,Are full of misery

I sit at the long table in the dining room of the Malfoy Manor. The seat beside me filled by hell itself. Across from me is Lucius, Narcissa beside him. and on my right is Fenrir Greyback. As frightening as his half wolf half man appearance is, you get used to it.

I hear a hiss behind me and stop the smile before it spreads. I look to the arm of my chair to the large snake, it's tongue poking out at me.

I put a hand out to Nagini and she lays her head on it. 'We meet again' she hisses, the corner of my lip twitches into a smile but I compose myself quickly.

" Friends." He begins with a smile, I mask my face showing no emotion. He looks around the room at the table. Nagini places her head on my lap and I place a hand on her head. He notices this and smiles a little wider as his gaze lingers on me.

" We are about to be whole again," his voice has a hint of excitement in it. unlike everyone at the table he doesn't keep his emotions to himself, as I've learned.

" But we face an issue, if our friends are to come home." He pauses standing and looking around. " They will need a place to hide, now, the majority will stay here." he says nodding looking to Lucius who confirms this with a nod.

" But some, need shelter elsewhere." he says, I know he's expecting people to jump at the idea. But by the looks of it no one will.

I stick to my decision, one that I had made prior to coming here. There's one person I thought to house. I decided this to help Lucius, seeing as Malfoy manor is the most obvious place for her. The ministry would be at his door in days, the others can hide. But she's not one to do so, therefore I've decided the Locke manor is safest. We have no prior know engagements therefore the Ministry won't suspect her to be with us.

" My lord," I say calmly giving him a polite smile, he turns to me surprised. Lucius looks at me in shock, the panic in his eyes at my sudden words evident.

" Yes Ellie?" he says his tone hopeful as he offers me a small smile. 

I return his smile " If it makes things easier, the Locke Manor will house Bellatrix Lestrange." I say calmly my tone questioning.

Both him and Lucius give me confused looks, I continue " The way I see it, the Malfoy Manor is the first place they'll look for her." I say ending my thought. He paces back and forth, thinking.

" But what about your cousin, hm?" Lucius says in a condescending tone " Surely he'll question her presence in your home?" he questions, raising an eyebrow and tilting his head.

I've thought of this too. " Surely you don't think he doesn't have a right to know?" I say tilting my head, " After all, eventually he'll need to know." I say my voice confident.

Lucius furrows his brows " Was it not your intention to keep him out of it?" he spits knowingly. He raises an eyebrow thinking he's won.

I bring a pleasant smile to my face raising my eyebrows " Was it not your intention, to keep your wife out of it?" I spit back. His features darken as he frowns. He opens his mouth to say something, but is stopped by Voldemort raising his hand.

" Very clever, my Dear." he begins giving me a pleased smile, ignoring my comment to Lucius. He turns to Lucius " I believe Ellie is right," he begins and Lucius tenses slightly. He walks towards me placing a hand on my shoulder and addressing the room.

" Seeing as you are Miss. Lestrange's family, perhaps Ellie is right about the Ministry." He says his gaze wandering around the room before landing on Lucius.

" Surely you see the sense in this Lucius." He questions in a testing tone, Lucius nods. I feel Asha tighten around my wrist, letting me know it's past feeding time.

I look down pulling back my sleeve, 'What is this?' she hisses looking to Nagini on my lap. I ignore her 'I've been replaced?' she questions.

I roll my eyes as she hisses at Nagini, who seems rather unbothered by it. I usher Nagini off my lap and stand.

" I'll make preparations." I say calmly, He nods gesturing towards the door. I say goodbye so Narcissa and leave.


I look over the strange envelope, from my spot in a tree. Aris and Luna had been rather annoying lately. And I decided not to be a third wheel anymore. I look forward to seeing Blaise tomorrow, I agreed to visit him in Italy in my last letter.

But for now I'm outside sitting among the branches of a willow tree. I watch the sun begin to set as I fumble with Harry's recent letter. All but forgetting the strange black envelope.

I've been informed Harry almost got expelled for using magic outside of school. Which I first learned from Blaise, how he knows I have no clue. But Harry's letter confirmed it. There's a quick gloss over about what happened but not much detail.

He had a hearing in two days with the Ministry. as much as I wished I could be there I had business.

I casually swing my legs as I open the black letter carefully. I read the contents which consists of a date time and location. It's signed off by Sirius Black along with the symbol of a phoenix. The date happens to be tomorrow, so I'll have to cancel on Blaise; again.

I sigh much more to do and no time for mistakes. As if the universe heard my comment I go falling backwards off the tree branch, having swung my leg a little too hard.

Instinctively I put my arm out to stop my fall, only ending in a loud cracking sound. I clench my teeth as the pain shoots through my arm.

" Bloody Hell," I seethe through clenched teeth, I push myself up with my other arm. I use my other arm to hold my right one. Looking over it quickly before groaning. My mind instantly goes to Aris. Why I think he can fix it? I have no clue, but I stumble into the house either way.

" Aris!" I yell as I walk into the house pain lacing my voice. He appears from his room, Luna hears the commotion and comes out of the living room.

" A little help here?" I ask hopeful, Luna approaches me with a smile. I smile back at her as Aris rushes down the stairs.

" Episkey." she says pointing her wand at my arm but it does nothing. 

" What happened?" Aris asks.

I shrug " I fell out of a tree." he gives me a questioning look, probably wondering why I was in a tree to begin with, but nods anyway.

" I don't know how to fix it," she says quietly an apologetic tone taking over her voice. I smile at her " You tried." I turn to Aris and he sighs.

" St, Mungo's?" He asks, I nod. Honestly where else does he think we'll go.


One successful  Brackium Emendo and a cast later and were back at the manor. It didn't take long but I wish at least one of us could've had a clue what to do.

Since my writing hand is out of commission, I ask Mori to write back to Sirius for me. I agree to meet him telling him I'd be punctual. So if he's not there at the time set, I'm going to see Blaise.

I've already ditched him once, I'm not keen on doing it again. The howler he sent was absolutely traumatizing. Remind me never to get on his bad side again.

I pull on my pajamas and head to bed, seeing as I'll have to get up early tomorrow. I drift off with the sound of Nebulus's soft purring.

A/N: Hi Guys, how's it going? Sorry this chapter was kind of short I wanted to set the next one right.
