
A/N: Hello, everyone! Okay, so some people seem to be having trouble seeing/remembering who has what monster. These are all the current pairs of monster and Huntsman/Huntress:

Ruby= Stygian Zinogre (I will admit, I wasn't very clear that it would be Ruby's monster, though.)

Weiss= Gammoth

Yang= Rajang

Winter= Zamtrios

Jaune= Glavenus

Nora= Kirin

Pyrrha= Nerscylla

Ren= Mizutsune

Everybody got that? Good. Also, shoutout to Coachcaptain 101, who has agreed to take up my challenge on Class 1-A watching Monster Hunter! You go, buddy!

"Oh, yeah! I get my monster next! So, mine is the big monkey that turns gold like me, right?" Yang asked.

"Oh, it's so much more than that, Yang. Strap yourselves in, people. This is gonna be one wild ride." Katana told them all.

"After what we've just seen with Nerscylla and Khezu, I don't believe anything can frighten us now." Weiss declared proudly.

"Agreed. A simple primate cannot be anywhere near as terrifying as those creatures." Winter agreed with her younger sister.

"Oh, my sweet summer child, what do you know of fear?" Katana asked, sounding like an old woman for a second.

"Okay, I feel like you're referencing something and we don't get it and that's not fair." Qrow said.

"Let's just see what it is already! The faster we get this done, the faster we get our monsters!" Neo declared. Katana said nothing else and simply started the video.

Everything started out pitch black as Rage narrated. "Hello, my fellow hunters. Today, we talk about the strongest creature in all of Monster Hunter... GOKU!" He declared, as suddenly a man with golden hair and bluish-green eyes, radiating with power, a golden aura surrounding him was shown, covered in several bruises and scratches, bleeding from a cut on his forehead.

"So, that's the guy you were telling us about back during Zinogre?" Pyrrha asked.

"Yep. This was back when he was at his best, truly fighting for the fate of the universe and to avenge his fallen friend against the tyrant who killed him, Frieza." Katana explained.

"And we've seen Rajang can glow just like that. But I doubt the big monkey's even half as cool as that." Neo declared.

"50 lien says you're wrong!" Yang said.

"You're on!" Neo said eagerly.

"That better not be my money, Neo." Cinder warned.

"Don't worry, it's not... It's Emerald's and Mercury's." Neo assured her.

"And the thing is, I'm not really misleading you. Meet Rajang, the Super Saiyan monkey, indeed very similar to Goku in many regards. And he is utterly terrifying. He is a monster that, no matter how much of a veteran you are, still can shake you to the core and can send you home in a ball crying. And I mean literally, he'll pick you up, bend your limbs into a ball shape, breaking all your limbs and then just throw you home like a ball. And he is strong! When I say strongest, I don't mean all-powerful, that's still Fatalis, but I mean physical strength. He is UNBELIEABLY strong, which makes sense, he is a primate, they tend to be powerful and a monsterized version of Goku. I really do need to sell this. This is a nice visual representation of a fight between Rajang and Zorah Magdaros." Rage explained.

A clip was then shown of a MASSIVE naked, humanoid creature with a strange skull mask covering the upper half of his head and face, standing above a massive crater. Suddenly, a man in a yellow one piece suit with a belt, red gloves and boots and a white cape shot out of the crater, Rajang's head superimposed onto his head. He then delivered a powerful punch that sent the massive creature reeling.

"Whoa! That was awesome!" Ruby cheered excitedly.

"I wish that giant man had been a bit more covered up, but indeed, very impressive." Glynda agreed.

"So, what is this Zorah Magdaros?" Ironwood asked.

"Absolutely behemoth of a monster with a literal volcano on its back." Katana explained, the creature briefly being shown on screen, much to everyone's amazement. "But no, Rajang could not actually beat it like that. A stronger monster tried and failed, not to mention the Commissions greatest efforts on two different occasions only managed to redirect it rather than kill it... Even if they weren't really trying..." Katana said, whispering that last part.

"So, as you can probably tell, I adore Rajang. I think he is amazing, despite how many times he's nearly ended my entire existence. He is brutal, fighting him is magnificent, heart-pounding, epic and difficult. He is arguably the most difficult monster for any singular hunter to bring down. He has the speed to make you go 'where did he- he's behind me, isn't he- Aaah!' He has the kind of power to just punch through you, into the the rock behind you, through the rock behind you, through the three steel sheets that somehow got put in the rock and then just for kicks, come back with a handful of diamond he scooped out with his bare fingers. Needless to say, he's the full package." Rage explained as a group of four hunters struggled to truly pin down and attack the Rajang as it rushed back and forth, attacking wildly.

