
A/N: Double aesthetic cause I liked the quote😌🖤

" What?" I ask in disbelief. She looks down again, nodding slowly to herself.

I let out a shaky breath, dragging my hands down the side of my face. If Harry was a horcrux then that means he has to die, not only does he have to die, he has to die first.

Once he's gone, there will be nothing left.

Of course there would be no horcruxes left, besides the snake, unless they've killed it already that is. I didn't exactly have a way of knowing, for all I know Voldemort could be in Hogwarts at this very moment.

There will be no hope.

Without Harry would people even try to fight? Would Hermione and Ron just give up if he died? Or would they keep fighting in memory of the boy who lived, giving his life to give them a chance. Surely they would still fight back, wouldn't they?

" Where did you hear this?" I ask in a demanding tone.

" He said it himself." She replies, her voice quiet and broken. I watch her for a moment as she stares out at the castle, a thousand thoughts flashing through her eyes.

I nod " I have to go, Snape needs me, but I'm going to talk to Potter about this." I say quickly.

She turns to me with wide eyes " You're going to tell him?" she questions frantically. I nod swiftly, she walks forward grabbing my arm " Ellie you can't, he'll kill you, you know how he is he'll find out somehow." she says in a panicked tone.

I frown at her " I have to warn him." I say firmly, turning away from her. I look out towards the Hogwarts grounds, thinking of a place for them to be that's secluded. I don't think he'd go to the dark forest, but it would be somewhere with less commotion, somewhere safe and hidden away.

My eyes lock in on the boat house, where the boats the first years ride in normally dock. It was secluded and away from the action. It was a good place to start is what it was, so I'd check that our first.

I head in that direction " Find Draco, tell him you're with us, play your part and keep low, don't mess with the order members." I call over my shoulder.

I had no way of knowing if Bella would tell Voldemort what I said. She could just run to him and tattle for her own benefit and I'd be none the wiser. But I'm choosing to trust her, if it comes back to bit me in the arse that's on me.

 I continue down the hill, before stopping abruptly and turning to her " Don't tell anyone about my Animagus, it's undocumented." I say calmly.


I had transfigured back as to not be recognized if I did come across them, heading for the boat house. As I near it I hear the sound of quiet footsteps. I tread carefully towards the entrance, watching for anyone who might linger outside.

However as I get closer start to pick up the scent of old books, making me stall.

I take deep breath, being welcomed by grass and treacle as well. I recognize the scents and walk slowly towards the entrance closest to me, seeing the trio kneeled and hidden behind a wall.

I hear two voices on the other side of the wall, Snapes distinctive drawl and Voldemort's unnerving calm tone. The sound making a shiver run down my spine before I compose myself.

I walk in, coming up behind Ron as quietly as I can. They're all focused on the words being said behind the barrier, not noticing me behind them. If I were a real death eater, they would already be dead.

I nudge Ron's foot with my paw, making him turn to me with wide eyes. His mouth open slightly in a silent scream, his hand moving to frantically tap Harry's arm. Harry swats his hand away, sharing an annoyed look with Hermione.

" Harry." He whispers quietly, his tone panicked.

Harry turns quickly, a furious look on his face about to scold him for speaking. Then his eyes catch mine and his expression changes to shock. His eyes widen as he taps Hermione and she turns to follow his gaze, her eyes meeting mine.

I had expected at least Hermione to figure out it was me, she was the smartest after all. 

I let out a huff, transfiguring and watching their confused faces. I smirk at them, crawling over to where they're crouched. Their faces change to look at me with both shock and confusion.

" It's just me, calm down." I say, my voice so quiet it's almost overcome by the wind.

Harry shakes his head, snapping out of the shock and pointing to the wall. I glance over and he mouths 'Snape' with wide eyes.

I raise an eyebrow 'I know' I mouth back a look of amusement on my face. He furrows his brows in confusion and I tap my nose, telling him that I had smelled them. He looks as if he's about to question this but them he seems to shrug it off, either not caring, or figuring it out himself.

I turn back to the wall as I hear a loud bang. I rise to my feet in an instance, heading for the entrance into the boathouse. Harry reaches for me but I wave him off, I would be fine, if anything me showing up would amuse him.

Considering I had Snape tell him I had been taken captive, he'll think I've escaped.

I turn the corner, hearing Nagini let out a loud hiss. I stop in my tracks when I see Snape lying on the floor, covered in blood and snake bites. His eyes are glazed over and his hands have fallen to his side, giving up. Nagini poised over him, prepared to strike again.

He -my Godfather- seems to notice my presence and smiles at me. He turns to look at me, whispering to Nagini to stop " Ah, you've found your way have you?" he asks in a light tone. I don't answer him, my eyes solely on Snape as his eyes meet mine.

