Oh Dear Parkinson...

The noise of a door slamming against the wall catches my attention. I jolt up in bed my wand clutched firmly in my hand. I look to the door and immediately my body relaxes and I sigh in both annoyance and relief.

I drop my face back into my pillow " What do you want Blaise." I groan. I feel the bed give in beside me as he sits down.

" I came to say Merry Christmas!" He shouts excitedly. He's honestly such a child and he shares this trait with Draco. Between the two of them it's hard to tell who will kill me first.

Speaking of, I roll over to face him with a sigh. Only to realize that he's not inside me, nor is he in my room. I sit up and look around, ignoring Blaise playing with Nebulus at the foot of my bed. He wiggles one of my quills in front of him but instead he goes straight to attacking him.

The bathroom door is closed and I can faintly hear the shower running. It was silly of me to think the worst when I saw him gone but I couldn't help my mind from wandering. With everything that's going on I can't help but be a little bit jumpy.

I pry Nebulus off of Blaise as he hisses at him. It's weird that he's acting this way towards Blaise, considering he was always his favorite. I'd say he spends more time in his dorm than mine. I toss him to the other side of the bed and he curls up, watching Blaise carefully.

Blaise grins at me " Thanks." he says gratefully.

I nod, offering him a small smile " Of course," I say calmly before raising an eyebrow " so what are you doing here?" I ask curiously

He frowns " Mum was busy, so I came to see you guys." he says his tone carrying a hint of annoyance.

I furrow my brows " Busy with what." I ask curiously. As long as I've known Missus Zabini I've never knows her to do anything other than obsess over Blaise. Perhaps she found something to keep her busy during these trying times. Maybe a new hobby?

He groans, letting his head fall onto his crossed arms as he glares at the wall " Her latest boyfriend." he says his tone overflowing with venom.

I wince and pat him on the back as he shoves his face into my comforter. I know Missus Zabini has had many husbands over the years. She was an extremely beautiful woman  and always had men practically drooling. I had heard multiple stories from Blaise about her numerous 'endeavors'.

I frown " Okay, but why'd you leave?" I ask curiously.

He shakes his head as if trying to rid himself of the reason before answering " I couldn't sit there and hear the bed squeak for any longer." he says, the disgust in his tone clear as day. I frown shaking my head as I try to forget what he just said.

" Your bedposts squeak Blaise?" Draco's voice asks from the doorway to the bathroom. We both turn to him as he grins " With all that money you'd think they'd be quiet as a mouse, hear..." he says walking towards my bed.

He shakes at the post with his hand " No squeak." he says wiggling his eyebrows " Think about that next time you sleepover." he says with a grin. Blaise scowls at him grabbing a pillow and throwing it at his head.

It hits him in the head " That's my sister you git, I don't wanna hear that!" he says, his tone disgusted. Draco grins, holding the pillow in his hands before tossing it back to me. My face turns red at the whole conversation and I stuff my head into the pillow. 

The bed caves in before my arm is pulled to the side. I squeal as Draco wraps his arms around me waist, pulling me into his lap. He puts his head on my shoulder and continues to grin at Blaise who rolls his eyes.

He stands up " Alright, enough of your P.D.A come on." he says motioning to the door. Draco gets up, pulling me with him.

I look at him confused " Where are we going?" I ask curiously. He doesn't answer, just gives me a wide smile and pulls me after him.

" Godrick, how long have you been here Blaise?" I ask as I look around my basement. The tables have all been pulled to the side leaving a large space in the middle. The couches are is a messy circle off to one side with a single table in the middle. 

Red and green streamers hang everywhere, grazing their heads as the walk around. Mistletoe hangs in a few spots around the room under doorframes and in random spots. On one of the tables is a bunch of green and red solo cups and multiple liquor bottles.

" I'm not going to answer that." He says with a laugh, he gives me a confused look " Why do you spell your door? Took me forever to figure out I had to use Alohomora." he says scowling at the floor.

I didn't exactly want to explain to him why I felt the need to use magic. It wasn't something I wanted to worry him with at the given time. It would cause more harm than good to tell him so I just shrug. But Draco gives me a knowing look and I pretend I don't see it.

" So, when were you planning to ask to have a party in my house?" I ask my tone laced with amusement.

