46. The Story

Returning home, I walked the kids into their room as I soon sat down on the carpet in front of the fireplace as they all came and surrounded me.

"Mum, can you tell the story again?"

I nodded as I put my arms around the twins as Draco walked in, sitting with Scorpius and Esmeree who had just gotten home.

Sighing, I smiled before turning to the fire.

Spells and curses were thrown back and forth and soon enough, I swiftly tucked my wand away. I focused and channeled my magic. But before I could do anything, he summoned a ring of fire around me, to which I laughed in his face, until I heard the unforgettable spell.

"Protega Diabolica!"

I froze, as the flames grew.

"You are no match, little girl. Enjoy your last day. After all, you love living for the greater good."

"No, no, no. NO! YOU COME BACK HERE!" I ran to the edge of the fire as I screamed at the top of my lungs, my voice cracking just at the end.

But he was gone. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't put the fire out, it was too late and I was losing control.

"No, no..."

I fell to my knees on the soft snow as tears were starting to brim in my eyes, I held my arms out as I let out a cry for help.

My magic was useless. The more I tried to stop the fire, the bigger it became and the more violent it grew. The fire was growing restless and maintained its fiery hue as I stood amidst the chaos.

I tried to concentrate, but the noise was too much. I took a deep breath and focused, standing up. I closed my eyes and tried to find my core. Opening my eyes, I noticed that the veins I had worked so hard to cover reappeared, only they matched the colors of the flame.

Connecting to my core only made matters worse as the fire was beginning to grow over me, soon enough I was surrounded, there was nowhere to go. I was trapped in a dome of fire, and no matter how hard I tried to find the source of my power, it only got worse.

I tried to fight fire with fire and I tried to distinguish the flame with water, but nothing was working. Before I could do anymore, the fiery wyverns appeared as they do when summoned.

The dragon-like figures were trapped in the dome as much as I was, but they were trapped with me. As they flew around growing angry, they took their fair share of shots at me as I defended myself, as much as I could.

My magic was beginning to consume me, and the last thing I remembered was the only ones who were ever there for me, Esmeree and Draco. The only people running through my mind.

Losing my balance and misplacing my steps, I took a fall to my side as I shivered from the temperatures of bitterly cold snow. I was struggling to handle the warmth of the fire as I rolled to my back, unable to move as I laid my arms over my stomach and chest.

If anyone were to meet my eyes, they would see the fear that I felt, the anger, and the pain. Then all I remembered was the loss I felt, before falling into oblivion.

My eyes shut, all I could hear was my heartbeat and nothing else. Seconds went by and I could now hear my heavy breathing before I opened my eyes. Seeing the icy blue fire around me, I still only heard the sounds of my breathing and the beats of my heart.

Looking to my side, I then heard the crackling of the fire before hearing the roars of the dragon-like figures. Getting to my knees, I held my arms out and let out a scream as I focused on my magic. Watching as the flames only grew brighter, I fought to stand on my feet as I then let out another scream, only this time something was different.

All I thought about was getting home, I thought about my future.

I looked up as I met Draco's eyes before turning back to the flames once more.

Forcing my powers to work, the fire didn't just go away, instead, they were absorbed. I fell to my knees once more as the dome of fire collapsed on me. And it was gone.

I struggled to get to my feet again before falling to my knees as my hands felt the soil and the grass around me. Using my magic, I apparated only I didn't get far and ended up vomiting as I landed before being thrown across the snowy grass. Apparating wasn't going to work, so I started walking and when I reached the big hill, there it was: Hogwarts.

I changed my form and soon was able to apparate into the walls of the school. Landing in the courtyard, I saw many of the students in trouble and sent spells, helping them. Then before I knew it, I stood at the top of a pillar, sending hundreds of those dementor creatures away.

Soon enough, I saw your father, he was backing away from a troll as he closed his eyes waiting for impact before I knocked the troll back and helping your father up. He looked at me confused before he took in a deep breath as he stuttered, "Th- thank you."

I had simply smiled and nodded, "Always."

Before he could react I apparated away before soon arriving in the Great Hall. That's where we lost some of the greatest people who lived. But it's also where your father soon proposed to me.

"And in the end, after everything, we have each other. We have our family."

I smiled as I finished the story before I kissed the top of the twin's heads as they soon got into bed, followed by Scorpius as I pulled Esmeree into a hug before she too left.

Tomorrow was a big day for them and Draco grabbed my hand as we closed the last door behind us before heading to our room.

"That story just shows how powerful you are, love."

"Thank you, Dragon. But it wasn't worth anything without you."

We got into bed and soon fell asleep in the comfort of one another.