" Oh," He says and I notice him glance over to Snape " It had to be done." he says calmly. He walks towards me slowly, extending a hand " Come, we have an announcement to make, now that I will have full power of the Elder wand." He glances over at Snape with a judging expression " I assume in a matter of minutes." he says nonchalantly.

I look back to Snape, starting towards him ignoring his stare. I kneel down in front of him, placing a gentle hand on his neck, his pulse is slow, I haven't failed him yet.

I turn, glancing at him over my shoulder " Go, I will meet you there." I say calmly. I wasn't about to just leave him here alone.

For a minute silence falls around us, leaving me on edge and unsure of what to do. If I wait any longer Snape will bleed out, I can't do anything while he's here. I haven't blown my cover yet, I'm not useless, yet.

I hear him sigh " Very well, come tell me when he's gone, we shall celebrate." he says in a slightly annoyed tone. I hear the crack of apparition as he leaves the boat house, taking Nagini with him.

I quickly pull my wand from my waistband, waving it over his body. His blood is soaking through his robes in multiple places, blood flooding from multiple puncture wounds. I keep the incantation running through my head, using the same one I had used on Draco, hoping it would work for Snape like it did him.

He reaches up for my hand, grasping at my wand desperately. I look down at him, his face is paler than usual, considering how much blood he's losing. I cast a blood replenishing spell, my other hand hovering over his body, using both my wand and my hand to cast healing spells.

I turn to the door " Hermione!" I call desperately, my voice cracking.

They all peek around the corner, their expressions shocked. I know it looks bad, they're probaly terrified to see their professor bleeding out in front of them. 

I ignore them, grabbing at the small bag on my hip and tossing it towards Hermione. She looks down at it confused " Grey book, find the grey book." I say frantically. She nods, picking up the bag and searching around for it.

Snape reaches for my hand again " Ellie." he says softly. I ignore him, keeping my focus on the wounds as they start to come together.

He turns to look to Harry as he kneels down across from me. He reaches a hand up to his face, pointing to the subtle tears that trail down " Take them..." he says softly. Harry's brows furrow, watching as a silverish tear runs down his cheek " Take them..." he says again this time his tone desperate.

I glance at Harry as he turns to Hermione " Give me something." he says quickly. Hermione steps forward but stalls, not sure what he's asking " Quickly, a flask, anything." he says frantically. Hermione searches into her bag, looking for a vial or a flask.

I let out a huff " Accio flask." I say calmly, my hand outstretched towards my bag.. I watch one fly out of my bag, landing right in my hand and I hand it to Harry. He places it against Snapes cheek, trying desperately to collect the tears falling.

I turn to Hermione, seeing her completely ignoring my bag on the ground. I let out a huff " Accio spell book." I snarl, glaring at Hermione. The grey book flies into my hand, I place it on the ground next to me, flipping the pages with one hand.

I see Snape reach up, grabbing my wrist " No." he says calmly. My face falls, he knows exactly what's in this book, why wouldn't he let me use it?

" Not for me," he says quietly, I frown at him. What was he talking about? This had to be the purpose for this, I had to save him, right?

He turns to Harry " Look at me," he says quickly, Harry turns, tearing his eyes away from the vial. The corner of his lips twitch up into a smile as he looks up at him " You have your Mothers eyes." he says softly.

Harry's face flashes with confusion and I look up to him curiously. I take Snape's hand gently in mine, unsure what else to do. He didn't want me to use the spell, what else could I do. He squeezes my hand gently and I smile lightly at him, but his eyes are on Harry.

His head rolls to the side then, the last huff of air escaping his lips. I can no longer feel his heart beating under my hand, I can no longer hear his strained breathing. His hand is no longer squeezing mine, instead it's limp.

He was gone, 

I had failed him.

I let my wand drop beside me, moving my hand away from his neck. I stare down at his lifeless body, wishing he hadn't told me no, but I would never go against his wishes. If he wished to be rid of this world, I definitely didn't blame him.

The idea sounded somewhat, welcoming.

I lean back, falling back onto the floor, hugging my knees to my chest. What would I do now, do I play my part? Do I go against his wishes and bring him back? What was I supposed to do now, pretend everything was fine, that he wasn't dead? Go back to play my part and forget for the time being, I couldn't do that, but what was I supposed to do?

A/N: The inner debate that happened in my head while writing this oml. 

If you don't know Snape is literally my favorite character and I hat killing him off. However I knew it had to happen, so I condoned it for this story.

QOTD: Have you read 'Riddle' yet?

I'm gonna go write in my other story now, where Snape is still alive.😌😭🤡🖤

