1. Finding Control

My hair stood on end, a shiver raced down my spine and a lump came to my throat as I looked up from my uncle's tear-stained shirt.

It was his fault.

I laid my uncle aside gently as I rose from the stone ground. All I wore was a scowl of pure hatred and I started towards the unconscious monster.

I pulled out my wand and levitated him towards me before as I soon apparated back to Malfoy Manor. The moment my feet landed on the marble floors I threw his body against the ground. He lay unmoving as the commotion brought the attention of many others.

They rushed into the foyer and upon seeing Riddle they rushed to help him, but I stopped them.

"Don't you dare touch him! He will pay for what he did!"

They froze unsure of what to do, I rolled my eyes and sneered as I focused while I shook the earth around them before they soon backed up. I smirked and waited before Riddle finally regained his consciousness.

He opened his eyes and growled as he rose, finding his balance before he looked up and glared at me, "You."

I glared back and smirked, "That's right, it's me."

Growling he faced me and held his wand up at me, meanwhile I stood handsfree.

"Avada Kadavra!"

I dodged his spell before connecting with the earth as I grew vines that trapped his legs.

He continued to throw killing curses at me while I only deflected them and blocked them. He stopped only for a moment astonished and terrified as I blocked the killing curse.

"No man has ever survived that."

I smirked and cocked my head, taunting him, "Well it's a good thing I'm no man."

He scowled annoyed and started throwing curses once more only as I faced them head-on.

"You may have crossed me once, but no one, no one crosses me twice and gets away with it."

"I apologize, are you furious? Furious that I ended the pathetic life of your pathetic uncle."

He threw a spell at me that knocked me back, throwing me against a wall as I growled before getting up. I glared at him and threw a curse his way before he hit me again with the same spell, pushing me against the wall as for a single moment I gasped for air before I reversed the spell and got to my feet.

I glared daggers at him as I held my hands out before me, showing him what power was.

I focused on hurting him and him alone as I used my mark that laid on his hand.

"You USED me! You USED me to get to him! YOU MONSTER!"

He fell to his knees crying out in immense pain before he let out a maniacal laugh as the others watched too frightened to make a move.

Yelling as I connected to my source, I held my hands out before me, and before I could comprehend what was happening, there was the source starting to take in as I showed true power. I was starting to become overwhelmed, but I wasn't going to stop.

I smirked before Riddle met my eyes only he fell back in fear as I pulled out my wand.

"I won't cross you again. Just don't send me there."

"Begging, are we? You are as good as dead. Your life is meaningless. I mean, what were you going to do if you took over? Rule over dead corpses. No." I spat at him before channeling my magic as I took a step towards him, and then another, and another.

"I'll do anything," he starting pulling at the vines as he stayed fixated on me, "Don't send me there."

"Scared, really Riddle? But, where's there might I ask?" I gave him a look of confusion as a small sigh of relief came to him. Only until I laughed, mocking him, "Are you talking about the personal hell that every person experiences if ended by this wand. My wand, the Death Wand."

I clicked my tongue and gave him a sweet smile as my eyes widened, "Are you afraid of your own hell, Riddle?"

His eyes widened as I smiled cynically walking towards him again. Just a few feet away before I ended him.

But then someone else stepped in front of me.