"Well, that's... quite the image." Ozpin said, shocked. Hazel could certainly hit hard, but even when going all out, he wouldn't be able to put out that level of striking force.

"Holy crap. I think that kind of speed puts anyone except Oobleck and RWBY to shame." Jaune said, amazed.

"You guys aren't that much slower. You could probably keep up with a Rajang pretty easily." Blake said supportively.

"If it could reach into a rock and pull out diamonds, this would be the greatest monster of all time!" Weiss declared, thinking, along with Neo, of how they could make a killing off of the jewelry they could make with those diamonds. Sure, she's already a rich heiress, but all that money is still her father's at the moment. Nothing wrong with trying to make her own right now!

"He's got devastating physical attacks, he can shoot LIGHTNING and one of his most terrifying attacks involves jumping into the air, curling up into a ball, covering himself in electricity and golden glory and then smashes himself down into the ground as an explosion ball of power, then bounces back up into the air and does it two more times. As this is happening, hunters will scatter and dive, desperately pleading not to die! And he is just monstrously strong in the truest definition of the word." Rage described the creature's most basic offensive abilities, before a large open desert area was shown, looking like some kind of arena, before Rajang was released out into it, doing the ball attack Rage had just described, only to faceplant into the ground.

"To dodge that even once seems to be quite the challenge, so to dodge three times must be truly difficult." Winter noted.

"For hunters, yes, but once again, you're at least triple their speeds." Katana told her.

"Weiss! Maybe you should try that with ice! Or Yang could do it with fire!" Ruby suggested.

"No." Weiss refused.

"Maybe." Yang said.

Rajang quickly got back up and roared in rage to cover its embarrassment. "So, what is his deal, then? So, despite being a very rare monster, he was discovered relatively early in the commissions career, the second generation, belonging to the new family, the Pelaguses, which were monkey, mammal-y monsters, one of which was Congalala." Rage explained as a pink gorilla-like monster was shown sniffing around a strange shell, which belonged to a hermit crab-like creature as it was hunkered down to hide from it.

"Ooh, I like that colors." Nora noted.

"Yeah, this seems like a cool monster." Jaune agreed.

"Not too smart, though. It's messing with a crab and its getting up front where the pincers are." Coco pointed out.

"No! Watch out, Congalala! Don't get pinched!" Velvet said worriedly.

which... He's a pink monkey, he's an early monster, but he's so much fun. He carries a mushroom he eats when he gets injured and it gives him different abilities depending on which mushroom it is, he um... has very genuine monkey-like attacks that require you to use an item called deodorant. You can get where I'm going with that..." Rage said, although began to sound more awkward as the explanation went on while the Congalala lifted up the shell and sniffed under it, forcing the crab monster to try and defend itself, pinching the beast's nose to make it back off, causing the Congalala to fall onto its back and thrash wildly as the crab held on for dear life, before the Congalala finally grabbed it and ripped it off its nose, throwing it to the ground, nursing its nose in a panic, its face flushed a deep red, before it turned around, revealing an equally red butt, which let out a devastating fart on the poor carapacean.

"Sadly, that's what you get. If you don't leave it alone and get past its defense, it has nothing left to do but go on the offensive." Ren said, nodding as the crab pinched the Congalala's nose.

"It's poor nose..." Pyrrha said sadly.

"EWWW!" All the girls cried out at once and the males all recoiled in disgust.

"So, that's the one you mentioned back during Brachydios that... does that and also throws... something at you?" Glynda asked.

"Correct." Katana said.

"Please never bring those to Remnant." Blake requested.

"They have a place in the natural order, just like all other monsters." Katana defended the pink primate.

"NO CONGALALA'S ON REMNANT!" They all shouted.

"But Congalalala-" Rage began, before realizing he'd pronounced the name wrong and laughed. "I can't take the name Congalala seriously! Any time I hear it I think of Congalala la-la-" Rage explained, before it cut to a strange floating brown puffball with tiny green, reptilian arms and legs, repeatedly singing "la-la-la-la". "But they were great monsters, fuck Blongonga. But Rajang is the pinnacle of them. Now renamed Fanged Beasts, they are very similar to Fanged Wyverns, but Mammalian. So, initially, Rajang was thought to be an Elder Dragon, he was so unbelievably powerful and rare, the researchers were like 'Yeah, obviously that's an- are you stupid?! Obviously that's an Elder Dragon! Are you kidding me?! Look what he did to Pete!' Pete's just a red smudge on the ground now." Rage continued as the hunters continued to face Rajang, managing to land it in a trap and score several hits on it while it was trapped.

