Roses from the Dark Lord.

He glares at me " What's that supposed to mean?" he hisses, " You know what I mean, you only came because you had to." I hiss back " You don't really care." I furrow my brows at him.

" Yes I do, Why else would I be here?" he questions raising an eyebrow, " Because it would create a huge problem if anyone found out you didn't show up." I say mirroring his raised eyebrow.

He swallows thickly, he wasn't expecting that, I win. he rolls his eyes at me glancing at Lucius, who's looking at him with furrowed brows.

" That's not true I'm here because she was my sister, and she's dead." My brows furrow at his bluntness and he continues. " And whether you'll admit it or not, you need me!" he says his voice getting louder. As I watch the people around the table grow uncomfortable with the situation.

" I haven't needed you for the past ten years, and I sure as hell don't need you now." I say keeping my voice somewhat calm.

" Language." Narcissa scolds scowling at me, I look to her an apologetic smile on my face. Before turning to my uncle again.

He rolls his eyes " You had your Mother to take care of you and before that your Father." he hisses. I stare at him coldly " You don't have the right to mention my father, and I'll be fine without you." I say standing from my seat at the head, placing my palms on the table.

He scoffs " Sure you will, You locked yourself in your room for a week!" he yells " And not to mention the three days that passed before Malfoy even found you!" he says scowling.

" His name is Lucius, have some respect." I hiss scowling at him, " And what do you expect me to do, write you a letter and say, ' Hey I got home to the house trashed and my Mother dead'" I hiss pausing for a minute before adding.

" Oh and ' P.S I killed the man responsible, But whatever imma go skip around all happy-go-lucky in the fields now!'" I yell glaring at him. His eyes widen and I realize what I just admitted to.

For a moment my head rings out in panic. I look around the room for my friends reactions. Daphne's eyes are wide, and she looks slightly frightened. Blaise is just staring at the table. Draco is looking at me with narrowed eyes, but he doesn't look surprised or frightened.

Aris is glaring at his father, refusing to meet my gaze. Marcus is staring at me wide eyed, him mouth hanging open. And it looks to me like Viktor is trying to hold back a smile, as he stares at the table.

I look away from my friends with a huff. Pushing away from the table knocking over a glass, that tips falling into Aris's lap. He scowls at me " Sorry." I mutter leaving the room.


I'm in my Fathers study, the only place free of distraction. I sit in the chair my head resting on my hands. A million things running through my head. Not like the other day, but similar. I push the thoughts out of my head, trying to focus on something else.

There's a knock at the door, and I look up to see a letter being slid under it. I walk over picking it up and opening it.


Father is making us leave, I've thought about your offer.
And I'd like to accept if it's still on the table.


I open the door, looking around for Aris. I see him standing by the front door. He turns at the sound of the door opening. I don't say anything, I just shoot him a nod. He grins setting his bag down and turning to his Father.

" Actually Father, I'm not coming with you." He says confidently, My uncle turns to him raising an eyebrow. " Yes, you are." he says sternly, Aris shakes his head " I'm old enough to make my own choice, and I've chosen to accept Ellie's offer and stay here." he says firmly shooting a glance back at me. I nod in encouragement and he smiles.

Marcus frowns glancing at me, he's not old enough or I'd allow him to stay too. I smile lightly at him and he scoffs rolling his eyes, his frown replaced with a grin. Viktor watches in amusement as the bickering continues.

My uncle shoots a glare my way but gives in, " Fine, your choice." he hisses. Turning to me with his hand on the door a glare on his face. " See you later, Malikye." I say a mischievous smile on my face, as I shut the door carefully.


After three weeks of non-stop bickering between Aris, Draco and Viktor, I'd given up on hanging out with them. their main focus being on quidditch and the upcoming finals, Where unsurprisingly Viktor's team would face off against the Irish.

So I decide to spend my day writing to Daphne and Blaise. In the peaceful habitat that is my room.

" Ellie?" I turn to the door of my room with a smile. " Hi Lucius," I say taking a second to notice his distracted expression. " what's up?" I ask raising an eyebrow, he smiles gently " May I have a word with you?" I nod looking at him expectantly.

He closes the door waving his wand over it whilst muttering something. He turns to me and I look at him confused. " Ellie what I'm about to tell you mustn't leave this room." he says almost pleadingly, I nod " Of course, what's going on?" I ask slightly frightened but trying my best not to show it.

" Ellie, as I said in my letter things are changing." he says cautiously, " And you need to be prepared for that, with your mother gone the choice is up to you." he says studying my reaction.

I mask my face making it emotionless as I nod for him to continue.

" The Dark Lord will return," he says quietly, despite hexing the room with what I assume was a silencing spell. " And how do you know this?" I question carefully, he looks around before pulling up his sleeve to reveal a scull tattoo with a snake swirling around it. The dark mark.

