
                                                                       *ignore the Hufflepuff lol^^*

"MERLIN!" I yell as I'm being yanked through the door, I hear laughter from behind me and i automatically turn to see who's laughing the first person I see is Draco and he's grinning at me still holding my arm. I shove him playfully trying to hold back a smile, more laughing ensues and I scowl past him to Daphne, Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle.

"You scared the hell out of me you pratt!" I say still with a scowl on my face but he only laughs again letting go of my arm and moving to sit down on one of the couches with Blaise.

"Finally lose the tramp?" Blaise asks as i sit down in between him and Draco. "I lost the tramp an hour ago when she left" I say with a hiss and crossing my legs. "Oh." he says looking surprised "guess we didnt need to rescue you then" he  says laughing, " Rescue?!" I question scowling "That was more of a kidnapping!" i say with a laugh and the others start laughing too.

" Elliana?-" Daphne starts I interrupt her " - Please call me Ellie " I laugh " Ellie your attending Hogwarts this year correct?" I nod "what house do you reckon you'll be in?" she says with a questioning look, the others also look to me. " I think she'll surprise us and end up with us" Draco says with a laugh, "PFFT yeah sure, right in the snake pit. I doubt that you'll probably end up being Ravenclaw your just too sweet"  Blaise says and reaches over to pinch my cheek I twist his hand off my cheek and he yelps " Who are you, My Grandmother?" I say laughing, I drop his wrist and he cradles it in his  other hand making a hissing sound at me. " Honestly I don't know" I shrug. I could honestly care less which house I was put in id end up convincing my mother somehow to let me stay home after this year anyway.

" What house was your mother in?" Daphne asks her voice full of curiosity "my Mother was Ravenclaw-" Blaise interrupts me  "CALLED IT!" he yells out and I punch him is the shoulder "Feisty aren't we?" I ignore him and continue " But my father was Slytherin and so was his whole family, My uncle also was." I add I shrug, staring towards the fireplace.

Draco clears his throat " so whos staying tonight?" he says with a grin,  Blaise leans over me and high fives Draco  " I am" he says grinning and then let's himself fall onto my lap grinning up at me, I smile at him. "Us too" Crabbe says. they look to Daphne " I think so I'll check later though" She says with a shrug " what about you Ellie?" she questions. 

I don't notice them look at me I'm too busy weaving Blaise's hair into small braids and  giving him a questioning look as he wiggles his eyebrows at me I roll my eyes, and then meet their gazes " Oh! no I don't think so" I say with a shrug keeping my hands busy weaving Blaise's hair, trying to hide the fact that they're shaking. " What?" Draco asks Blaise sits up - there goes my distraction- I tug at the ends of my hair gently " What do you mean your not staying?" he asks raising his eyebrows in surprise " I have to go home, My mother will be expecting my return." I say smiling at him. 

He lays his head back down on my lap and I continue to weave his hair "But-" Draco begins " hold on a second" he says and then walks out of the room.

I look down at Blaise and run a hand through his hair, " So... what other languages do you know so I'm not caught of guard again" He chuckles his cheeks slightly blushing " idk if I tell you it's not fun anymore" I say with a laugh,   "Crees que es gracioso?" he smirks " Si" is all I say and then I laugh at him " well now I know two of them" he grins I scowl at him.

" Well that's gonna get annoying" Daphne says and we all start laughing, Draco enters the room at that point "What'd I miss?" he frowns I wave him off, and Blaise smirks. Draco rolls his eyes and hands me a letter -already opened- in a blue envelope I roll my eyes.

Dearest Lucius,

I would like to thank and except your generous offer. I am sure that Elliana would love nothing more than to spend the rest of the week at your Manor with Draco and his Friends. I know she will try to protest but if she does please show her this letter.

I will have the house elves bring her Trunk to your Manor as well as anything other things she might need with her at Hogwarts, I truly do appreciate this and apologize for not being able to attend your gathering. However I wish you and your family the best Please send my love to Narcissa, and I hope to see you again soon.  

Regards,                                                                                                                                                                                              Adria Locke.

I sigh, yes it's my mothers words -clearly- but it's not her writing which means she didn't write it Dipsy did her house elf which means she's having a bad day. It's a shame... i was looing forward to celebrating my birthday with her, never the less I go back to my um... Acquaintances?

"Well guess I am staying!" I say trying to sound enthusiastic, " Oh well don't seem too excited to hangout with us" Blaise rolls his eyes I laugh, " Well Daph, what's it gonna be are you staying?" I ask sounding casual. She hesitates " Okay I'll stay then." she says giving me a small smile "Alright  let's get this party started!" Blaise laughs the boys grin and I look at Daphne and giggle.