He grins walking over to me and wrapping his arms around my neck " I knew you couldn't say no to me, I'm irresistible." he says the last few words with mock disappointment. I roll my eyes and he presses the side of his face to mine " Don't deny it, you love me." he says matter of factly. I scoff and he squeezes my shoulders before releasing me.

I sigh " So who'd you invite to this party?" I ask quickly. I'm currently praying to Godrick that he doesn't say Parkinson. I'd be fine with Millicent she's not that bad but Pansy and some of the girls she hangs out with are obnoxious.

But of course, Blaise will be Blaise.

Everyone shows up in semi-formal attire, the most casual a pureblood can be at a party. I almost lose it on Blaise when I see Pansy walk through the door, followed by Millicent. Theo and Daphne also show up but that was a given, I'd be surprised if they didn't come. 

Of course the only people here are people who know of the dark lord. Considering Draco was here Blaise kept the list of guests short. Meaning our main group of Draco, Theo, Blaise, Daphne Crabbe and Goyle and I. With a few extras such as Astoria, Pansy, Millicent and a few of the boys on the quidditch team.

For this party I have one plan and one plan only, to get drunk.

I wore a short two piece black dress that cuts off only slightly above my knees. The skirt is made up of different layers and has a ruffled style. The bodice is covered in black lace that extends down my arms. The lace crosses over my collar bone and slightly up my neck. I wore a pair of black heels which failed to help much with my height.

The front of my hair was pinned back on either side with black clips. The rest hands in loose waves just past the nape of my neck. I wore a darker style of makeup opting for a smoky eye look with red lipgloss.

After about an hour in I was sitting on the couch in Draco's lap. A cup of fire whiskey in one hand and the other playing with his hair.

Everyone here seemed to think they needed to be careful around me. I think they all assume I don't know about the dark lord. Honestly they're not too smart considering I'm literally sitting on a death eaters lap. Do they really think that I'm stupid enough to not know my boyfriends a death eater?

The small talk they make is rather annoying, but I guess it's just to fill the gap. I focus solely on the cup in my hand and the soft strands of hair tangled with my fingertips. I wasn't in the mood for a party if I was being honest. I mainly allowed it because I could tell Blaise was upset but then again he could just be playing me.

I mainly keep quiet due to the haziness in my head. I'm afraid of all the secrets I could accidently blurt out while drunk. I can imagine very vividly the faces of the people around me if I were to blurt out something about my Godfather. Or possibly even the dark lord.... oh wait, they're the same maybe I should put my cup down... Nah.

I catch Daphne watching me closely and I smile lazily at her. She frowns and glares at Draco for some odd reason. I have no clue why she's mad at him but I don't like the look she's giving him so I glare back. She looks over at me feeling my stare and rolls her eyes making me scowl.

She looks back to Draco " Hey Draco," she calls from the couch beside us. He turns to her as I examine a few strands of his pale hair. I wonder why it's so white? Was he dying it and not telling me? maybe I should dye mine to match, I could use glacius all the time and be an ice queen. I giggle to myself at the thought.

As I'm weaving a tiny braid into his hair he turns away from Daphne to face me. I smile gently at him and he gives me a small smile. Then he takes my cup from my hand and sets it on the table almost out of my reach. I frown at him and try to reach for it but his arms wrap around my waist.

I turn to him " You're ruining my plan mister." I say sassily.

His eyebrows lift and he chuckles " Am I? and what plan would that be?" he asks curiously. Are his eyes always this dark? Or is it just the green lights that makes them look darker? Or is it possibly something else?

I nod quickly " To get irresponsibly drunk... and climb onto the roof." I say quietly. I have no clue where the thought came from but now it sounds like fun. I've never been on the roof of Locke manor before it might be fun. Although the drunk part was planned.

I continue to nod and he nods along with me " Oh yeah?" he asks softly. He starts shaking his head and I copy his movement. I don't know if we're playing simon says but if we are I don't want to lose, oh wait... " Let's not, okay?" he asks gently. I shrug and collapse into his arms and they wrap around my shoulders.

" We should play spin the bottle." One of the other boys says. I haven't been paying much attention to the unfamiliar faces. I think even if he had introduced himself I'd have forgotten due to my current state.

Everyone in the circle seems to agree on the choice of game. I nod softly as I nuzzle my head against Draco's chest. I'm tired, but not the kind of I'm too drunk so I'm tired. Just in general, I'm just tired of everything.

