43. Your Person

"Then by the power invested in me, by the Ministry of Magic and the Wizarding World. I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, you may now kiss the bride."

I turned to him as he put his hands on either side of my face, and the area fell away.

I had never gotten so lost, until now. The space between us was no more and my heart kept missing beats as he pulled me in closer.

Maybe it lasted a minute, maybe it lasted an hour. All I knew was that in that kiss, I didn't know it until now. I finally found my person, the person I had been waiting for forever. He was my soulmate and now he was mine as I was his. {~Jodi Picoult}

Sounds of cheers sounded as we pulled apart. The girls all rushed over and pulled me into hugs as the guys congratulated Draco.

I walked over as Draco and I switched spots. I pulled Blaise into a hug and he held me tightly, "You finally got your happy ever after."

Pulling back, I nodded and smiled, "Yeah, I guess I did. Now, are you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

I gave him another smile as Ron pulled me into a hug, "You look gorgeous."

"Why thank you, Ron. You clean up nicely."

He rolled his eyes and chuckled, "Well, this is the nicest thing, I have ever worn on my body."

"Only the very best, Ronald."

Moving on, I then gave Harry a hug as he gave me a nod before I turned to Theodore.

"Thanks for including me, even after everything."

"Hey, the past is in the past, I forgive you."

He gave me a smiled before I was then slipping my arm around Draco's as we walked back into the hall where the reception took place.

Smiling throughout the night, everyone laughed and even cried tears of joy before we soon sat down for speeches.

We all raised our glasses before Pansy stood up, "Hello everyone. I would just like to say a few words. We all know Scarlett and Draco and though some things are best left unsaid, I just want to say that I love you both," she looked over at us and smiled before then meeting my eyes, "Scarlett, my soul sister. I am so proud of you. Everything that you've done until now, I am so proud of you. And from messing with Draco and aggravating him, I'm glad you found each other."

Taking a sip from our glasses, Blaise then stood up from beside Pansy, "Similar words, I love you both like family. Draco, my best mate, and Scarlett, my wing woman," Draco raised his brow and gave him a look before glancing between the two of us as Blaise chuckled and continued, "But Draco, even though you love the spotlight, I was given permission. So... sorry mate."

I nodded and smiled as I gave him a wink before he chuckled and pulled out his chair, getting on his knee, "Pansy Azalea Parkinson, will you marry me?"

She turned around and widened her eyes as she looked back at me, confused before I nodded. She turned back to Blaise and covered her mouth with her hands as she backed up in her seat before nodding as she laughed breathlessly through tears, "Yes! Yes!"

Standing up, he pulled her up with him and they shared a kiss before he placed the ring on her finger as she then ran over to my seat, "Scarlett! How dare you not tell me?!"

Letting out a laugh, I shook my head before giving her a hug, "You found your person."