I knew Lucius had a dark past, but I had assumed he'd left that behind; apparently not.

I freeze for a moment taking a breathe in, " Lucius, what have you done?" I question him. He looks away clearing his throat, " The question is what will you do." he asks his eyes boring into mine.

" He wants to know where the Locke family, including your cousins stand." He says watching me with cautious eyes. I look up to him making sure not to show emotion. I stay silent just thinking for a moment, I'm not sure what I'm supposed to say. If I should even say anything at all.

He takes a step towards me and involuntarily I take a step back, cursing myself when I do so. " In the past your family has stayed neutral, offering help to either side whether it be deatheater or a witch or wizard your father just happened to stumble upon." he states  his voice shaking slightly.

I nod waiting for him to continue, " Now he would like to know where you stand?" his voice is calm now as he ends his speech.

I stare at him blankly for a moment, before swallowing and turning away from him. I pace across the room not quite sure what to think.

What does he expect me to say? am I suppose to just follow his lead, no that doesn't seem right. I sit at my desk, falling into the seat with a sigh. I sit thinking for a minute.

 letting the thoughts overwhelm me for just a moment before I stand and face Lucius. I sigh loudly before looking up " I will follow my father's lead," I start and I see the corner of his lips turn up slightly. " However, if I deem it necessary. I will cut all ties with either side." I say raising an eyebrow.

He looks at me curiously, " My standing will change based on my tolerance for the situation." I say sternly. He nods, stating that he understands what I mean. " Tell him we will remain neutral, unless I deem it fit to do otherwise." I say nodding at my own words.

He nods " I'll tell him," I nod turning away, " But Ellie?" I turn to him with a slight smile. " He requested that you be there, when we bring him back." he says a trace of pain lacing his words. I don't like the idea and judging by his tone, he doesn't either.

However, I get the feeling it's not an option. Just something I'll have to do in order to have his trust. Which is something I'll definitely need.

I nod " Of course, send him my regards." He nods turning and leaving my room.

I watch him leave, drawing in a shaky breathe when the door closes behind him. I drag my hands across my face with a sigh. 'This'll be fun' I think to myself.


I sit sorting through papers at the dining room table when Lucius enters, a house elf carrying a bouquet behind him.

" For you." Lucius says eyeing the bouquet, The elf places them on the table. I look over the pristine black roses carefully, noting a small envelope amongst them. I pluck it carefully from in between the roses and open it.

Elliana Locke,

Thank you for your consideration.

-Tom Riddle 

I draw in a shaky breathe, nodding towards the elf and he scurries off. I hold the note out to Lucius, and he takes it carefully from my hands. He looks up at me with a slight smile before it falls and he places the note on the table, leaving the room.


" Keep up!" Aris yells from in front of me as I jog behind him and Viktor, " Sorry you have the legs of a giraffe!" I yell back picking up my pace. Their booming laughter echo's through the woods behind the manor.

They slow down slightly, and I manage to catch up. Aris and Viktor were keeping up with their training. And I had decided to tag along, I'm regretting it now.

" Awe come on princess, you can run faster than that." Viktor teases and I roll my eyes, " Two of your paces is like, six of mine." I huff drawing in a breathe before continuing " So shut it!" I laugh.

They slow down as they near the house, stopping completely as they stand before the steps. I stop behind them with a huff.

The Malfoy's had gone home, I had invited Viktor to stay since I had already asked Aris. So tomorrow we'd travel to the quidditch cup finals together, Where Aris and I would cheer on Viktor.

I sit on the pavement in front of the house stretching out my legs. Sitting in a straddle and reaching for my feet, as the boys mimicked my movements. I pull myself forward resting on my elbows as I return to the conversation.

" So what position do you play anyway?" I question Viktor, he mocks an offended look. I roll my eyes " What I don't follow quidditch." I say shrugging from my position on the ground.

They laugh " I play seeker." he says grinning " The best in the world!" he shouts with a laugh. I blow out a breathe looking at him excitedly " You know, Draco plays seeker for Slytherin." I say proudly.

They Groan  I give them a questioning look " What?" Aris looks at me his eyes wide " Enough about your boyfriend!" he says with a laugh. I pick up a fallen bud from one of the plants and throw it at him " For the hundredth time! He. Is. Not. My. Boyfriend!" I shout saying each word carefully.

Viktor scoffs " Stop talking about him then." He grins and Aris wiggles his eyebrows at me. I hide the blush appearing on my face- in pure frustration of course - by covering it with my hands. 

They laugh as I attempt to hide the blush, " It's okay princess, we won't tell him you like him." Viktor teases. Aris scoffs smacking his arm " Speak for yourself!" he adds both of them starting to laugh.