"Rough day for Pete, then." Cinder said, wincing lightly.

"If Rajang did indeed crush this Pete into a red paste, it must exert nearly two tons of pressure in order to do so. Or, more approximately, 1.8 tons of pressure." Penny explained.

"Something tells me that thing can put out those numbers. And probably way more." Qrow said.

"So, Rajang, then is one of the four non-Elder Dragons that can challenge the Elder Dragons and in Rajang's case, not only challenge them, handily beat them down. Like, he would have no issues punching a Teostra to death. This is further evidenced by his favorite diet, he hunts and feeds on Kirin. This, coupled with a lightning organ that he has which likely enables him to have this diet, gives him the lightning powers that he possesses. Not that he needs them, given his hilarious physical prowess, but you know, why not?" Rage asked as a familiar scene from Kirin's lore was shown of a Rajang trying to catch a Kirin while the majestic thunder pony dodged the beast at every turn.

"I'm telling you right now, Xiao Long! Keep that ugly ape away from my thunder pony or I'm breaking your legs, then the monkey's!" Nora warned, Yang raising her hands in surrender.

"No offence Nora but I think a monster as graceful and elegant as Kirin should be given to someone who matches it." Weiss declared, placing a hand on her chest to show she meant herself as the elegant match for Kirin.

"Oh please you just wanna live your childhood dream of riding a unicorn." Yang called out the heiress.

"Wha... I... Tha-that's not true!" Weiss denied.

"OMG, that's what I always wanted too! Besides being a huntress I always dreamed about riding a magical unicorn." Ruby said excitedly.

"Not happening you two, Nora gets the electric pony and that's final." Katana told them

"Aww." Weiss and Ruby both whined disappointedly. [1]

"And don't worry, Nora. It's been recently discovered Rajangs only eat the Kirin's HORN, not the whole creature. Still not great for Kirin, but the horn DOES grow back." Katana explained. Nora let out a sigh of relief from that.

"Talking of hilarious physical prowess, a lot of people ask who'd win in a fight between Deviljho and Rajang and, supposedly, they're on about the same level, but I'm very much team Rajang because Rajang can put his hands into the ground and, using sheer grip strength alone, pull a rock out and rock gets very heavy very quickly, that should via rough, dirty math, weigh about 30 to 40 TONS, scaling it to Rajang himself. Which means, he has the arm strength in that size of a body to lift a 40 ton boulder, not just lift it, pull it out of the ground with his fingertips! And then 'Here, catch!' like it's nothing! Do you know what getting punched with arms that strong would do to you!? If he punched Deviljho in the jaw, Deviljho would no longer have a jaw! Or be alive!" Rage explained as Rajang was indeed shown driving his arms into the ground and bringing them out alongside a massive boulder, JUMP 8 FEET INTO THE AIR WITH IT, then hurl it at the poor unfortunate hunters.

Everyone was left in absolute shock at this. "Wow. Suddenly two tons feels like nothing." Neo said, dumbfounded.

"Dang. I needed Torchwick to smash me through three concrete pillars to put out that kind of power." Yang said in amazement.

"So, if we're ever in a serious situation, we'll just have Rajang hit you really hard, then both of you can hit the enemy incredibly hard." Weiss declared.

"That's a bad idea." Blake said, horrified.

"Yeah. Super hard pass." Yang agreed.

"So as you've probably seen, then, when he gets mad, when he enrages, his fur stands on end and golden glows, Super Saiyan mode and it is beautiful, it's impressive and holy hell, does it give him a little bit of a boost in power. His muscles harden so that they just deflect blades! His arms and legs, they get noticeably stronger and faster! He becomes even more furious, angry and deadly. And, the thing is, they're already incredibly furious, angry and deadly. I mean, we're approaching the maximum furious, angry and deadly that anything has any right to be." Rage explained as a picture of an enraged Rajang holding up a log or pillar of stone with a glowing red fire sword stabbed into the pillar, which the Rajang was about to bring down on a defenseless hunter.

