Study Session.

" No Professor, we've been searching for them for days." I say calmly, " Is it possible that, it was just a rumor?" I ask curiously.

A few days after I had gotten back, Umbridge had pulled me into her office for a 'tea party', as she had called it. Of course now I knew full well where they were, even what lesson they were learning. Luna had become a close friend, and she was overjoyed to share the details with me.

I had the inquisitorial squad running in circles, Draco was livid at this point. " Keep looking." She says sternly, her voice straining to be polite. I nod, and with that leave the room.

So we did, we wandered around throughout the day. Sometimes we even followed supposed members. We always lost them at what I'd never tell them was the entrance to the room of requirement.

They always assumed that they had taken a wrong turn at some point. I swear Draco was about to lose it on Crabbe and Goyle last week when they didn't show up. Their reason being that it was a dead end anyway.


I receive a letter, personally delivered by Mori. The White envelope crinkled slightly, and the wax messy. My breathe hitches when I open it, the name at the bottom catching my attention. 

Blaise bursts into the common room, a worried expression on his face. He throws down today's copy of the Daily Prophet. Draco leans forward curiously eyeing the paper, his grip on my hand tightening as he does.


The title reads, I look to Draco and he frowns. They're blaming Sirius for the breakout, with absolutely no evidence. I don't blame them either, if it were me guarding I'd want to put the blame on someone else too.

I crumple the letter in my hands, concealing it from the view of my friends.

Elliana Locke,

The plan was successful, we have been freed.
Thank you.

Bellatrix Lestrange

I toss the letter into the fire, earning a questioning look from my friends. I disappear into the dorms before they can question me, and after the parchment has turned to ashes. 

I call for Mori and he appears before me a distressed look on his face. I hand him a letter, with a greeting and a polite reminder to be respectful of the manor. And with that I send Mori off, in hopes she'll take my reminder to heart.


We walk with purpose towards the room of requirements. This morning Umbridge had a tea party with Chang, one of the Ravenclaw's in Harry's club. Next thing we knew she was spilling all her secrets, including the location of the room of requirements.

So now we're heading there to finally bust the Golden trio and their friends. Part of me wished I didn't have to be here. Seeing as the room of requirements was like a safe haven to me. It was unfortunate that after this everyone would know about it. It would no longer be a secret, therefore no longer safe.

I drag Chang along beside me, Draco on her other side. I lean in to whisper in her ear as Umbridge blasts open the wall " You Traitorous little brat." I hiss lowly. She doesn't respond.

I shove Chang into the opening, Draco pulls her out further, a smirk on his face. I follow after them a scowl on my face.

Umbridge has us write down the members names, I skip Luna's. I stop Draco when he goes to write her name down, he gives me a questioning look. I look at him a pleading look on my face, he nods skipping her name.

Umbridge is appointed Headmaster, after Dumbledore disappears. She plans an 'exam session' for the students involved in the club. We stand outside the doors, watching them walk in and avoiding their eyes.

I watch Luna walk with the group, I walk forward blocking her path.

I look at Harry who's watching us curiously " Luna, I don't recall you being there?" I question. She looks at me curiously " But-" I shake my head cutting her off.

Harry scowls at me,  I ignore him. Draco appears beside me " If you weren't there, you can't go in." he says calmly. I turn to him and he offers me a small smile. I grab her arm and lead her away from the hall. After she's safe in the Ravenclaw common room, I head back to my own common room.


I stay quiet once were in the common room, shoving my nose into a book about ancient runes.

The seat gives next to me, I turn to see Theodore Nott. He flashes me a smile, which I return. I'm not surprised he's here, he's been hanging around Daphne lately, and our group. 

" Ellie?" he asks. 

I turn to him " Yeah?" I say, tilting my head.

I take in his nervous expression, he clears his throat " Does Daphne ever, talk about me?" he asks.

I roll my eyes, thinking of the multiple times Daphne had gushed over Theo. She was absolutely obsessed with him at this point.

I nod a grin spreading across my face " I can't get her to stop," I say laughing lightly. He grins widely ",It's annoying." I say, making him laugh.

He looks down at the ground thoughtfully for a minute. And I turn back to my book, waiting for him to be done thinking. It's not annoying because I don't like Theo, I adore him mainly because Daphne does. But he's also a really sweet guy, and he's good to Daphne.

" Do you think she likes me?" He asks curiously. 

I turn to him giving him a firm nod. " Don't tell her I told you this, but she's obsessed." I say with a laugh. 

He laughs " I won't, but thanks that's, reassuring." he says shooting me a wink. I roll my eyes in a playful manner, shoving him gently. Draco walks into the common room, his eyes narrowing in on Theo beside me.

I stand walking over to him and pulling him into a hug, " Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I say quickly.

I still hadn't thanked him for helping me with Luna. He could have gotten in trouble, but he did it anyway. And I was extremely grateful that Luna wouldn't have to go through that torture session. I had been told the plan, and I didn't want Her to go through that.

" For what?" He asks confused. 

I smile " For helping with Luna." I say quietly. 

He smiles " Anything for you." with that he plants a quick kiss on my lips. I smile brightly pulling him to one of the empty couches. 
