco and breathe a sigh of relief " You scared me." I huff. He smirks and I turn back to Hermione, feeling Draco's hand intertwine with mine " How come you let him out of your sight?" I ask in disbelief.

She turns to look behind her, turning back to me " We still have to kill the snake." she says. I straighten out, suddenly remembering that the snake is still alive.

Draco clears his throat " Sorry but, why are we killing the snake?" he asks.

" She's a horcrux." Hermione and I say at the same time, smiling gently at each other.

I nod to Hermione " I'll help, lead the way." I say calmly. She nods, starting up the stairs and I turn to look at Bella and Draco.

However when I turn Bella isn't there, my eyes widen and I look around desperately. She wasn't gone now, she wouldn't leave. I didn't even notice she had snuck away, but where did she go.

Draco nudges me and I turn to him with a curious look. He nods off to the corner adjacent to the wall we had our backs against.

I see Molly, Bella next to her as they fight off the death eaters trying to get through the door. The two of them working together to keep them out.

I smile lightly before tugging on Draco's hand and heading after Hermione.

I hear a loud blast ring out an I head for the sound, turning away from Hermione. I see Neville lying in a pile of rubble -the sword of Gryffindor still in his hand- and instantly rush over to him.

I kneel beside him, looking for injuries " Neville?" I ask softly. He doesn't respond " Neville?" I ask again, gently shaking his shoulder. His face twitches, his brows stitching together before releasing.

I sigh in relief, the relief quickly fading when I hear a hiss.

I turn quickly, seeing Nagini as she slithers towards Hermione. I stand, heading towards her slowly, trying not to make a sound.

I get an idea and stand up straight 'Nagini' I whisper. The snake turns to me instantly, disregarding Hermione instantly 'Come, you must be protected' I say holding out my hand.

She hesitates, curling up around herself. I take a step closer 'Nagini, come.' I say, trying to make my voice sound concerned.

The snake slithers towards me, it's head lifting to meet my hand 'Good' I whisper.

I hear movement to the side and I pull my hand away.

I watch as the sword slashes down on the snake. Before I know it her body turns to black dust and begins to dissolve. Little pieces float to the ground before disappearing, leaving nothing behind.

I sigh in relief and turn to Neville with a smile. He smiles back, breathing heavily as he drops the sword to the ground. He stumbles back and I move to catch him but Draco's quicker, wrapping Neville's arm around his neck and holding him up.

I smile at the two of them and Draco smiles back, Neville slightly dazed.

I turn and head towards Hermione, only to see her and Ron snogging. I smirk, " About time." I say, just loud enough for them to hear.

They pull apart and both their cheeks flush red. I smile, starting towards Hermione and she walks towards me.

Her arms wrap around my neck and I hug her back, laughing lightly. I sigh into her shoulder before pulling away and flashing her a bright smile.

" A little help here?" Draco questions in annoyance. I watch as Ron hesitantly walks over, grabbing Neville's other arm and placing it around his shoulder. From there they both help him down the stairs to the great hall.

I hold my arm out to Hermione and she takes it, the two of us starting to walk down the stairs.

" WHere do you think Harry is?" She asks, her tone worried.

I frown " I don't know, but with Nagini gone I'm sure he'll be alright. It's just Voldemort now after all and he was already weak." I say confidently.

She turns to me " Why was he so interested in you? He seemed almost," she hesitates, thinking over her words " Happy, to see you?" she says, her tone questioning.

I sigh " Apparently, he was my Godfather." I say quietly, so no one else hears.

She gasps " Really?" she questions in disbelief, looking down at the floor in deep thought. She turns to me again with a worried expression " If Harry kills him you won't hold a grudge, will you?" she asks.

I scoff " No," I say quickly, trying to hide the amusement in my tone but failing. I turn to her " Hermione, I was at the point where I was about to kill the bastard myself." I say with a laugh. She laughs with me as we enter the great hall, looking around.

I sigh, taking in everyone sitting on benches that line the wall. People are chatting and laughing, none of them seem the slightest bit un happy. They all seem to be moving on from what happened just moments ago, though I know they will never fully move on from this, no one could, it's still reassuring.

The best part is that no one is separated by anything, they've all converged. All the houses mingling together, Ravenclaws, Hufflepuffs, Gryffindors and Slytherins all united in the hall.

It was a beautiful sight.

Hermione's arm slips from mine as she heads towards the Weasleys. I look over and am surprised to see Bella talking to Molly Weasley animatedly, the sight making me laugh lightly.

There's a moment of tension when Hermione arrives. Bella stands stiffly, walking over to her and starting to speak hurriedly. Hermione interrupts her by pulling her into a hug and my heart almost melts seeing the look on Bella's face.

Arms wrap around my waist, I close my eyes and I smile, placing my hands over top of them. He rests his head on my shoulder, his warm breath fanning my neck.

He sighs " It's over?" he questions quietly.

I open my eyes and see Harry walk into the great hall with a wide smile. I smile at him and his eyes meet mine and I tilt my head. He nods at me, answering the question I had been trying to wordlessly ask.

I sigh " Yes, it's over." I say calmly.