" I should write my mother back, and talk to Mori about sending my work here then fill him in on Nabulus's routine" i smile gently lifting Blaise's head off my lap, Draco scrunches his nose " Is Nebulus a fluffy black cat?" I take in his expression narrowing my eyes and crossing my arms over my chest "Yes?" I question "He's upstairs my mother's gonna pet that damn thing bald if you don't save him, she adores cats father won't let her have one" he says with a laugh I grin at him.

Draco shows me my room and i take in the dark place with varying shades of Dark green and black, Black curtains hang over the window with dark green bedspread on the  Bed where Narcissa sits holding Nebulus like a baby and cooing at him, I laugh lightly and she looks up at me " He's Beautiful!" she says in awe I laugh and move beside her i take note my trunk at the end of my bed and the case that usually holds my stationary on top when we used to go on family trips - not that I'd send many letters- i smile at the small pot sitting on top and walk over waving my wand over it and watch the small white flowers grow. there's a note - What's an Ellie letter without it's signature component?- I smile at my mothers handwriting. 

Me and Draco return to the room with the others and see Lucius standing before them, "Ah, Ellie Draco take a seat" we take our original seats Blaise on my left Draco on my right " Normally us being of upper class would not allow a- um sleepover? but since you are all entering your second year I suppose it will be fine. The elves have pitched a tent out side-" i stop listening at tent outside he continues to tell us to ready our selves for sleep - very militant I might add- And Meet him outside .I grip Daphne's hand and guide her to my room so we can change.

she smiles brightly at me as we enter my room, i let go of her hand and wander over to my trunk to grab my pajamas and I hear Daphne ruffling around behind me and then plop on my bed. "So... out of common curtesy I Must ask" she says whilst stroking Nebulus between the ears, i look at her questioningly " every girl that hangs out with us Always has a crush on at least one of the boys, It's annoying really but I wanna know what you think?" she grins at me and I smile lightly at her " yes I know Crabbe and Goyle are quite dashing " I say sarcastically  flipping my hair for effect  and giggling at her, she rolls her eyes at me. "But seriously you can't even deny you like Blai-" I interrupt her with a gasp "and why would you think that!?" I say with a frown on my face and she looks away " oh idk?" she states sarcastically "maybe cause you were playing with his hair, and smiling at him so much" she laughs I giggle, I hadn't even thought that could be seen as flirting? I was simply trying to be friendly- am I being too friendly?- " No. No I do not have any current interest in Blaise" I shrug "Do you?" I say raising an eyebrow, she shakes her head vigorously and I laugh. i quickly change and we go to meet Lucius outside.

Daphne and I look at the tent set up outside just a few feet from the manors back door and I give her a confused look, It doesn't look like it could fit the six of us. Daphne laugh's and pulls me inside,  i gasp when i enter from the outside it doesn't look like much but the inside is like a mini smaller version of the manor itself, there's a sitting area decorated with dark green and black couches along with a fire place of the right and a small picnic table styled dining room table to the left straight in front there are four large four poster beds each with the same dark green bedspread. It's truly magnificent Daphne pulls me to one of the beds and I sit on it with her, While we wait for the boys to join us.

I end up fiddling with Daphne's hair and weaving half of it into a neat French braid and start on the other half, she seems to be enjoying the attention. Halfway through the second braid the boys wrestle into the tent with Draco shoving Blaise and Crabbe and Goyle follow behind them looking like ducklings following their mother, I laugh at my comparison. "Hey! you took my spot" Blaise says mockingly glaring at Daphne, she shrugs "Should've got here faster" she chuckles and i smile at the back of her head not looking up from the braid till it's finished. "So what do you guy's wanna do?" Daphne asks, Crabbe and Goyle shrug Draco does the same and walks to the bed next to ours taking a seat. "How about Truth or Dare?" Blaise gives us a mischievous look and Daphne shrugs "Fine by me." Blaise looks to Draco he nods, I'm weaving the front of my hair back and tying it into a pony tail half way down my head. Blaise looks at me a curious look in his eyes I shrug " sure, why not " I say nonchalantly I don't honestly know this game but if it's anything like the title it'll be easy.

It is the title is literally a dead giveaway  i watch as Crabbe scrambles to catch a frog, per Draco's request of course. And Blaise dares Goyle to kiss the frog, he does, It's disgusting. Me and Daphne scrunch our noses, Daphne exposes her crush from last year Cedric Diggory, the boys Groan. I'm dared to climb a tree - Daphne's request- I do so and then swing upside down and ruffle Draco's hair and he scowls at me I sit up and drop down. I dare Blaise to climb the tree and yell out his name, he sings his name gleefully and we all laugh.

"Alright " he says after his Dare "Truth  or Dare" he says wiggling his fingers at me trying to make it sound spooky I Grin at him "Dare" he grins back, he looks as though he's about to rob Gringotts "I dare you to tell us who the hottest guy in the room is?" i frown and i can feel my face go pale but then warm up again, He laughs at me "Go on?' 
