2. Agony And Pain

"Please, Scarlett, don't do this!"

"Draco, move."

"No! I'm not going to let you do this. Come back to reality, come back to me. I need you."

"He killed my uncle," my voice was low and venomous as I stayed fixated on the man just before me.

"I know now, and I'm sorry, but you can't kill him."

"Why not? Give me one good reason. Hasn't he taken enough? My uncle? Your freedom?"

I took my eyes off Riddle only for a moment, but a second was long enough to fall into the swirl-grey eyes that were in front of me, "I know, but if he goes, he could take anyone with the mark with him. Including me."

His eyes begged for me to return, but I could sense it he was afraid of me. Draco stood before me and was afraid, he was afraid of me.

I focused on my magic and my source before taking a deep breath as I closed my eyes.

Coming back to my senses, I opened my eyes and he slowly took my wand in his hand before I fell into his arms where he held me against his chest.

Exhaustion took over and he held me while the others went to help their beloved leader.

Then all I saw was darkness.