" How about this, spin the bottle seven minutes in heaven." Blaise says with a grin. I roll my eyes at yet another attempt for Blaise to get lucky. I hear Daphne scoff at him while I hear muttered 'sures' and 'uh okay?' from the group.

" I'll go first." He announces reaching to spin an empty firewhiskey bottle he found on the ground. It seems to spin forever, around and around and around, you get the point.

Before finally it lands on, Astoria.

Blaise grins and Astoria blushes glancing at Daphne. Daphne ignores her little sisters glance and turns to whisper to Theo. After a moment Theo laughs and nods glancing at Blaise as the two disappear into a closet.

They appear seven minutes later. I can't help but notice the smudging of Astoria's lipstick and the victorious grin on Blaise's face.

Theo stares intimidatingly at Blaise and Daphne scowls in disgust at her sister. I giggle to myself watching Theo and Blaise exchange a silent conversation through eye contact. I think Theo's being sweet, it's almost like Astoria's his little sister too. I guess she technically is; sister in-law.

Pansy rolls her eyes at them " I'll go next then." she says quietly. She weakly spins the bottle and it makes a few slow turns. I watch it as if being hypnotized, I can't seem to take my gaze away.

It surpasses Blaise, Theo, Daphne, Draco and stops on. 


I laugh, not quite putting it together as I stare at the bottle pointed at me. Daphne stares at me in shock as I just laugh quietly to myself. I don't make a move to get up of anything just sip my reacquired firewhiskey and laugh at the bottle.

Pansy turns red and I laugh at that too before she stands and waits. I roll my eyes and stand from Dracos lap, stumbling a little but head towards her. Draco grabs my wrist from behind and I turn to him.

He shakes his head at me and I smile at him. I lean forward and plant a gentle kiss on his lips and pat his cheek gently " I'll try not to murder her." I say with a giggle. He frowns at me as I turn around and head for the closet.

I walk past Pansy and wait for her to walk in, when she does she closes the door behind her. There's a small shelf in the closet so I hop up and sit on top of it. I feel taller now, do I look like a giant to Pansy now? Possibly, it's nice that she no longer looks like a giant from up here. It's not intimidating but it doesn't help my intimidation.

I listen to her shift awkwardly in the darkness. I swing my legs and wonder what we're supposed to do white we sit here. I can hear Pansy's breathing and the closet is stuffy so I'd rather not be here too long.

After a moment I can't hear Pansy anymore, like she's holding her breath. Maybe she died, maybe I can leave now I'd li-

A pair of soft lips crash into mine, startling me. It takes me a moment to realize what's going on right now. In the meantime Pansy's lips move against mine and I can taste her lipgloss. My brain finally kicks in and I push her away from me.

I pull my wand from my waistband as she falls back against the wall. I lumos the room and stare at her with a shocked expression. She avoids my gaze looking completely embarrassed by what she did.

I turn away from her and look into a mirror and make sure my lipgloss isn't smudged; it's not. I turn back around to face her and she looks like she's going to cry from embarrassment.

As much as I hate Pansy I don't want to embarrass her further. What was I supposed to say to her though now? She kissed me was I supposed to be mad at her? I was upset of course, if Draco found out- no I'll tell him of course. But Pansy would be so upset and Draco would kill her.

I decide no one else will know about this. Just me Pansy and I'll tell Draco after she's gone home, he'll be furious.

I frown at her " I'm going to tell Draco but I won't tell anyone else." I say calmly and quietly. She looks up at me with wide eyes " It would be wrong for me not to tell him, as for the others I'll save you the embarrassment. If you want to tell them whatever's going on it's up to you, but leave me out of it." I say firmly and she nods.

I storm out of the closet my wand still clutched in my hand. I walk right past everyone and up the stairs to my room.

A/N: I read a fic and decided I liked Bi Pansy so... she here. If I'm being honest I've been writing so slow lately that I only have tomorrows chapter done. I've been focusing a lot of my time on Riddle and didn't realize the pre-written chapters were dwindling lol.

QOTD: If you could have one super power what would it be?

Love you all lots,

p.s. If I disappear for awhile don't worry I'm just catching up. And I'm very exhausted mentally so yay. And I'm behind on work... again.
