scared of the moon.

I spend the rest of the evening cleaning cauldrons for Professor Snape, while ignoring the sideways glances he throws at me.

When he dismisses me I walk straight to the dungeons, I mutter the password for the door to open and cross the common room.

Passing my friends on the couch I go straight to the dorm, slamming the door shut after I enter.

I sit down on the bed only now noticing Pansy on hers, her face is bruised and I feel a sort of pity for her. She's staring at me, probably wondering if I'm going to say something, I sigh " I'm not going to apologize, if that's what your waiting for?" I say looking up to meet her eyes.

To my surprise she doesn't glare at me like I had thought she would, " It's my fault," she says looking down. I furrow my brows at her waiting for her to continue " I went too far mentioning your father, I shouldn't have done that." she says quietly.

I can feel my mouth drop in surprise, I compose myself I didn't think she would apologize. In fact I didn't think she'd say anything at all . I take a minute wondering what to say.

She looks up questioning my silence with a curious expression, " Don't do it again, and maybe you won't end up with that." I say pointing at my own eye to show her what I'm talking about. She reaches up poking at the purple bruise, " That's reasonable." she says adding a small smile.


 " Can anyone venture a guess as to what's inside?" Professor Lupins voice echo's around the room.

" Um, A boggart sir." a boy to the left answers, " Excellent, can anyone tell me what a boggart looks like?

I raise my hand at the same time as Hermione's shoots up, " Miss Granger?" he asks and I turn to scowl at Hermione, the boys snickering behind me when I do. When did she even get here? she wasn't here when I got here and I was one of the last ones here.

" No one knows, boggarts are shapeshifters. they take the shape of whatever a particular person fears the most. That's what makes them so,"- " So terrifying." Lupin interrupts.

I glare at the back of Hermione's head " I knew that." I hiss to Draco and he laughs at me, " Our little Ravenclaw is disguise." he mutters followed by a laugh, I roll my eyes smacking him with my book.

Lupin explains the charm Ridikulus and makes us practice it without our wands.

" say it with me Ridikulus!" he says in a loud voice, " Ridikulus " we all say in unison.

" This class is ridiculous," Draco mutters rolling his eyes and earning a nod from Crabbe.

Lupin explains that we also need laughter for it to work, and then calls Neville forward.

The boy looks around before stepping hesitantly forward, " now Neville, what frightens you most of all?" he ask with a gentle smile.

Neville shifts slightly looking around " Prof.." I cant hear the rest his voice is too quiet, " Sorry?" Lupin says holding a hand to his ear " Professor Snape." laughter starts from everywhere in the room, and I too mind myself trying to suppress a laugh that escapes anyway.

" Ah, professor snape, frightens all." Lupin says quietly chuckling to himself.

He continues to speak to Neville, but ruffling behind me catches my attention. I look to Draco fidgeting with his sling, " do you really need that?" I whisper quietly to him.

He mocks an offended face " I could've died, that beast could've killed me." he shakes his head. I roll my eyes turning away from him " It's your own fault," I smirk looking forward, he smacks me in the back of the head. I turn around scowling at him and he grins at me, seeing as I can't hold back the smile his grin brings to my face I turn around.

" Alright form a line!" Lupin says, I missed Neville's demonstration but laugh when I see Snape in women's clothing. Clutching a bright red bag in his hands, and a confused expression on his face.

Draco Crabbe and Goyle, push to the back of the line but I find myself in front of Harry. We watch as Ron's boggart turns into a spider, and laugh when it's suddenly on roller skates.

Pavrati's turns into a giant snake and then into a giant jack in the box.

Suddenly it's my turn and I slowly step towards the boggart. It takes a second before my father appears before me, His brown hair hanging limp over his face his bright blue eyes full of sadness and his lips formed into a frown. 

His usual tidy appearance trades in for a messy one, The sleeves of his dress shirt undone and pulled up slightly. There's a hint of black ink on his forearm, but his sleeve hides most off it. He has his wand clutched in his hand, and his other hand going up to pinch the bridge of his nose.