"Well, he's dead." Cinder said simply.

"Cinder! Come on, show some kind of tact." Ruby scolded her.

"It may be harsh, but she's not wrong. Clearly that hunter was not prepared enough to fight a Rajang. And he's about to pay for it." Ironwood said solemnly.

"There may yet still be a chance, but it's clear we won't see the end of that particular battle." Ozpin told them.

"They are nomadic as all the big super predators tend to be and wherever he goes, from volcano, to desert, to tundra, to desert, to jungle, he asserts himself as the dominant apex there. Because, of course he does, what is gonna try and fight a Rajang off, are you kidding me? So, he will essentially do what he please, but it gets even worse than that! There is a Variant of Rajang, the Furious Rajang, much like the Savage Deviljho, which is permanently enraged, well... Furious Rajang is permanently in Super Saiyan and he is able to GO BEYOND!" Rage explained as the battle against Rajang continued, briefly showing a clip of Goku with a golden background as he screamed in rage. "And enrage on top of that and get this little bit of a red glow to him, he gains the golden electricity crackling around him. You don't wanna fight this guy, he becomes hilariously strong." Rage warned.

"I'd say bring it on!" I'd totally take one on!" Yang declared.

"Why did he put so much emphasis on 'go beyond?'" Jaune asked.

Well, nowadays, it's two references. One for Japan and there heroes, who like to say 'Go beyond! Plus Ultra!' But, more also, in Goku's case, he can go beyond and ascend to the next level. He has MANY more transformations besides just Super Saiyan." Katana said, showing them all the different forms Goku specifically can take.

"Very impressive." Winter said, feeling a warm in certain areas as Goku only became buffer with each form, minus Super Saiyan God, but he seemed to get the muscles back in the next forms.

"Except the hair! That looks ridiculous!" Neo laughed.

"I think he makes it work." Pyrrha defended the form.

"Interesting. And semblances are known to adapt and evolve. Perhaps, with enough training, Yang, you could have similar transformations." Ren theorized.

"Yeah! And I'll call it Super SaiYang!" Yang declared.

"I'd... keep working on that. Sorry." Velvet told her.

"Just to further sell how ridiculous Rajang is, it can't actually be trapped in a pitfall when it's in its normal state. He can be caught in a pitfall when he's enraged, which inverses with Furious Rajang, but that's incredible and devastating to many hunters that he can, half the time, ignore your pitfall traps, which he shares with Elder Dragons. Deviljho fights back in them, but he always will go in, so it's kind of a nice little mark of 'Yeah, this thing means business'. He's also ridiculously intelligent for a monster, not Elder Dragon almost sentient level, but really quite smart. He can coat his punches in electricity to make them nigh unblockable, making hunters choose between death or faceplanting the dirt, giving them almost no time to recover before murdering their ass." Rage explained as a group of four hunters were then seen taking on TWO Rajangs AT ONCE, while they also let off a strange black mist.

"Interesting. So timing truly is everything when it comes to facing a Rajang." Ironwood noted.

"But to be able to completely circumvent the traps hunters require to capture or possibly even hit such a creature, it almost seems impossible, or at the very least unfair." Glynda said.

"They must learn to adapt and change their outlook on the battle. Being able to change tactics is vital for any warrior, no matter what their target is." Ozpin said sagely.

"Still, those guys have got guts two go after two of those monsters. But what's with that black smoke?" Qrow asked.

"All shall be revealed in time." Katana assured them.

"He will really fuck with your timing and, kind of, it feels like he almost sees through you. He's a primate, you know? They're pretty intelligent and, obviously, he's a monstrous version of that. So, he essentially has everything and no crazy weakness. I mean, he doesn't like ice, but that's only a vulnerability to an element, rather than a full on easy method to shut him down like many other monsters tend to have. But, at least it doesn't get worse than that... No, it does! IT DOES!" Rage cried out in fear.

"Why would you trick us like that!?" Weiss demanded.

"He's a cruel, twisted man." Blake growled.

"I don't know how much more craziness I can process." Ruby groaned.

"There is a Rajang in the Frontiers, a far away land not watched over by the Guild that many hunters consider to be uninhabitable, but people still try, although I won't, because I don't really like the monsters there..." Rage began to explain.

"He really is judge-y with a lot of these monsters, isn't he?" Nora asked.

"He's been hunting for so long, he's just become really set on what monsters should and shouldn't be like. But yes, his judgement is often pretty ridiculous and unfair." Katana agreed.

