24. Expressing Views

The room above seemed to be a combination of living room and workplace, and as such, was even more cluttered than the kitchen.

There were piles upon piles of books and papers on every surface.

Luna wasn't there: but not because she was at Hogwarts, it was because she was taken by the Death Eaters, but I couldn't tell them that, they'd ask questions.

We all took a seat and Mr. Lovegood turned to us once more, "Why exactly have you come here?"

"We need some help," Harry wasted no time and met the man's eyes.

"Ah, help, umm," Mr. Lovegood seemed to be terrified and uncomfortable, "Yes. The thing is, helping Harry Potter is rather dangerous..."

"Aren't you the one who keeps telling everyone it's their duty to help Harry?" Ron shook his head in disbelief at the man, "In that magazine of yours?"

Mr. Lovegood glanced behind him at the printing press, beneath the tablecloth before turning to us again, "Err, yes, I have expressed that view. however-"

"That's for everyone else to do, not you personally?" Ron was growing annoyed but so were all of us. Mr. Lovegood didn't answer. He only sat still, his eyes glancing between all of us. Harry eyed the man curiously as if trying to figure something out.

"Where's Luna?" Hermione asked ignoring my previous words before, "Let's see what she thinks."

"Hermione. I told you. She's not here, she's back at Hogwarts."

She sighed and then nodded, remembering as Mr. Lovegood looked at me. His face contorted into confusion as he met my eye but only for a moment before he turned away, "Right, yes. She is still at Hogwarts, safe and sound. Very safe, she is."

"Now," Mr. Lovegood took a deep breath and exhaled, "How may I help you, Mr. Potter?"

"Well," Harry started before glancing at Hermione, who nodded for him to continue, "It's about that symbol you were wearing around your neck at Bill and Gen's wedding, Mr. Lovegood. We wondered what it meant."

The man raised his eyebrows as I knew he knew what it meant. But before I could say anything he leaned forwards and whispered as we all listened.

"Are you referring to the sign of the Deathly Hallows?"