" Elliana, I'm very disappointed." he says starting towards me, " They're our friends your supposed to help them." I look at him tilting my head in confusion. " You were supposed to help us." He looks straight into my eyes as he falls to the floor, except now it's my mother laying on the ground. Her eyes are pleading with me to help her. " Ellie, please." she says, and I stand there emotionless and unmoving.

I see Lupin about to step in, right as the light leaves my mothers eyes and she crumples to the floor. But before he can, I pull out my wand and almost whisper the word " Ridikulus." 

I watch as the boggart shifts to a starry night, the full moon hanging over the balcony outside my room In Italy. 

Three figures leaning against the railing, taking form of a laughing Blaise, Draco and I after our photoshoot. I watch the way the moon glints off Draco's eyes in the most beautiful way, and the angelic glow it casts upon Blaise. 

And the way my hair seems to be glowing a bright white color, my face pale with a pink tint on my cheeks. Almost like I was carved out of marble, the smile on my face reaching my eyes as I laugh with my Bestfriends.

I keep my face emotionless as I glance at Professor Lupin and he nods, " Good, very well done." he chokes looking at the moon in my picture with what can only be fear.

I walk to the back of the group to stand in behind Goyle somewhat hiding behind his hulking figure. I ignore a worried glance from Draco, as I watch Harry step up to the boggart.

I fiddle with my cypress bracelet twisting it around my arm. 

Harry's boggart turns into a dementor and I ignore the snicker it brings from Draco. Watching as Harry freezes before it, holding his wand up but not saying anything. It starts towards him but he just stands there motionless.

Lupin steps in front of him and it shifts to a full moon with clouds swirling around it, before it turns into a balloon and flies around the room.

Something is off about this man, something I can't quite put my finger on. Who could be scared of something as beautiful as a full moon, floating amongst the clouds.

" Alright, well sorry about that! Uh, that's enough for today. if you'd all like to collect your books and head back to the class. That's the end of the lesson. Thank you!" he says quietly taking a bow, collective sighs echo around the room " Sorry, you can only have too much of a good thing." and with that people start to file out of the room.

I linger in the class my eyes narrowed at the Professor, why on earth would he be afraid of the moon.

He catches my eye smiling warmly and turning to Harry, I swear I saw panic in his eyes.


I catch up with Draco, walking quietly beside him to wherever he's going; to the dungeons apparently.

He turns to me stopping in his tracks " You okay?" he asks quietly, I compose my face carefully into a smile " Of course." He narrows his eyes looking into mine seemingly trying to read them. Finding nothing. he nods wrapping an arm around my shoulder with a smile.

It's a lie but it got him off my back, for now.

" I must say I did like your ridikulus, minus Blaise of course." he smirks, my cheeks start to burn and I try to hide the smile creeping across my lips.

" The memory wouldn't have been the same without Blaise." I laugh a smirk appearing on my face. " I could always think of the night we went to the beach, But then again what would people say." I tease, and his cheeks turn red slightly.

" personally," he says looking around before placing a gentle kiss on my reddened cheek." I don't care what they think." My face is on fire now as the few people in the corridor glance at us.

I pull my hood up hiding my face " Well I do," he laughs pulling at the back of my hood tugging it off, and out of my grip.

I scowl at him and he laughs at me as I mutter the password to the wall. I walk down the short corridor, as soon as I can squeeze through leaving Draco behind.

I sit down on one of the couches across from Blaise and Daphne with a sigh, Draco joining me soon after.

Blaise grins at me " I heard about your charm with the boggart, glad to be appreciated." He laughs and I scoff at him rolling my eyes. " You're only in it cause that's the first memory that popped into my head, and it's not just you in it." I say confidently a smirk on my face, 

" Oh shut it you love me." he teases, I laugh at him throwing a glance in Draco's direction to see him grinning.

He raises an eyebrow " Yes I'm number one, your number two." Draco adds with a triumphant smile.

I roll my eyes looking at Daphne " More like thing one and thing two." her eyes widen before she bursts out laughing and I can't help joining in.
