5. Ice-Blue, What

Opening my eyes, I found myself surrounded by chaos, standing in the middle of my bedroom.

The winds had stopped, the pain had subsided, the screams became silent, and the earth had settled. I looked up slowly meeting the swirl-grey eyes of Draco.

He stepped forward cautiously holding out his hand but I took action and wrapped my arms around his neck, "I'm so sorry. I- sorry."

"Shh, shh. It's okay. You did it. Scar, it's okay."

I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck as he wrapped his arms around me.

The moment we pulled apart, I was crushed by four more arms as I returned the embrace quite quickly, "I am so-"

"Sorry, we know."

Pansy and Esmeree laughed before Pansy looked at my face and moved a strand of hair out of my eyes, "Oh, thank merlin! There are the lilac eyes I know and love."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I tilted my head, "What?"

"You're eyes, they went ice-blue. As if you were controlled or possessed, you weren't yourself."

"Ice-blue...?" They nodded as I quickly broke free as I waved my hand cleaning the room and its surroundings. I looked through my shelves but found nothing, "Guys, where's my bag, and my wand?"

"Oh, hold on," Esmeree ran out of the room quickly before returning with my wand and bag in hand, "One thing you should know..."

I waited but it never came, "What?"

Draco stepped forward and lowered his head slightly, "When you collapsed of exhaustion, the other Death Eaters were freeing the Dark Lord. In doing so, he noticed the handle of the Elder Wand... I fought to keep your wand but he threatened my mother over the Elder Wand."

"H- he has the wand?"

Pansy nodded slowly as she met my eyes, "He does, and in five months' time, he plans on setting off the balance between the muggle and wizarding world."

"But the whole point of this so-called 'war,' was so that he could keep the no-mag world separate from our world. That's the goal, why is he wanting to jeopardize that?"

"Scar, he wants to rule over the muggles. He wants pure-blood supremacy."

"But he isn't even pure-blooded..."

I tucked my wand into my boot as I searched through my bag looking for my uncle's notebook. When I finally found the book, I left my room as the other three followed me to the study.

Searching for the novel once more, I gently pulled on the only no-mag book on the shelf, The Notebook. The moment I released the book, there was a click followed by the opening of the door.

I walked into the room and motion for the other three to follow me as I placed my uncle's journal on the podium in the middle of the room. I flipped through the pages and soon found his own entry.

the soul changed eye

He had written an entry about how his own eye had become the icy-blue color after he had damaged a part of his soul. From what Pansy told me, the same thing happened to me, but it was worse because it wasn't just a part of my soul, it was my soul that was damaged.

I closed the book and turned back to the three who were scanning the shelves and looking through books, as I sighed, "It's happening to me."

Draco turned to me and cocked his head confused, "What do you mean?"

"Nothing, never mind, it's fine. Just thinking."