"All creatures look the way they do for a reason. It's not our place to judge nature." Ren stated.

"But the Rajang there, known as a Hardcore Rajang can fire a SPIRIT BOMB! A SPIRIT! BOMB! The explosion from which supposedly instantly electrocutes everything caught in it to death... Except Rajang. The force of it is so blindingly brilliant, it can be seen over a mile away!" Rage explained in awe and disbelief. "Yeah... He is terrifying, but he is awesome! Even his roar is goddamn terrifying!" He added as a sound clip of the roar was heard. "Seriously, no matter what does his roar, it remains bloody terrifying! Like a kitten..." He went on as an adorable, tiny black kitten was shown, sitting down and opening its mouth, but Rajang's roar erupted from it. "Or this fish..." He continued, showing a strange fish, which opened its mouth and let out Rajang's roar as well. "Or even a baby!" He finished as a baby in a high chair was shown, opening its mouth like it was laughing, but Rajang's roar came out instead.

"No way!" Jaune said in shock and disbelief.

"Such incredible power... It's unreal." Pyrrha said. She would almost be willing to get under that Gypceros skin with Nerscylla if it means not being fried by that attack.

"How can anyone survive that?!" Cinder asked, struggling to comprehend what she just witnessed.

"By running. Far, far away." Neo declared.

"Such a level of electricity would no doubt short circuit me." Penny said fearfully.

But they had all had to admit, Rajang's roar was scary and epic, but became hilarious when it came out of all the things it shouldn't come out of.

"But that is basically it, there's not a lot to Rajang other than being a super powerful, super deadly predator, except if you cut off his tail in Super Saiyan mode, he'll instantly de-power and go normal mode again, which is one more similarity to Saiyans, losing their tail and being unable to transform into an Ozaru. But other than that, again, that's it, just a super powerful killing machine that will roll over you, over everything you've loved and make you curl up as the defeated hunter you are, before begging for mercy and you know what? Rajang is all out of mercy..." Rage went out on a dark note as the hunters desperately tried bringing down Rajang, catching it in a trap and wailing on it, appearing to have killed it, only for it to suddenly spring out of the trap and start the bloodbath all over again...

"Oh, that is so cool! Katana, please give us our monsters now! I want Rajang so bad!" Yang pleaded.

"I want that thing to stay as far away from me as possible!" Weiss declared.

"If we had anything nearly that dangerous on Remnant, we'd need constantly surveillance keeping tabs on them at all times." Ironwood started his game plan.

"And takedown squadrons ready at all times in all major cities and small villages full armed with ice dust ready to repel or bring down those beasts." Winter proposed.

"One of those beasts may even be too much for Hazel to handle on his own." Ozpin noted.

"Certainly, since he's mainly known for using Fire and Lightning dust when he gets serious, which I doubt would do much to Rajang." Glynda agreed.

"I mean, sure we saw that they're super dangerous, but didn't Katana say hunters can still take them down one-on-one?" Ruby asked.

"Those would have to be some hunters..." Cinder said.

"No, Ruby's right. Rajang is indeed one of the most dangerous monsters known to man, but he's still far from THE deadliest. Not even in the top 10, really. And even weaker monsters have been known to injure him, since he doesn't have any natural armor to speak of when he's not enraged and even then, it's only his arms." Katana explained.

"Finally, some good news." Ren sighed in relief.

"But one of these days, we're gonna have to hear about that Deviljho guy he keeps talking about!" Nora demanded.

"We will, but first, we need to wrap up team RWBY's collection of monsters." Katana told them.

"So, it's time for my monster, then?" Blake asked.

"Yep. And it's just like you: fast, elusive, striking quick out of nowhere and disappearing just as fast... and it's part cat!" Katana explained, starting the next video.

A/N: Thank you all for reading! I hope you enjoyed as always! But also, sorry if this sounds lazy, but many of you have been asking for other monster in particular, a popular one being the Magala trio. I do intend to get to those, but I'm also trying to get through the monsters I have planned to partner with RWBY and co. first.

So, to make it easier, while I work on the monsters that RWBY and friends will receive, if you could start working on the transcripts for the monsters you want to see, so that I can just breeze through them, but still keep working on the main monsters. I understand if you don't want to put in the work, it's just a hopeful option so we can see this story grow together. You can send them to me in PM's.

[1] Thank you to qazse for that scene!
